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ngx-auth-firebaseui - Open Source Library for Angular Web Apps to integrate a material user interface for firebase authentication.

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Angular UI component for firebase authentication. This library is an angular module (including angular components and services) that allows to authenticate your users with your firebase project. NgxAuthFirebseUI is compatible with angular material and angular flexLayout.

If you prefer to develop with bootstrap rather than with material design, please check this project @firebaseui/ng-bootstrap

Built by and for developers ❤️

Do you have any question or suggestion ? Please do not hesitate to contact us! Alternatively, provide a PR | open an appropriate issue here

If you like this project, support ngx-auth-firebaseui by starring ⭐ and sharing it 📢

Table of Contents

Overview <ngx-auth-firebaseui-login> standalone login component to use already created accounts see more



option bind type default description
logoUrl Input() string - choose the source of an image url to display it as a logo
providers Input() string[] ['all'] or [AuthProvider.All] choose your favorite authentication provider: google
appearance Input() MatFormFieldAppearance standard the appearance of the mat-form-field #'legacy'
registrationEnabled Input() boolean true whether the user is able to register a new account
resetPasswordEnabled Input() boolean true whether the user is able to reset his account password
messageOnAuthSuccess Input() string see the code -> the message of the snackbar when the authentication process was successful
messageOnAuthError Input() string see the code -> the message of the snackbar when the authentication process has failed
onSuccess Output() any - this will be fired when an authentication process was success. The authenticated user is emitted!
onError Output() any - this event will be fired when an error occurred during the authentication process! An error message is emitted!
onCreateAccountRequested Output() void - this event will be fired when the user request to register or sign up
onLoginButtonClicked Output() void - this event will be fired when the user clicks the login button


option bind type default description
titleText Input() string LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT see context
rememberMeText Input() string Remember Me see context
loginButtonText Input() string LOGIN see context
orLabelText Input() string OR see context
forgotPasswordText Input() string Forgot Password? see context
dontHaveAnAccountText Input() string Don't have an account? see context
createAccountButtonText Input() string Create an account see context
emailText Input() string Email see context
emailErrorRequiredText Input() string Email is required see context
emailErrorPatternText Input() string Please enter a valid email address see context
passwordText Input() string Password see context
passwordErrorRequiredText Input() string Password is required see context

Built by and for developers ❤️ we will help you 👊

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This project is supported by jetbrains with 1 ALL PRODUCTS PACK OS LICENSE incl. webstorm

Copyright (c) 2019 Anthony Nahas. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)