The Az.LabServices.BulkOperations.psm1 module enables bulk operations on Resource Groups, Lab Plans and Labs via commandline based on declarative configuration information. The standard pattern of usage is by composing a pipeline as follows:
Load configuration info from db/csv/...
=> Transform configuration info
=> Publish the labs
- Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Examples
- Structure of the example BellowsCollegeLabs_Sample.csv
- Structure of the example BC_CompSci_AI_200_Schedule_Sample.csv
The Bulk Lab Creation functions can be run from an authenticated Azure PowerShell session and requires PowerShell and the Azure PowerShell module. The script will automatically install the ThreadJob Powershell Module.
To get started, using the example configuration csv files:
- Get a local copy of the Bulk Operations scripts by either cloning the repo or by downloading a copy
- Get a local copy of the example BellowsCollegeLabs_Sample.csv file and example BC_CompSci_AI_200_Schedule_Sample.csv file
- Launch a PowerShell session
- Ensure Azure PowerShell installed
- Update the example CSV files to configure the resources to be created. For additional labs, create additional lines in the CSV file. The CSV files can be modified directly with Microsoft Excel.
The functions are generic and can be composed together to achieve different aims. In the following examples, we load the configuration information from a CSV file. The examples work the same if the information is loaded from a database. You need to substitute the first function with a database retrieving one.
The examples scripts expect the modules used to be in the following directories:
Import-Module ../Az.LabServices.BulkOperations.psm1 -Force
The full code for the example is immediately after the title in parenthesis.
Publish all the labs in a CSV file (Examples/PublishAll.ps1)
".\BellowsCollegeLabs_Sample.csv" | Import-LabsCsv | Publish-Labs
loads the configuration information from the csv file. It also loads schedule information for each lab from a separate file.Publish-Labs
publishes the labs and it is the natural end to all our pipelines. You can specify how many concurrent threads to use with the parameterThrottleLimit
Show a menu asking to select one lab (Examples/PickALab.ps1)
".\hogwarts.csv" | Import-LabsCsv | Show-LabMenu -PickLab | Publish-Labs
[0] id001 hogwarts-rg2 History of Magic
[1] id002 hogwarts-rg2 Transfiguration
[2] id003 hogwarts-rg2 Charms
Please select the lab to create:
- The fields displayed for the various labs are fixed. Log an issue if you want me to make them configurable.
Structure of the example BellowsCollegeLabs_Sample.csv
Item | Description |
Id | A unique id for the lab |
Tags | A set of tags applied to the lab. |
ResourceGroupName | The name of the resource group that the lab plan will be created in. If the resource group doesn't already exist, it will be created. |
Location | The region that the Lab will be created in, if the lab doesn't already exist. If the Lab in the Lab Plan's resource group already exists, this row is skipped. |
LabPlanName | The name of the Lab Plan to be created, if the lab plan doesn't already exist or if different will be adjusted to the defaults. If your lab plan needs advanced networking, we recommend that you manually create your lab plan and only use this script for deploying labs. |
LabName | The name of the Lab to be created. |
ImageName | The image name that the lab will be based on. Wildcards are accepted, but the ImageName field should match only 1 image. |
AadGroupId | The AadGroupId, used to connect the lab for syncing users. Used to enable Microsoft Teams support for this lab. |
MaxUsers | Maximum number of users expected for the lab. |
UsageQuota | Maximum quota per student. |
UsageMode | Type of usage expected for the lab. Either "Restricted" - only those who are registered in the lab, or "Open" anyone. |
SharedPassword | Enabled\Disabled values indicate whether the lab should use a shared password. "Enabled" means the lab uses a single shared password for the student's virtual machines, "Disabled" means the students will be prompted to change their password on first login. |
Size | The Virtual Machine size to use for the Lab. Please see details below on how these map to the Azure Portal. |
