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Scriptable server for OpenNetBattle.

Scripts can be created through Lua. Entry scripts are read from scripts/*/main.lua for script projects, and scripts/*.lua for single file scripts.

Support for more sources such as WASM/WASI (C++, Kotlin, etc) or JavaScript can be added by creating a Plugin Interface. For an example of how implement one, take a look at the existing LuaPluginInterface.

The Plugin Interface could also be used to build a Rust based script compiled directly into the server.


Types of assets:

  • Texture (.png|.bmp)
  • Audio (.ogg)
  • Text


  • /server
    • Pseudo folder that represents files in memory
    • /assets
      • Generated at start from files in ./assets.
      • ./assets/prog.png can be referenced with /server/assets/prog.png
    • /players
      • Stores avatar files sent from players (5 MiB limit)
      • Textures are stored as [id].texture, and animations are stored as [id].animation
    • /maps
      • Generated from areas and updated every tick.
      • Stored as [area id].txt
  • Paths not starting with /server are treated as paths to client files. Files of interest are available in resources/
  • PATHS ARE CASE SENSITIVE OUT OF WINDOWS, also avoid \ as that's Windows specific


Maps for areas are stored in ./areas. The first area players will see is default.tmx (required).

Suggested Settings


  • Fine grid divisions: 2 (Edit -> Preferences -> Interface)
  • Snap To Fine Grid (View -> Snapping)
    • When working with Object Layer
  • Snap To Pixels (View -> Snapping)
    • When working with Collision shapes


  • Tile Width: 64
  • Tile Height: 32
  • Tile Layer Format: CSV (required)
  • Create map in assets
  • Copy resources/ow/tiles from the client to ./tiles (relative to server folder)
    • Server will not send assets from this folder, but will translate the path relative to resources/ow/maps to make use of resources on the client


  • Type: Based on Tileset Image (other types are not currently supported)
  • Object Alignment:
    • Top - For tile objects stuck to the floor such as warps
      • Set drawing offset to 0,0
    • Bottom - For tile objects that act as a wall
  • Place in a Tile Layer to tune drawing offset


  • Horizontal Offset: 0
  • Vertical Offset: (number of layers below this one) * -16

Custom properties


  • Name: string
    • Area name to display in the PersonalMenu
  • Song: string
    • Path to ogg file
  • Background Texture: string
    • Path to background image file
  • Background Animation: string
    • Path to background .animation file
    • One animation state "BG"
      • First frame of this animation determines background repetition
    • Excluding this will use texture size for background repetition
  • Background Vel X: float
  • Background Vel Y: float
  • Background Parallax: float
  • Foreground Texture: string
    • Path to foreground image file
  • Foreground Animation: string
    • Path to foreground .animation file
    • One animation state "BG"
      • First frame of this animation determines foreground repetition
    • Excluding this will use texture size for foreground repetition
  • Foreground Vel X: float
  • Foreground Vel Y: float
  • Foreground Parallax: float


  • Shadow: string
    • "Always"
    • "Never"
    • Unset - Automatic

Object and Tile Classes

Classes are used to denote special tiles or objects understood by the client.

Home Warp

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in minimap
  • Players will be warped home if colliding with the warp
  • Custom properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Position Warp:

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in minimap
  • Players will be warped to the set position if colliding with the warp
  • Custom properties:
    • X: float
    • Y: float
    • Z: float
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Server Warp:

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in minimap
  • Players will be transferred to a different server if colliding with the warp
  • Custom properties:
    • Address: string
    • Port: number
    • Data: string
      • Custom data to pass to the other server
      • Can be read through handle_player_request on the other server
      • Try to keep it short! Long data strings may get ignored
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Custom Server Warp:

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in minimap
  • Players will be warped out if colliding with the warp, the result of the warp can be resolved in handle_custom_warp
  • Custom Properties:
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right

Custom Warp:

