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Real-time 3D visualization of geospatial data using Blender

This is material for the FOSS4GNA 2017 workshop held at Harvard CGA, in Boston, MA, August , 2017.


This workshop is Prepared by : Payam Tabrizian
Presented with: Anna Petrasova, Vaclav Petras, Brendan Harmon, and Helena Mitasova
Tested and reviewed by: Garrett Millar


What if your geospatial data and simulations like flooding, fire-spread and viewshed comupations are converted on-the-fly into realistic, interactive and immersive 3D worlds, without the need to deal with overly complicated or proprietary 3D modelling software? In this hands-on workshop we will explore how to automate importing and processing of various types of geospatial data (e.g., rasters, vectors) using Blender, an open-source 3D modelling and game engine software. We will start with a brief and focused introduction into Blender graphical user interface (GUI), Python API, as well as the GIS and Virtual reality addons. Once we import our GIS data into Blender, we will go over the techniques (both with GUI and command line) to increase the realism of our 3D world through applying textures, shading, and lighting. To make our work reusable for different projects, we will automate all importing and processing workflows using Python. Finally, we will show how to display our 3D visualization in virtual reality headsets, and how to publish it online to share it with the world.

Part 1. Basics of Blender interface and functionalities

I. Intro
II. Editors
III. Basics of scripting with Blender

Part 2. Processing, shading and rendering geospatial data (Viewshed example)

I. Georeferencing the Blender Scene
II. Importing raster
III. Material and texture

Part 3. Real-time 3D modelling through loose coupling (viewshed along the route)

I. Basic of coupling
II. Coupling example

Part 5. Publish your work online using Blender4web (Isosurfaces)

I. Setting up the Blender4web addon
II. Publishing the model using Blender4web

Part 6. Immersive visualization

What is Blender and why use Blender?

Blender is an open-source 3D modelling, rendering and game engine software. You can create photorealistic scenes and life-like animations with it. The feature that makes Blender highly suitable for geospatial visualization is its capability to import various georeferenced data thanks to BlenderGIS addon. Almost every operation done in the blender interface, can be scripted in the Python scripting environment, allowing you to automate or batch process your 3D modelling workflow. Moreover, powered by the sketchfab addon, you can easily export and publish your online geospatial models inside blender, so that everyone can interactively explore or download your work.
Learn more about Sketchfab
A sample geospatial model in Sketchfab

Basics components of the Blender interface

Blender has numerous components and features that, thanks to it open-source capabilities, are growing every day. Covering all aspects of the software itself require several lessons. The purpose of this section is to provide a brief introduction to Blender's graphical user interface and some of its features that are essential for working with geospatial data, and will be used throughout this tutorial.

Blender ViewportBlender interface divided into 5 areas, each assigned to an editor

General interface components

‣ Browse the workshop data folder, locate and open interface_introduction.blend

We will start with briefly introducing some general components of the Blender. We will specefically introduce the following components: Areas, Editors, Tabs, Headers, Panels

Blender's application window can be flexibly arranged and divided up into a number of Areas. An area contains the workspace for a particular type of editor, like a 3D View Editor, or an Outliner. In figure above you can see the application window is divided into five areas, each dedicated to an editor.

Editors are responsible for displaying and modifying different aspects of data. Imagine editors as full-fledge software specialized for a specific tasks, like changing data properties, image editing, video editing, animation design, game design, and etc. You can assign an area to a specific editor using Editor Type selector , the first button at the left side of a header (figure below, left). Every area in Blender may contain any type of editor and it is also possible to open the same type multiple times.

learn more about editors

Tabs are overlapping sections in the user-interface. The Tabs header can be vertical (Tool Shelf) or horizontal (Properties Editor, User Preferences).

Another common feature is the Header, that contain menus and commonly used tools specefic to each editor. It has a small horizontal strip shape with a lighter gray background, which sits either at the top or bottom of the area.

Finally, the smallest organizational unit in the user interface is a Panel. You can usually collapse panels to hide their contents. They are used in the Properties Editor, but also for example in the Tool Shelf and the Properties region. In the image below on the right you can see three panels one of them is expanded and the rest are collapsed.

Now that you have some general ideas about the interface, in following we will review some of the editors that are most relevant to handling geospatial data .

Blender Viewport

Above: Editor type selector (left), A Toolbar with tabs (middle), Toolbar Panels (right) Below: A Header with tabs

3D view

The 3D View is the visual interface with the 3D data and scene with numerous functionalities for modeling, animation, texture painting, etc. Unlike the 2D environment of GIS software, where you can only navigate in x and y directions, 3D viewport allows full control over our viewing angle, depth, size, etc. You can press and hold down mouse scroll (or middle click) button to change the viewing angle (or orbiting around), shift and drag to pan, and roll to zoom back and forth.

Now note the panel on the left side of the region which is called Tool shelf and it has a variety of the tools for 3D editing. Newly installed addons related to 3D view also appear in the toolshelf. The bottom Header. Header includes menus for adding, editing objects as well as viewing and shading options.

