ARM Error
ARM and Data Plane OpenAPI(swagger) specs
Property named: "{0}", must follow camelCase style. Example: "{1}".
Property named: "{0}", for definition: "{1}" must follow camelCase style. Example: "{2}".
Property names must use lowerCamelCase style. If the property is a single word (ex: foo, bar, etc.) it will be all lowercase. Two-letter acronyms (ex: ID, IO, IP, etc.) should be capitalized. Three-letter acronyms (ex: API, URL, etc.) should only have the first letter capitalized (ex: Api, Url, etc.) For more capitalization guidance, see:
Per ARM guidelines, properties should follow camel case format as specified at
Adopt camel case format as indicated by the rule. Please note that this may require a service side update and may cause a breaking change.
Serialization of the property by the SDK will follow casing as defined in the spec file. Make sure casing matches the service implementation.
Examples of lowerCamelCase style:
- camelCase
- foo
- bar
- fooBarBaz
- resourceKey
- resourceApiKey
- publicIPAddress
- enableSsl
The following would be invalid:
- PascalCase
- UpperCamelCase
- resourceAPIKey
- enableSSL
The following violate these guidelines but would not be caught by automation:
- alllowercase - If there are multiple words, please capitalize starting with the second word
- miXeDcApItAlIzAtIoN - Please capitalize the first letter of each word (and not seemingly random letters)
- resourceAPIkey - Automation would incorrectly recognize "Ikey" as a word and not flag the property name