  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in minimap
  • Players will be warped out if colliding with the warp, the result of the warp can be resolved in handle_custom_warp
    • Direction: string
      • Left
      • Right
      • Up
      • Down
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right


  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in minimap


  • Tile Objects only
  • Visible in minimap


  • Tiles only

  • Visible in minimap

  • Allows players to walk up or down a layer

  • Makes tile directly above become treated as a hole

  • Custom properties:

    • Direction: string
      • Marks the direction the player will travel up
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right


  • Tiles only

  • Visible in minimap

  • Custom properties:

    • Direction: string
      • Marks the direction the player will travel
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right
    • Speed: number? (Tiles per second, default: 6)
    • Sound Effect: string


  • Tiles only

  • Custom properties:

    • Speed: number? (Tiles per second, default: 6)
    • Sound Effect: string


  • Tiles only

  • Custom properties:

    • Direction: string
      • Marks the direction the player will travel
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right
    • Speed: number? (Tiles per second, default: 1.875)


  • Tiles only

  • Visible in minimap

  • Custom properties:

    • Direction: string
      • Up Left
      • Up Right
      • Down Left
      • Down Right


  • Tiles only
  • Hides the tile from players, great for invisible pathways


Commented functions are in development and require changes to the client (specified below).

Net Events

Net:on("tick", function(event)
  -- { delta_time: number (seconds) }

Net:on("authorization", function(event)
  -- a player on another server needs to be authenticated with this server
  -- the host and port for the other server is provided with the event for custom response / implementation
  -- do NOT share identity with other servers, use data for a temporary link between identities without sharing the identity
  -- { identity: string, host: string, port: number, data: string }
  print(event.identity,, event.port,

Net:on("player_request", function(event)
  -- player requests connection to server (only transfers and kicks should occur here)
  -- { player_id: string, data: string }

Net:on("player_connect", function(event)
  -- player connects to the server (good place to setup while the player is loading)
  -- { player_id: string }

Net:on("player_join", function(event)
  -- player enters their first area after connecting
  -- { player_id: string }

Net:on("player_area_transfer", function(event)
  -- player changes area
  -- { player_id: string }

Net:on("player_disconnect", function(event)
  -- the player is invalid after this function excecutes
  -- { player_id: string }

Net:on("player_move", function(event)
  -- Net.get_player_position(event.player_id) will report the old position
  -- { player_id: string, x: number, y: number, z: number }
  print(event.player_id, event.x, event.y, event.z)

Net:on("player_avatar_change", function(event)
  -- may change in a future update from avatar swapping removal in v2.5
  -- health, max_health, and element will be updated on the player before this function executes
  -- { player_id: string, texture_path: string, animation_path: string, name: string, element: string, max_health: number, prevent_default: Function }
  print(event.player_id, event)

Net:on("player_emote", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, emote: number, prevent_default: Function }
  print(event.player_id, event.emote)

Net:on("custom_warp", function(event)
  -- player warped out by a "Custom Warp" or "Custom Server Warp"
  -- { player_id: string, object_id: number }
  print(event.player_id, event.object_id)

Net:on("object_interaction", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, object_id: number, button: number }
  print(event.player_id, event.object_id, event.button)

Net:on("actor_interaction", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, actor_id: string, button: number }
  -- actor_id is a player or bot id
  print(event.player_id, event.actor_id, event.button)

Net:on("tile_interaction", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, button: number }
  print(event.player_id, event.x, event.y, event.z, event.button)

Net:on("textbox_response", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, response: number | string }
  print(event.player_id, event.response)

Net:on("board_open", function(event)
  -- deprecated

Net:on("board_close", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string }

Net:on("post_request", function(event)
  -- board post request for infinite scroll (UI has exhausted posts)
  -- { player_id: string }

Net:on("post_selection", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, post_id: string }
  print(event.player_id, event.post_id)

Net:on("shop_close", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string }

Net:on("shop_purchase", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, item_name: string }
  print(event.player_id, event.item_name)

Net:on("battle_results", function(event)
  -- { player_id: string, health: number, score: number, time: number, ran: bool, emotion: number, turns: number, enemies: { id: String, health: number }[] } }
  print(event.player_id,, event.time, event.ran, event.emotion, event.turns, event.enemies)

Net:on("server_message", function(event)
  -- { host: string, port: number, data: string }
  print(, event.port,


Interactions with the cyberworld are performed through functions attached to a global table called Net. The APIs defined below are those functions categorized by what they affect.