Blender Viewport 3D view header (retrieved from Blender manual)

Header's View menu allow you to select a specific viewpoint such as top, left or different perspectives. Also notice that each of these commands have a keyboard shortcut associated with them. For example you can push numpad 3 (if you have a full keyboard) to switch to top view.

Add menu Provides a list of different objects types that can be added to a scene

Interaction mode allows you to toggle between the Object mode and Edit mode. Edit mode allows you to access more low-level structures of your object, like faces, and vertices. In the examples that we complete in this tutorial, we will use some of these options to refine the surface model. It is important to get familiar with the 3 core elements, Faces, Edges and Vertex. You can select these elements by clicking on their corresponding icons.

On the right side of the interaction mode, is the viewport Shading mode which you can use to choose the visualization and viewport rendering method. Default is the Solid mode that shows objects with solid faces, but without textures and shading. The Material mode shows the object with textures and is suitable for having an idea how 3D objects may look like with materials. The Rendering mode, enables real-time rendering, which computes the near-to-final product on-the-fly as you interact with the object.

Basic object selection and interaction

Objects are basically everything that you see in the 3D view. They include 3D objects, lights and camera. You can select any object in the scene using the mouse right-click. Selected objects are highlighted in orange so you can easily distinguish them. Use the 3 axes (i.e., handles) to move the object in your preferred direction. To select multiple objects, press and hold control key and right click on objects to add to your selection. You can rotate objects by pressing R keyboard button, or scale objects using S key. Note that when you are transforming an object, a numeric output on the left bottom of the 3D viewport will give you more precise feedback on how much you moved, rotated or scaled an object. You can delete the object by selecting it, pressing delete key and selecting ok.

Learn more about 3D view


As its name suggests, outliner lists and organizes the scene objects. From there you can set the hierarchy, visibility of the 3D objects or lock them if you need. You can also select and activate objects by clicking on their name in the list.

Python console

The Python console is a very useful editor for testing and executing short commands, which can then integrated in larger workflows. The Blender modelling and gaming modules are already loaded in python console so you can you can test your code snippets without extra effort of calling the modules.

Blender Viewport
Python console (retrieved from Blender manual)

‣ Example 1. Simple object operation using python console.

  • Call Cube object and print its location
    • Copy and paste the individual command lines in the console and press enter
cubeObj =[“cube”]
print (cubeObj.location)
  • Move cube object to location x = 0 , y = 2 , z = 3
cubeObj.location = (0, 2, 3)
  • move cube object 5 units in positive X direction
cubeObj.location [0] += 5
  • Select and delete cube object = True
  • Adding a simple object (Blender's default Monkey object) with radius 2 ,and location (0,0,0)
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius=2, location = (0,0,0))

Text Editor

Text editor allows you to edit your python script and run it inside Blender. By pressing the + icon you can start a new file and click on Run Script to execute your code. You need to call modelling and gaming modules in text editor.

Blender Viewport
Text Editor

‣ Example 2. Batch processing simple object operations using text editor

  • Create a matrix of Cubes with varied size and location.
    • In the text editor click on the + icon to create a new textfile
    • Copy and paste the snippet below and click on Run script button
    • The results should look like the figure below
import bpy

for x in range(20):
    for y in range(20):  
        bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius = .1 + (x*y*.0005), location=(x, y, (x*y*.02)))
Blender Viewport
Cube matrix
Blender Viewport
Monkey and plane
  • Delete all cube objects, add a Monkey object, and add a Plane object
    • Open a new text window or delete the contents of existing ones
import bpy

for object in
    if "Cube" in = True

bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_monkey_add(location=(0, 0, 0), radius = 3)
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(location=(0, 0, -3), radius = 10)

###‣ Properties editor

Properties editor allows you to modify the properties of the scene, rendering setting, transforming objects or changing their material or texture properties. The components that we will work with in the following examples are Object, Material and Texture properties.

Blender Viewport Properties panel

Note: Properties editor's interface is dynamically changing according to the selected object. For example, if you select the light, the little sun icon will appear to set the light properties and similarly you should select camera to be able to see the camera tab and modify the properties.

Object properties tab allows you to transform the location, orientation and scale of the object, along with their display properties. You can use numeric input for transformation parameters.

‣ Example 3. Basic object transformation using properties modifier

  • Make sure that Suzanne object is selected. It should be highlighted in outliner
  • Go to Properties editor > Object tab > expand the Transform section
  • Type 3, 2, 4 for X, Y, Z parameters, respectively.
  • Change Rotation and Scale parameters to see how they affect the object

Materials allows you to assign or change an object’s material. You can add and remove material, or use material browser to assign previously created materials to the object. Some very basic material parameters include Diffuse and Specular. You can adjust the diffuse parameters to change the color and shading of the material and with Specular adjust the glossiness of the material. Also, play with the shading and transparency parameters to see how it impacts your object. In this tutorial we briefly introduce two basic components of Materials. namely Shaders and Textures.
Shading (or coloring) allows you to adjust the base color (as modified by the diffusion and specular reflection phenomenon) and the light intensity. Textures . You can also assign texture to the materials. You can either select from preset textures already available in scene, or load a new one from hard drive.

