Do we really need async & await? Yeah, we probably do, thread startup time is no joke. But at least you don't need to write the line that starts up the event loop, I call that a productivity boost.
from time import sleep
from hacksync import hacksync
def func(data: str):
print(f'in function {data}')
return data
def main() -> None:
print('calling functions...')
res1 = func('a')
res2 = func('b')
res3 = func('c')
print('calls made')
print(f'res1: {res1.get()}')
print(f'res2: {res2.get()}')
print(f'res3: {res3.get()}')
print("calls completed")
if __name__ == "__main__":
calling functions...
calls made
in function a
in function b
in function c
res1: a
res2: b
res3: c
calls completed