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Minutes for the 24 02 2024 meeting (Backend Mob Programming)

Gonzalo Suárez Losada edited this page Feb 24, 2024 · 1 revision


  • Dario Gutiérrez Mori
  • Diego Villanueva Berros
  • Sergio Quintana Fernández
  • Jorge Joaquín Gancedo Fernández
  • Gonzalo Suárez Losada

Reviewed from the last meeting

No topics from the previous meeting were discussed.

Issues discussed

We did a mob programming session where the basics of Java SpringBoot 3 were introduced as well as creating the first endpoints and its components. Finally, we also agreed on splitting backend on two teams for this week. The first team (Dario Gutiérrez and Sergio Quintana) will focus on preparing endpoints where as the second team (Diego Villanueva and Gonzalo Suárez) will be looking for information regarding WikiData. Also, the latter will end up absorbing the other team once their task is fullfilled.

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