Area API

-- area_id is the filename without extension
-- ./assets/my_area.tmx would be my_area

Net.list_areas() -- area_id[]
-- Net.create_area(new_area_id)
Net.update_area(area_id, map_string)
Net.clone_area(area_id, new_area_id)
Net.get_area_custom_property(area_id, name)
Net.set_area_custom_property(area_id, name, value)
Net.get_song(area_id) -- song_path
Net.set_song(area_id, song_path)
Net.get_background(area_id) -- { texture_path, animation_path }
Net.get_background_velocity(area_id) -- { x, y }
Net.get_background_parallax(area_id) -- number
Net.set_background(area_id, texture_path, animation_path?, vel_x?, vel_y?, parallax?)
Net.get_foreground(area_id) -- { texture_path, animation_path }
Net.get_foreground_velocity(area_id) -- { x, y }
Net.get_foreground_parallax(area_id) -- number
Net.set_foreground(area_id, texture_path, animation_path?, vel_x?, vel_y?, parallax?)
Net.get_spawn_position(area_id) -- { x, y, z }
Net.set_spawn_position(area_id, x, y, z)
Net.set_spawn_direction(area_id, direction)
Net.list_tilesets(area_id) -- tileset_path[]
Net.get_tileset(area_id, tileset_path) -- { path, first_gid }?
Net.get_tileset_for_tile(area_id, tile_gid) -- { path, first_gid }?
Net.get_tile(area_id, x, y, z) -- { gid, flipped_horizontally, flipped_vertically, rotated }
Net.set_tile(area_id, x, y, z, tile_gid, flip_h?, flip_v?, rotate?)
Net.provide_asset(area_id, path)
Net.play_sound(area_id, path)

Object API

Net.list_objects(area_id) -- object_id[]
Net.get_object_by_id(area_id, object_id) -- { id, name, class, type, visible, x, y, z, width, height, rotation, data, custom_properties }?
Net.get_object_by_name(area_id, name) -- { id, name, class, visible, x, y, z, width, height, rotation, data, custom_properties }?
Net.create_object(area_id, { name?, type?, visible?, x?, y?, z?, width?, height?, rotation?, data, custom_properties? }) -- object_id
Net.remove_object(area_id, object_id)
Net.set_object_name(area_id, object_id, name)
Net.set_object_class(area_id, object_id, class)
Net.set_object_type(area_id, object_id, type) -- deprecated
Net.set_object_custom_property(area_id, object_id, name, value)
Net.resize_object(area_id, object_id, width, height)
Net.set_object_rotation(area_id, object_id, rotation)
Net.set_object_visibility(area_id, object_id, visibility)
Net.move_object(area_id, object_id, x, y, layer)
Net.set_object_data(area_id, object_id, data)

-- possible values for data:
  type = "point" | "rect" | "ellipse"

  type = "polygon" | "polyline"
  points = { x, y }[],

  type = "tile",
  gid, -- int
  flipped_horizontally?, -- bool
  flipped_vertically?, -- bool
  rotated?, -- always false


