A "learning" compiler for simple PowerShell to assembler
Compiler: Translates one programming language into another Consists of: Scanner - converts source code into symbols Parser - processes symbols from Scanner and checks syntax Code generator: Generates code in the new language
Mixing assembler and PowerShell Understandable mediation, how such a compiler works Showing that in the end everything is assembler and what runs under the hood Building your own compiler (larger project) And.... Because I can
# Programm | Start mit Zeile 0
# Deklaration | $Variable
# Zuweisung | $Variable "=" Ausdruck
# while | while (Ausdruck)
# {,} | Block starten, Block schließen
# Anweisung | Zuweisung | while | write-host
# Out | Write-Host Ausdruck
# Ausdruck | ["+"|"-"] Faktor {("+" |"-"|"-ge"|"-le"|"-eq"|"-lt"|"-gt") Faktor}
# Identifer | $Letter{Letter|Digit}
# Faktor | Bezeichner | Konstante
# Konstante | Ziffer {Ziffer}
# Buchstabe | [a-z|A-Z]
# Ziffer | [0-9]
# Kommentar | '#'
#Fibonacci numbers formula The Fibonacci sequence is the infinite sequence of natural numbers that (originally) begins with the number 1 twice. Subsequently, the sum of two consecutive numbers results in the number immediately following: 1,1,2,3,5,8,18
$I = 1
$J = 0
$K = 10
While ($K) {
Write-Host "fibu " $I
$I = $i + $J
$J = $I - $J
$K = $K - 1
#Howto Everythink is in SimplePoshCompiler.ps1
$PoshFile = "$PSScriptRoot\simpleproc.ps1"
$Filename = $(split-path $PoshFile -leaf).Replace('.ps1','')
$AsmFile = $(split-path $PoshFile -Parent) + '\' + $Filename + '.asm'
$inputStream = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $PoshFile
$p = New-Object Parser $inputStream
$p.Cmdlet() 6> "$env:TEMP\out.asm"
$asm = Get-Content "$env:TEMP\out.asm"
$asm #print it to screen
remove-item "$env:TEMP\out.asm" -Force
#Wrong encoding!
if(Test-Path $AsmFile) {remove-Item $AsmFile}
$asm | Add-Content $AsmFile -Encoding Ascii
#Set include
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("include", "$psscriptroot\include", "process")
# Assemble
& "$PSScriptRoot\fasm.exe" $AsmFile "$PSScriptRoot\simpleproc.exe"