‣ Example 4. Assigning simple Shaders and Textures

  • Shaders
    • From outlier select object make sure that Suzanne object is selected
    • Go to properties editor > object tab > click on the + New button to create a new material
    • Double click on the material name (e.g., Material.001) and change it to Mymat
    • Expand the preview section to see a live preview of the material as you are changing it
    • Change the color parameter to red
    • Go to 3D editor bottom Header > Viewport shading > rendered to see the object render in realtime
    • Change the color to yellow
    • Click on the Diffuse BSDF field in front of the surface parameter and select Glass BSDF
    • Now try Emission BSDF and Glossy BSDF shaders while the viewport shader is on Rendered mode to see the effect on rendering. Your material preview and scene rendering should look like the figure shown below
Blender Viewport Diffuse BSDF             Glass BSDF                 Glossy BSDF                Emission
  • Textures
    • While the shader is still on “Glossy BSDF”, click on the radio button in front of the “Color” parameter. A widget with several columns will appear. From the texture column, select “Voronoi” to see how texture impact the rendering.
    • Now try “Gradient” texture. Your material preview and scene rendering should look like the left two columns in thefigure below.
Blender Viewport Gradient texture             Voronoi texture                 Diffuse Shader                 Mix Shader

Node Editor (material)

In addition to creating materials as just described using all the settings on all the materials panels, in Blender you can create more sophisticated materials by routing basic materials through a set of nodes. Each node performs some operation on the material, changing how it will appear when applied to the mesh, and passes it on to the next node. In this way, very complex material appearances can be achieved.

‣ Example 5. Setup a Mix shader using node editor.

  • Right click on the Monkey object (Suzanne) to select it
  • Switch the python console editor (bottom left area) to Node editor (figure below, left).
  • In the node editor You will see the nodes we have already setup. The Glossy node shader’s output is connected to the surface input of the Material output.
    We will now add two other shaders, a diffuse shader, and a mix shader.
  • From the Noder Editor’s bottom Header > Add > Shader > Diffuse BSDF
  • From the Noder Editor’s bottom Header >Add > Shader > Mix shader. You should be able to see both nodes have been added in to your node editor.
  • Change the color value of the Diffuse node to R: 0.075 G: 0.35 B: 0.50
  • Disconnect the Glossy BSDF input from the surface
  • Connect BSDF output of both Diffuse and Glossy shaders to the inputs on the left side of the Mix (Shader)
  • Connect Shader output (on the right side) to the Surface input of the Material output nodes (figure below, right).
  • With the Fac parameter, you can adjust the mixture level.
  • Your material should look like the right column of the above figure
Blender Viewport Blender Viewport Node design with mix shader

learn more about nodes

Other Complementary resources for learning blender interface Blender manual CG cookie

Georeferencing the Blender Scene

In this section we will learn how to setup blender GIS addon, georeferences and importing raster files and assigning textures to them. We will use Dorothia Dix park as a case study for this tutorial.

Downloading the tutorial folder and material

  • Go to workshop link and click on download, then download as zip option
  • Extract the zip file

Setting up Blender GIS addon

  • Download the customized version of BlenderGIS addon and make sure that addon and required dependencies are properly installed
  • Open Blender
  • Go to file > user preferences ( Alt + Ctrl + U ) > Add-ons
  • In the search tab, on top left type "gis" and make sure that in the Categories section All is selected.
  • In the search results you should be able to see 3Dview: BlenderGIS. Select to load the addon.
  • From the bottom of the preferences window click Save User Settings so the addon is loaded next time you open blender

Adding a new predefined coordinate reference system (CRS)

Before setting up the coordinate reference system of the Blender scene and configuring the scene projection, you should know the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) and the Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) of your project. In GRASS GIS, CRS information can be retrieved using or functions . You can get the SRID from or spatial reference website using your CRS. The example datasets in this exercise uses a NAD83(HARN)/North Carolina CRS (SSRID EPSG: 3358)

  • In BlenderGIS add-on section (in preferences windows), select to expand the 3D View: BlenderGIS
  • In the preferences section find Spatial Reference Systems and click on the + Add button
  • In the add window put "3358" for definition and "NAD83(HARN)/North Carolina" for Description. Then select Save to addon preferences
  • Select OK and close the User Preferences window

Learn more about Georefencing management

Opening the blender file and setting the Coordinate system

  • Go to file > open and browse to find the downloaded 'ICC_workshop' folder and open the 'ICC_viewshed_example.blend' file
  • From the 3D view toolbar (on the left side of the screen) , find GIS panel If you cannot find the GIS tab, then check if the add-on is properly installed and activated in blender preferences (Setting up Blender GIS addon step)
  • In the second section of the panel , Geoscene, click on the Gear shaped icon. You should be able to find and select the NAD83(HARN)/North Carolina preset. Click on Ok to set it as scene coordinate system.