Net.list_bots(area_id) -- bot_id[]
Net.create_bot(bot_id, { name?, area_id?, warp_in?, texture_path?, animation_path?, animation?, x?, y?, z?, direction?, solid? })
Net.create_bot({ name?, area_id?, warp_in?, texture_path?, animation_path?, animation?, x?, y?, z?, direction?, solid? }) -- bot_id
Net.remove_bot(bot_id, warp_out?)
Net.get_bot_area(bot_id) -- area_id
Net.get_bot_name(bot_id) -- name
Net.set_bot_name(bot_id, name)
Net.set_bot_direction(bot_id, direction)
Net.animate_bot_properties(bot_id, keyframes) -- unstable
Net.get_bot_position(bot_id) -- { x, y, z }
Net.move_bot(bot_id, x, y, z)
-- Net.set_bot_solid(bot_id, solid)
Net.set_bot_avatar(bot_id, texture_path, animation_path)
Net.set_bot_emote(bot_id, emote_id, use_custom_emotes?)
Net.set_bot_minimap_color(bot_id, color) -- color = { r: 0-255, g: 0-255, b: 0-255, a?: 0-255 }
Net.animate_bot(bot_id, state_name, loop?)
Net.transfer_bot(bot_id, area_id, warp_in?, x?, y?, z?)

-- keyframes:
  properties: {
    property: "Animation" | "Animation Speed" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" | "ScaleX" | "ScaleY" | "Rotation" | "Direction" | "Sound Effect" | "Sound Effect Loop",
    ease?: "Linear" | "In" | "Out" | "InOut" | "Floor",
    value: number | string
  duration: number

Player API

Net.list_players(area_id) -- player_id[]
Net.get_player_area(player_id) -- area_id
Net.get_player_ip(player_id) -- address
Net.get_player_name(player_id) -- name
Net.set_player_name(player_id, name)
Net.get_player_position(player_id) -- { x, y, z }
Net.get_player_mugshot(player_id) -- { texture_path, animation_path }
Net.get_player_avatar(player_id) -- { texture_path, animation_path }
Net.set_player_avatar(player_id, texture_path, animation_path)
Net.set_player_emote(player_id, emote_id, use_custom_emotes?)
Net.exclusive_player_emote(player_id, emoter_id, emote_id, use_custom_emotes?)
Net.set_player_minimap_color(player_id, color) -- color = { r: 0-255, g: 0-255, b: 0-255, a?: 0-255 }
Net.animate_player(player_id, state_name, loop?)
Net.animate_player_properties(player_id, keyframes) -- unstable
Net.provide_asset_for_player(player_id, path)
Net.play_sound_for_player(player_id, path)
Net.exclude_object_for_player(player_id, object_id)
Net.include_object_for_player(player_id, object_id)
Net.exclude_actor_for_player(player_id, actor_id)
Net.include_actor_for_player(player_id, actor_id)
Net.move_player_camera(player_id, x, y, z, holdTimeInSeconds?)
Net.fade_player_camera(player_id, color, durationInSeconds) -- color = { r: 0-255, g: 0-255, b: 0-255, a?: 0-255 }
Net.slide_player_camera(player_id, x, y, z, durationInSeconds)
Net.shake_player_camera(player_id, strength, durationInSeconds)
Net.track_with_player_camera(player_id, actor_id?)
Net.teleport_player(player_id, warp, x, y, z, direction?)
Net.offer_package(player_id, package_path)
Net.set_mod_whitelist_for_player(player_id, whitelist_path) -- whitelist has this format: `[md5] [package_id]\n`
Net.initiate_encounter(player_id, package_path, data?) -- data is a table, read as second param in package_build for the encounter package
Net.initiate_pvp(player_1_id, player_2_id, field_script_path?)
Net.transfer_player(player_id, area_id, warp_in?, x?, y?, z?, direction?)
Net.transfer_server(player_id, address, port, warp_out?, data?) -- data = string
Net.request_authorization(player_id, address, port, data?)
Net.kick_player(player_id, reason, warp_out?)

Widget API

Net.message_player(player_id, message, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)
Net.question_player(player_id, question, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)
Net.quiz_player(player_id, option_a?, option_b?, option_c?, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)
Net.prompt_player(player_id, character_limit?, default_text?)

