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Admin panel for the LANcie API

Install Dependencies

First, make sure you have the Polymer CLI installed. Then run polymer serve to serve your application locally.

Secondly, openssl uses a few files to increase randomness. These files must be present on the system. touch /var/log/mail && touch /var/log/messages will allow you to run the next commands.

Last, add yarn and dependencies:

yarn global add bower

Viewing Your Application

If you are trying to run the application for the first time, first run:

$ bower install

After that you can use the following command to run the application locally:

$ yarn serve

Building Your Application

$ polymer build

This will create a build/ folder with bundled/ and unbundled/ sub-folders containing a bundled (Vulcanized) and unbundled builds, both run through HTML, CSS, and JS optimizers.

You can serve the built versions by giving polymer serve a folder to serve from:

$ polymer serve build/bundled

Building with Docker

To build the application with docker, issue the following command:

docker build -t lancie-admin .

To run the container:

docker run -p 8080:80 lancie-admin:latest

You can now view the admin page on localhost:8080,

Running Tests

$ polymer test

Your application is already set up to be tested via web-component-tester. Run polymer test to run your application's test suite locally.