Importing Geospatial data


Rasters can be imported and used in different ways. You can import them As DEM to use it as a 3D surface or as_Raw DEM_ to be triangulated or skinned inside Blender. You can select On Mesh to drape them as a texture on your 3D meshes. In this example, we import a digital surface model (DSM) derived from Lidar data points dataset as a 3D mesh using As DEM method. Note: Blender GIS imports both Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) through As DEM method.

  • Go to file > import > Georeferenced raster > (Alternatively you can access raster import using raster icon in Blender GIS toolbar)
  • On the bottom left side of the window find Mode and select As DEM
  • For Subdivision select Mesh and make sure that CRS is set to NAD83(HARN)/North carolina.
  • Browse to the 'ICC_workshop' folder and select 'dsm.tif' (in sample_files)
  • If all the steps are followed correctly, you should be able to see the terrain in 3D view window

Note: When importing your own raster data, you might encounter situations where the DSM is imported as a flat surface. Make sure that 1) you selected the As DEM method 2) the raster resolution is not very low, 3) the data-type is float32, and 4) the coordinate system of the raster is matching the Blender Scenes' coordinate system. For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting read georeference raster import wiki .

Python console >>>

import os
filePath = os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath("//"))
fileName = os.path.join(filePath,'dsm.tif')
bpy.ops.importgis.georaster(filepath=fileName, importMode="DEM", subdivision="mesh", rastCRS="EPSG:3358")

Surface subdivision and refinement

Usually when surface or elevation models are imported in Blender they are downsampled to a defaults subdivision resulting in smoothing out the surface details. The following procedure subdivides the imported mesh into smaller faces to enhance the surface representation.

  • Select surface model (right click on the object)
  • Go to 3D view editor's bottom toolbar > Object interaction mode > Edit Mode
  • Switch to Face select
  • If object is not orange in color (i.e., nothing is selected), go to Select > (De)select All (or press A) to select all faces (when the object faces are selected, they will turn orange)
  • Go to Tools (left toolbar) > Mesh Tools > Subdivide . The subdivide dialogue should appear on the bottom left on the toolbar. Type "5" in the number of cuts tab
  • Go to 3D view editor's bottom toolbar > Object interaction mode > Object Mode . You should be able to see the surface details at this point.

Blender Viewport

Python editor

import bpy
bpy.ops.mesh.subdivide(number_cuts=5, smoothness=0.2)

Note: The subdivision number is based on your data resolution. Increasing the subdivision parameter may results in a very large blender file which heavily slows down the modelling. Try different subdivision parameters to find the lowest number that produces the ideal precision

Blender Viewport
DSM after import
Blender Viewport
DSM after subdivision

Materials and Texture

In this section we will drape the cumulative viewshed as a texture on the DSM. You can apply textures to the 3D surfaces in blender using complex mapping methods (e.g. height mapping, bump mapping, normal mapping, displacement mapping, reflection mapping, specular mapping, mipmaps, occlusion mapping). However, texture mapping is beyond the scope of this tutorial. If you are interested to learn more about texture mapping and materials in blender, Blender wikibooks is a good place to start.

  • Select Cycles Render as your rendering engine (top header). Cycles is Blender’s ray-trace based production render engine.
  • Change the bottom editor panel to node editor (click on icon in very left bottom of Blender window). This can be done by simply changing the Editor Type selector button which is located at the left side of a header. Node editor allows you to visually design workflows related to materials and textures in environment. Discover more about node editor. here
  • Go to 3D view bottom header, find Viewport shading button and select Material
  • Go to Properties tab > Material > Press + New button to add material
  • Rename the material name to "cumulative_viewshed"
  • Expand the Surface section and click on the gray square shaped icon on right side on the color parameter to see a popup window with texture parameters. Select Image texture
  • Click on the open icon to browse the images. Load "ICC_workshop\cumulative_viewshed.png". Now you should be able to see the texture draped on the terrain (make sure you are in Material view mode)
  • Go to 3D view bottom header, find Viewport shading button and select Rendered to see the on-the-fly rendering of the model with shadows.

Discover more about render engines and cycles here

Blender Viewport
Cumulative viewshed draped onto the DSM

Python editor

import bpy
import os
filePath = os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath("//"))
imgPath = os.path.join(filePath,'cumulative_viewshed.png')
# Create a new material and assign it to the DSM object #
mat = ("cumulative_viewshed") or"cumulative_viewshed"))["dsm"].data.materials.append(mat)

# Get material tree , nodes and links #
mat.use_nodes = True
node_tree =["cumulative_viewshed"].node_tree
nodes = node_tree.nodes
links = node_tree.links

# Add a new texture node and link it to the diffuse color node#
textureNode ="ShaderNodeTexImage") = True = textureNode
img =
textureNode.image = img
matnodes = bpy.context.active_object.material_slots[0].material.node_tree.nodes
imgnodes = [n for n in matnodes if n.type == 'TEX_IMAGE']
for n in imgnodes:
    if == 'cumulative_viewshed.png': = True = n
diffuseNode = nodes [1] (textureNode.outputs["Color"], diffuseNode.inputs[0])

Blender Viewport

Light up the terrain with viewsheds

This is a step by step example for importing a dsm and comparing four viewsheds on different instances of the model.

