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165 lines (112 loc) · 5.56 KB

File metadata and controls

165 lines (112 loc) · 5.56 KB

Running Locally

Clone the repository:

git clone

Create a Discord bot application and invite it to your server. See Discord.js guide.

Update the .env file with your bot's TOKEN and CLIENT_ID.

Option 1: Install and run with Docker (recommended)

Install Docker.

You may need to grant yourself docker perms (replacing <username> with your actual username, pi in my case:

chmod +x
sudo usermod -aG docker <username>
sudo reboot

Run ./ or launch-docker.bat to:

  • dump logs to ./logs and close the previous container (if applicable)
  • build the image & container
  • start the bot in a detached state
  • attach to the container (which can safely be exited with the Ctrl+p Ctrl+q key sequence. Using CTRL-c while attached will stop the container)

Note if the database schema is outdated, the bot will fail to start and print an error message. To update the schema, run npx drizzle-kit push.

Other useful docker commands

Attach to the bot container (Ctrl+p Ctrl+q to detach):

docker attach queue-bot

View live logs:

docker logs -f queue-bot

Stop the bot:

docker compose down

Option 2: Manually install and run

This method is not recommended, because it lacks the logging, auto-restart, and rebuild speed of Docker.

Install Node.js.

Run the setup script (run each time you update the project):

npm run setup

Start the bot:

npm start

Data storage and access

The bot uses a SQLite database, which is stored in the data/main.sqlite file. The database is managed by the drizzle package. The schema is defined in the src/db/schema.ts file. Query statements are defined in the src/db/queries.ts file. Modification statements are defined in the src/db/store.ts file. A store is created and attached to each bot interaction.

How to create and edit commands

Please reference the other files as examples, they follow very similar structures. These instructions are more geared towards pointing you to the files that will need to be added/updated.

Adding commands

  1. Add a new .command.ts file to the src/commands/commands directory. Commands should extend EveryoneCommand or AdminCommand.
  2. Add the new command class to the src/commands.command.loader.ts file.
  3. Update the file and the help commands in the src/commands/help.command.ts file.

Adding command options

  1. Add a new .option.ts file to the src/options/options directory. Options should extend one of the base options at the bottom of the src/options/base-options.ts file.
  2. Update the src/options/options.loader.ts file.

Adding buttons

  1. Create a new .button.ts file in the src/buttons/buttons directory. Buttons should extend EveryoneButton or AdminButton.
  2. update the src/buttons/buttons.loader.ts file.

Util files

If the code for your new command is complex or re-usable, consider placing your logic a utility file in the src/utils directory.

Database changes

If you need to add or modify database tables or columns:

  1. Update the src/db/schema.ts file.
  2. If you add a new table, or need new querying methods, update the src/db/store.ts file and the src/db/queries.ts file.
  3. Run drizzle-kit generate in the terminal. The drizzle command will generate the necessary SQL migration files for you, which will then be applied with drizzle-kit push.


Please lint before pushing:

npm run lint

This project is designed to run without compiling thanks to @swc-node/register/esm.

Migrating from the legacy project (pre June 2024)

Open a terminal and navigate to the following directory in this project: data/migrations/legacy-export. Export the old database tables to csv files.

The following command will perform the export for Postgres:

psql -d queue -Atc "SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname='public'" | xargs -I{} psql -d queue -c "\copy {} to 'legacy_export/{}.csv' csv header"

If you have a different database name, replace queue with your database name.

Then in the .env file, update CHECK_FOR_LEGACY_MIGRATION to be true:


When the CHECK_FOR_LEGACY_MIGRATION is set to true, will check the legacy-export directory. If it finds the csv files, it will prompt you to confirm via console input that you want to import the data. If confirmed, it will create a dated backup of the database (main.sqlite), then merge the legacy data into the database.

Once the data is imported, CHECK_FOR_LEGACY_MIGRATION should be set back to false.