Title | The title for the lab. This is the value that the students/teachers will see for the name of the lab in the portal. |
Descr | The description for the lab. |
UserName | The default username for admin account. |
Password | The default password for admin account. |
NonAdminUserName | Username for optional non-admin account. |
NonAdminPassword | Password for optional non-admin account. |
LinuxRdp | Set to "True" if the Virtual Machine requires Linux RDP, otherwise "False". |
Emails | Semicolon separated string of student emails to be added to the lab. For example: "[email protected];[email protected]" |
LabOwnerEmails | [DEPRECATED] This column is no longer supported; if you need support for this column, please log an issue. |
Invitation | Note to include in the invitation email to students. If you leave this field blank, invitation emails won't be sent during lab creation. |
Schedules | The name of the csv file that contains the schedule for this class. For example: "charms.csv". If left blank, a schedule won't be applied. |
TemplateVmState | Enabled\Disabled values indicate whether the lab should have a template VM created. |
IdleGracePeriod | Number of minutes between 15-59 to shut down lab VMs after idle state is detected. |
IdleOsGracePeriod | Number of minutes between 15-59 to disconnect lab VMs after a user disconnects. |
IdleNoConnectGracePeriod | Number of minutes between 15-59 to shut down lab VMs when a user doesn't connect. |
Structure of the example BC_CompSci_AI_200_Schedule_Sample.csv
Item | Description |
Frequency | How often, "Weekly" or "Once" |
FromDate | Start Date |
ToDate | End Date |
StartTime | Start Time |
EndTime | End Time |
WeekDays | Days of the week. "Monday, Tuesday, Friday". The days are comma separated with the text. If Frequency is "Once" use an empty string "" |
TimeZoneId | Time zone for the classes. "Central Standard Time" |
Notes | Additional notes |
There are three categories of VM sizes that you can use: Default VM sizes, Alternative VM sizes, and Classic VM sizes. More information can be found in the Lab Services Admin Guide.
When you use the bulk deployment script to create labs, you must specify either the VM SKU Name or VM SKU Size that is expected by the underlying API. If you specify the friendly name shown in the portal, you will get an error.
For the Default VM sizes, the following table shows the mapping between the friendly name shown in the portal and the underlying VM SKU Name/Size expected by the API.
Friendly Name (shown in portal) | Underlying VM SKU Name | Underlying VM SKU Size |
Small | Basic | Fsv2_2_4GB_128_S_SSD |
Medium | Standard | Fsv2_4_8GB_128_S_SSD |
Medium (nested virtualization) | Virtualization | Dsv4_4_16GB_128_P_SSD |
Large | Large | Fsv2_8_16GB_128_S_SSD |
Large (nested virtualization) | Performance | Dsv4_8_32GB_128_P_SSD |
Small GPU (visualization) | SmallGPUVisualization | NVv4_8_28GB_128_S_SSD |
Small GPU (Compute) | SmallGPUCompute | Ncv3t4_8_56GB_128_S_SSD |
Medium GPU (visualization) | MediumGPUVisualization | NVv3_12_112GB_128_S_SSD |
For the Alternative VM sizes, it's easiest to specify the underlying VM SKU Size. The following table shows the mapping between the friendly name in the portal and the underlying VM SKU Size expected by the API.
Friendly Name (shown in portal) | Underlying VM SKU Size |
Alt. Small GPU (compute) | NCsv3_6_112GB_128_S_SSD |
Alt. Small GPU (visualization) | NVadsA10v5_6_55GB_128_S_SSD |
Alt. Medium GPU (visualization) | NVadsA10v5_12_110GB_128_S_SSD |
Likewise, for the Classic VM sizes, it's easiest to specify the underlying VM SKU Size. The following table shows the mapping between the friendly name in the portal and the underlying VM SKU Size expected by the API.
Friendly Name (shown in portal) | Underlying VM SKU Size |
Classic Small | Av2_2_4GB_128_S_SSD |
Classic Medium | Av2_4_8GB_128_S_SSD |
Classic Large | Av2_8_16GB_128_S_SSD |
Classic Medium (nested virt.) | Dsv3_4_16GB_128_P_SSD |
Classic Large (nested virt.) | Dsv3_8_32GB_128_P_SSD |
Classic Small GPU (compute) | NC_6_56GB_128_S_SSD |
Classic Small GPU (visualization) | NV_6_56GB_128_S_SSD |
Classic Medium GPU (visualization) | NVv3_12_112GB_128_S_SSD |
To get more detailed logging to debug issues, we recommend that you follow the steps in this article: Enable debug logging. Remember to use -Verbose flag when calling the module to see the verbose messages.