There are two ways to complete the example; Scripting method (using blender's Python editor) and GUI (graphical user interface) method. For each step, the GUI procedure is listed as bullet points. Below that you can find the code snippet if you would like to follow the Scripting procedure. To execute the code snippet open a new text file in Text Editor and for each step directly copy-paste the code snippet into the editor and click on Run Script to execute the code.

Method Duration difficulty
GUI 1-2 hours Complex
Python editor 10-15 minutes Easy

NOTE: For enhanced learning complete the example with both methods but do not mix and match. Try to follow one method from the beginning to the end.

Setting up the scene


  • Run Blender and open the file "Example_A.blend".
  • Select the default Cube object in 3D viewport and delete it (right-click on the object > press delete > ok )
  • Set render engine to "Cycles". You can find it in the top header, the default is "Blender Render"
  • To increase the Lamp elevation and change the Lamp type to "Sun" for appropriate lighting:
    • Left click on the Lamp object in Ouliner (on the right side wih objects' list) to select it
    • Go to Properties editor > Object (the orange cube icon) > Transform section > in the Location matrix, change the Z value to 1000 (see below figure if needed)
  • To change lamp type to Sun and increase the emission:
    • In Properties editor > Lamp (two icons to the right of the Object icon) > expand the Lamp section > Change lamp type to Sun
    • Expand the Nodes section > Click on Use Nodes to enable modifying Sun parameters.
    • Set the Strength parameter to 6.00

Python editor

import bpy
# remove the cube
cube =["Cube"] = True

# change lamp type and elevation
import bpy
lamp =["Lamp"]
lamp.type = "SUN"
lampObj =["Lamp"]
lampObj.location[2] = 1000

# Setup node editor for lamp and increase the lamp power
lamp.use_nodes = True
lamp.node_tree.nodes["Emission"].inputs[1].default_value = 6

# Set render engine to cycles
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
Blender Viewport Changing the lamp elevation

Setting up coordinate system


Note: Before proceeding with this step make sure that BlenderGIS addon is already setup and NAD83(HARN) has been defined in the setup preferences.

  • Find and click on GIS addon’s interface in 3D viewport’s left toolbar. In the “Geoscene” section , click on the gear shape icon and switch to NAD83(HARN), click ok.
Blender Viewport
Georeferencing setup in Blender GIS

Importing DSM

Rasters can be imported and used in different ways. You can import them As DEM to use it as a 3D surface or as_Raw DEM_ to be triangulated or skinned inside Blender. You can select On Mesh to drape them as a texture on your 3D meshes. In this example, we import a digital surface model (DSM) derived from Lidar data points dataset as a 3D mesh using As DEM method. Note: Blender GIS imports both Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM) through As DEM method.


  • Go to file > import > Georeferenced Raster
  • On the bottom left side of the window find Mode and select As DEM
  • Set subdivision to Mesh and select NAD83(HARN) for georeferencing
  • Browse to the 'ICC_workshop' folder and select 'example1_dsm.tif'
  • Click on Import georaster on the top right header
  • If all the steps are followed correctly, you should be able to see the terrain in 3D view window
Blender Viewport
Georaster import parameters

Python editor

import bpy
import os
filePath = os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath("//"))
fileName = os.path.join(filePath,'example1_dsm.tif')
                            importMode="DEM", subdivision="mesh",

Surface subdivision and refinement

Usually when surface or elevation models are imported in Blender they are downsampled to a defaults subdivision resulting in smoothing out the surface details. The following procedure subdivides the imported mesh into smaller faces to enhance the surface representation.


  • Select surface model (right click on the object)
  • Go to 3D view editor's bottom toolbar > Object interaction mode > Edit Mode
  • Switch to Face select
  • If object is not orange in color (i.e., nothing is selected), go to Select > (De)select All (or press A) to select all faces (when the object faces are selected, they will turn orange)
  • Go to Tools (left toolbar) > Mesh Tools > Subdivide . The subdivide dialogue should appear on the bottom left on the toolbar. Type "4" in the number of cuts tab
  • Go to 3D view editor's bottom toolbar > Object interaction mode > Object Mode . You should be able to see the surface details at this point (bottom figure, right image).

