Have you ever had problems with players losing items?
Do you run a multi server network where every server needs to share inventories and other player data?
MSDataSync is an advanced player data backup plugin that lets you store, manage, edit and rollback player data!
(Compatible with forge and vanilla)
MSDataSync creates automated snapshots with an interval specified in your config
As of this writing, a snapshot will include (by default)
- Inventory
- Health
- Hunger
- Experience
- Game mode
You can manually create a snapshot for a player with
/sync snapshot create <name>
Or create a snapshot for everyone on the server with
/sync up
By default, MSDataSync will load the latest snapshot when a player leaves and create a snapshot when a player joins. This can be disabled in the config.
- The old way
Player: HeLp I LOst mY sTuFf!!!!! OWnER!!!!!!
Owner: screenshots or it didnt happen, sorry bud
Player: this server is dumb, im never coming back!
Player has left the game
- With MSDataSync
Player: HeLp I LOst mY sTuFf!!!!! OWnER!!!!!!
Owner: when did this happen?
Player: just now, can you help plz
[Owner runs /sync snapshot restore Player]
[Player gets restored to the latest snapshot]
Player: thanks!
- Browse through snapshots by date and restore, edit or delete it (separate permissions for viewing and editing)
MSDataSync automatically deletes old snapshots for optimal storage efficiency. The default optimization strategy will:
- Keep all snapshots within the last hour
- Keep up to one snapshot per hour for the last 24 hours (not including the first hour)
- Keep up to one snapshot per day for the last 7 days (not including the first day)
- Delete all snapshots older than 7 days
Don't you hate running dangerous commands by accident! Me too. We included a child lock so you would be slightly less likely to accidentally break stuff!
/sync lock [<on:off>]
Changed any settings? Just run /sync reload
and the plugin will reload
- Database connection gets reopened (with updated db settings from config)
- Sync task is restarted (with updated settings from config)