-- color = { r: 0-255, g: 0-255, b: 0-255 }, posts = { id: string, read: bool?, title: string?, author: string? }[]
-- returns EventEmitter, re-emits post_selection, post_request, board_close
Net.open_board(player_id, board_name, color, posts)
Net.prepend_posts(player_id, posts, post_id?) -- unstable, issues arise when multiple scripts create boards at the same time
Net.append_posts(player_id, posts, post_id?) -- unstable, issues arise when multiple scripts create boards at the same time
Net.remove_post(player_id, post_id) -- unstable, issues arise when multiple scripts create boards at the same time

-- items = { name: string, description: string, price: number }[]
-- returns EventEmitter, re-emits shop_purchase, shop_close
Net.open_shop(player_id, items, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?)

Player Data API

Net.get_player_secret(player_id) -- the secret identifier for this player. similar to a password, do not share
Net.get_player_element(player_id) -- string
Net.set_player_health(player_id, health)
Net.set_player_max_health(player_id, health)
Net.set_player_emotion(player_id, emotion)
Net.set_player_money(player_id, money)
Net.get_player_items(player_id) -- string[]
Net.give_player_item(player_id, item_id)
Net.remove_player_item(player_id, item_id)
Net.player_has_item(player_id, item_id)

Net.create_item(item_id, { name, description })

Asset API

Net.update_asset(server_path, content)

Async API

If you want to use IO while players are connected, you'll want to use the Async API to prevent server hiccups. Note: paths in this section use system paths and not asset paths.

-- promise objects returned by most async functions

Async.await(async_iterator) -- iterator
Async.await(promise) -- value -- for coroutines
Async.await_all(promises) -- values[] -- for coroutines
Async.promisify(coroutine) -- promise
Async.create_promise(function(resolve)) -- promise -- resolve = function(value)
Async.request(url, { method?, headers?, body? }?) -- promise, value = { status, headers, body }?, url, { method?, headers?, body? }?) -- promise, value = bool
Async.read_file(path) -- promise, value = string
Async.write_file(path, content) -- promise, value = bool
Async.poll_server(address, port) -- promise, value = { max_message_size }?
Async.message_server(address, port, data) -- you will not know if this succeeds, the other server will need to reply
Async.sleep(duration) -- promise, value = nil

Asyncified Net API

Async alternatives to some Net API functions. Promises return nil if the user disconnects.

Async.message_player(player_id, message, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?) -- promise, value = number?
Async.question_player(player_id, question, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?) -- promise, value = number?
Async.quiz_player(player_id, option_a?, option_b?, option_c?, mug_texture_path?, mug_animation_path?) -- promise, value = number?
Async.prompt_player(player_id, character_limit?, default_text?) -- promise, value = string?
Async.initiate_encounter(player_id, package_path, data?) -- promise, value = { player_id: string, health: number, score: number, time: number, ran: bool, emotion: number, turns: number, enemies: { id: String, health: number }[] } }
Async.initiate_pvp(player_1_id, player_2_id, field_script_path?) -- promise, value = { player_id: string, health: number, score: number, time: number, ran: bool, emotion: number, turns: number, enemies: { id: String, health: number }[] } }

Event Emitters

local emitter =
emitter:emit(event_name, ...)
emitter:on(event_name, function(...))
emitter:once(event_name, function(...))
emitter:on_any(function(event_name, ...))
emitter:on_any_once(function(event_name, ...))
emitter:remove_listener(event_name, callback)
emitter:async_iter(event_name) -- iterator that returns promises, value = ...
emitter:async_iter_all(event_name) -- iterator that returns promises, value = event_name, ...
emitter:destroy() -- allows async iterators to complete

Lua STD Changes

print and tostring will display tables.

printerr will output red text to stdout.

Building the Project

Windows requires for building lua MSVC++

This project is built with Rust, so after installing Cargo, you can compile and run the project with cargo run.

If you are interested in understanding the source before making changes, check out the achitecture document.


Install cargo-about: cargo install cargo-about

Run cargo run --bin create_distributable, a folder named dist will be created.


An OpenNetBattle Server with Lua scripting support.







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