Python editor

import bpy
bpy.ops.mesh.subdivide(number_cuts=4, smoothness=0.2)
Blender Viewport DSM surface after importing Blender Viewport DSM surface after subdivision

Importing viewpoint shapefiles

In this step we will import viewpoint locations as a point feature shapefile. The features represent the location from which the viewsheds are computed on the digital surface.


  • Import viewpoint shape file
    • Go to file > import > Shapefile
    • Browse workshop data directory, select vpoints.shp and click on Import Shp . The shape import dialogue should appear in front of the GIS addon interface.
    • Activate “Elevation from field” and in field section select “height”
    • Activate “Separate objects”
    • Activate “Object name from field” and in field section select “Name”, you should be able to see 4 the points on the surface and 4 objects added to the Outliner with the names Viewshed_1, Viewshed_2,Viewshed_3, Viewshed_4
    • Select OK
Blender Viewport
Blender Gis shape import dialogue

Python editor

import bpy
import os
filePath = os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath("//"))
fileName = os.path.join(filePath,'vpoints.shp')

Creating viewpoint markers

Imported points are 2D vectors that cannot be rendered as they don't have actual surfaces. Now we create 4 small spheres and match their location with the imported points to visualize observer locations in 3D.


  • To create spheres on the viewpoint location:
    • Go to 3D Viewport’s bottom header > Add > Mesh > UV sphere. The Add UV sphere dialogue will open on the left side of the Toolbar. Set the Size parameter to 3.000
    • Select Sphere object (by clicking on it in Outliner) and press Shift + D or ctrl+c , ctrl+v to make a copy of the object, you should see the Sphere.001 in the outliner Make 3 copies of the sphere and rename them to Sphere1, Sphere2, ... , Sphere4
    • From Outliner select the object Viewshed_1
    • Go to Properties Editor > Object > Transform > Location to retrieve the viewshed point’s coordinates (X,Y,Z)
  • To move each of the 4 spheres to the corresponding viewshed location:
    • Copy and paste the retrieved coordinates from Viewshed_1 into the location parameters for Sphere1
    • Add 2.0 extra units to the Z parameter (only for Location) to raise the spheres above the ground
    • Repeat this process for each Viewshed and each Sphere
    • You should now have 4 spheres aligned on the imported viewshed points.
Blender Viewport
UV Sphere toolbar
Blender Viewport
Object transform panel in properties editor

Python editor

import bpy
# get get viewpoint objects create a sphere using their X,Y and Z+2 coordinates
for obj in
    if "Viewshed" in
        bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(size=3.0, location=(obj.location[0],obj.location[1],obj.location[2]+2))
        sphere = bpy.context.active_object
        # rename the sphere = "Sphere" +[-2:]
Blender Viewport
4 spheres representing observation points

Generating 4 copies of the surface and viewpoint spheres

In this step we create 4 copies of the surface model and move each of the viewpoint spheres to the
corresponding surface


  • Select DSM object and press Shift + D or ctrl+c , ctrl+v to make a copy of the object , you should see the example1_dsm.001 in the outliner
  • Select the "example1_dsm001"
  • While holding shift key select "Sphere_1" from outline to select both DSM and corresponding Sphere
  • go to Properties Editor > Object (cube icon)
  • In the Transform section > Location > X: type 750 to move the duplicated surface 750 meters to the east
  • Create another copy of the DSM , put -750 for Y parameter to move the duplicate surface 750 meters to the south
  • Create another copy of the DSM, put 750 for X parameter and -750 in Y parameter. The final model should look like figure

Python editor

import bpy

for ob in = False
obj =["example1_dsm"] = "example1_dsm1" = True

# create and rename 3 replicates of DSM, and move spheres to create 4 DSMs and spheres
bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"mode":'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(750, 0, 0 )}) ["example1_dsm1.001"].name = "example1_dsm2"
sphere2Obj = ["Sphere_2"]
loc = sphere2Obj.location
sphere2Obj.location = (loc[0]+750, loc[1], loc[2])

bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"mode":'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(0, -750, 0 )}) ["example1_dsm2.001"].name = "example1_dsm3"
sphere3Obj = ["Sphere_3"]
loc = sphere3Obj.location
sphere3Obj.location = (loc[0]+750, loc[1]-750, loc[2])

bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"mode":'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(-750, 0, 0 )}) ["example1_dsm3.001"].name  = "example1_dsm4"
sphere4Obj = ["Sphere_4"]
loc = sphere4Obj.location
sphere4Obj.location = (loc[0],loc[1]-750, loc[2])
Blender Viewport Replicated models

Shading Viewsheds

In this section we will create a mixed material to combine Orthophoto and viewshed maps. We will use emission shaders to show viewsheds as glowing surfaces.


  • Make sure that the Render engine is set to Cycles and 3D viewport Shading is set to Material
  • Change the bottom editor panel to Node editor. This can be done by simply changing the Editor Type selector (bottom left hand side of the window).
  • Select the first DSM object "example_dsm1"
  • Go to Properties tab > Material Press + New button to add material
    • Rename the Material to "Viewshed1"
    • Expand the Surface section and click on the gray square shaped icon on the right side of the Surface parameter to see a popup window with texture parameters. Select Mix Shader . You should be able to see two Shaders added below the mix shader.
  • Click on the first shader and select Emission from the dropdown list
    • Click on the radio button on the right side of the color field > texture > Image texture
    • Click on Open and load "viewshed_1_1.png". You should be able to see the viewshed draped on the DSM surface
    • Change the Strength slider to 1.8 to increase the viewshed's emission power
  • Click on the second shader and select Diffuse BSDF from the dropdown list
    • Click on the radio button on the right side of the color field > texture > Image texture
    • Click on Open and load "ortho.png". You should be able to see the viewshed draped on the DSM surface

Now notice how the material logic and workflow is represented in Node editor. You can play with each of the individual nodes ,the links between them and the values.

  • Play with the Fac slider on the Mix shader node to adjust the mixture level
  • Repeat the shading procedure for the other 3 objects using "Viewshed_1_2.png", "Viewshed_1_3.png", "Viewshed_1_4.png"
Blender Viewport Node editor and Properties panel

You can apply much more sophisticated shading and Texture mapping methods to enrich your visualization (e.g. height mapping, bump mapping, normal mapping, displacement mapping, reflection mapping, specular mapping, mipmaps, occlusion mapping). However, texture mapping is beyond the scope of this tutorial. If you are interested to learn more about texture mapping and materials in blender, Blender wikibooks is a good place to start.

Python editor

import bpy
import os
filePath = os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath("//"))
ortho = os.path.join(filePath, 'ortho.png')

for obj in
    if "dsm" in : = True
        fileName = "viewshed_{0}_1.png".format([-1:])
        matName = os.path.join(filePath, fileName)
# Create a new material and assign it to the DSM object # 3

        mat = ( or

        # Get material tree , nodes and links #
        mat.use_nodes = True
        node_tree = mat.node_tree
        nodes = node_tree.nodes
        links = node_tree.links
        for node in nodes:
        diffuseNode ="ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse")
        diffuseNode.location = (300,400)
        #diffuseNode = nodes["Diffuse BSDF"]

        # Add a new texture for viewshed #
        viewshedNode ="ShaderNodeTexImage") = True = viewshedNode
        viewshedNode.image =
        viewshedNode.location = (100, 100)

        # Add a new texture for ortho #
        orthoNode ="ShaderNodeTexImage") = True = orthoNode
        orthoNode.image =
        orthoNode.location = (100, 400)
        # Add a new mixshader node and link it to the diffuse color node#

        mixShaderNode ="ShaderNodeMixShader")
        mixShaderNode.location = (600, 250)
        mixShaderNode.inputs["Fac"].default_value = .7
        emissionNode ="ShaderNodeEmission")
        emissionNode.location = (300, 100)
        outputNode ="ShaderNodeOutputMaterial")
        outputNode.location = (800, 250)
        emissionNode.inputs[1].default_value = 2 (viewshedNode.outputs["Color"], emissionNode.inputs["Color"]) (orthoNode.outputs["Color"], diffuseNode.inputs["Color"]) (emissionNode.outputs["Emission"], mixShaderNode.inputs[2]) (diffuseNode.outputs["BSDF"], mixShaderNode.inputs[1]) (mixShaderNode.outputs["Shader"], outputNode.inputs["Surface"])
Blender Viewport Viewshed and Orthophoto draped on DSM surface using Mix shader

Shading Viewpoints

Now follow the same workflow to shade viewpoint spheres but this time only use diffuse node (Diffuse BSDF) a with solid orange color.

  • Select the first sphere, create a new material using nodes
  • Change the surface color to
  • repeat the same for all spheres
import bpy
for obj in
    if "Sphere" in = True
        matName = "sphere"
    # Create a new material and assign it to the DSM object # 3
        mat = ( or
        # Get material tree , nodes and links #
        mat.use_nodes = True
        node_tree = mat.node_tree
        nodes = node_tree.nodes
        links = node_tree.links
        nodes[1].inputs[0].default_value = (.8, .3, 0, 1) = False
Blender Viewport
Viewport render of the viewshed

Batch processing

Now lets try to run the entire procedure with a python file using Text editor and Python console

  • From top header goto file> New to Open a fresh copy of Blender
  • Save the blender file with you preferred name in the workshop directory. Note: This is an important step since your all the paths in python code are linked to that directory
  • In the top header find Layout (right next to help ) and switch the layout to Scripting The scripting layout includes : a Text editor(left), a Python Console (bottom) and 3D view (right)
  • Procedure for Text editor
    • In Text editor > Open > Go to workshop directory and find
    • Click on run script
  • Procedure for Python Console
    • type the following lines in the console. Note that you need to type in the workshop path in you computer in the first line.

Python Console>>>

filename = "/full/path/to/"
exec(compile(open(filename).read(), filename, 'exec'))

Python editor

import bpy
import os

filePath = os.path.dirname(bpy.path.abspath("//"))
dsmName = os.path.join(filePath,'example1_dsm.tif')
imgPath = os.path.join(filePath,'cumulative_viewshed.png')
vpointName = os.path.join(filePath,'vpoints.shp')
ortho = os.path.join(filePath, 'ortho.png')

# Setting up the scene
    cube =["Cube"] = True

# change lamp type and elevation
import bpy
lamp =["Lamp"]
lamp.type = "SUN"
lampObj =["Lamp"]
lampObj.location[2] = 1000

# Setup node editor for lamp and increase the lamp power
lamp.use_nodes = True
lamp.node_tree.nodes["Emission"].inputs[1].default_value = 6

# Set render engine to cycles
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
                            importMode="DEM", subdivision="mesh",

# Subdivision render engine to cycles
bpy.ops.mesh.subdivide(number_cuts=4, smoothness=0.2)

# import viewpoints

# adding spheres
for obj in
    if "Viewshed" in
        bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_uv_sphere_add(size=3.0, location=(obj.location[0],obj.location[1],obj.location[2]+2))
        sphere = bpy.context.active_object
        # rename the sphere = "Sphere" +[-2:]

for ob in = False
obj =["example1_dsm"] = "example1_dsm1" = True

# create and rename 3 replicates of DSM, and move spheres to create 4 DSMs and spheres

bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"mode":'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(750, 0, 0 )}) ["example1_dsm1.001"].name = "example1_dsm2"
sphere2Obj = ["Sphere_2"]
loc = sphere2Obj.location
sphere2Obj.location = (loc[0]+750, loc[1], loc[2])

bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"mode":'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(0, -750, 0 )}) ["example1_dsm2.001"].name = "example1_dsm3"
sphere3Obj = ["Sphere_3"]
loc = sphere3Obj.location
sphere3Obj.location = (loc[0]+750, loc[1]-750, loc[2])

bpy.ops.object.duplicate_move(OBJECT_OT_duplicate={"mode":'TRANSLATION'}, TRANSFORM_OT_translate={"value":(-750, 0, 0 )}) ["example1_dsm3.001"].name  = "example1_dsm4"
sphere4Obj = ["Sphere_4"]
loc = sphere4Obj.location
sphere4Obj.location = (loc[0],loc[1]-750, loc[2])

# Shading Viewsheds
for obj in
    if "dsm" in : = True
        fileName = "viewshed_{0}_1.png".format([-1:])
        matName = os.path.join(filePath, fileName)
# Create a new material and assign it to the DSM object # 3

        mat = ( or

        # Get material tree , nodes and links #
        mat.use_nodes = True
        node_tree = mat.node_tree
        nodes = node_tree.nodes
        links = node_tree.links
        for node in nodes:
        diffuseNode ="ShaderNodeBsdfDiffuse")
        diffuseNode.location = (300,400)
        #diffuseNode = nodes["Diffuse BSDF"]

        # Add a new texture for viewshed #
        viewshedNode ="ShaderNodeTexImage") = True = viewshedNode
        viewshedNode.image =
        viewshedNode.location = (100, 100)

        # Add a new texture for ortho #
        orthoNode ="ShaderNodeTexImage") = True = orthoNode
        orthoNode.image =
        orthoNode.location = (100, 400)
        # Add a new mixshader node and link it to the diffuse color node#

        mixShaderNode ="ShaderNodeMixShader")
        mixShaderNode.location = (600, 250)
        mixShaderNode.inputs["Fac"].default_value = .7
        emissionNode ="ShaderNodeEmission")
        emissionNode.location = (300, 100)
        outputNode ="ShaderNodeOutputMaterial")
        outputNode.location = (800, 250)
        emissionNode.inputs[1].default_value = 2 (viewshedNode.outputs["Color"], emissionNode.inputs["Color"]) (orthoNode.outputs["Color"], diffuseNode.inputs["Color"]) (emissionNode.outputs["Emission"], mixShaderNode.inputs[2]) (diffuseNode.outputs["BSDF"], mixShaderNode.inputs[1]) (mixShaderNode.outputs["Shader"], outputNode.inputs["Surface"])
# shading viewpoints        
for obj in
    if "Sphere" in = True
        matName = "sphere"
    # Create a new material and assign it to the DSM object # 3
        mat = ( or
        # Get material tree , nodes and links #
        mat.use_nodes = True
        node_tree = mat.node_tree
        nodes = node_tree.nodes
        links = node_tree.links
        nodes[1].inputs[0].default_value = (.8, .3, 0, 1) = False

# Switch to shading mode
for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
    if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
          for space in area.spaces:
              if space.type == 'VIEW_3D':
                  space.viewport_shade = 'MATERIAL'


This work is built upon great contributions and support of Blender team, Blender GIS addon developers (domlysz/BlenderGIS) , Center for Geospatial Analytics, NC State's Geoforall lab and Garrett Millar.