Releases: posm/OpenMapKitAndroid
OpenMapKit Android v1.2
This release includes one bug fix and one new feature.
Feature : Copy constraints.json from ODK Media Directory
Jason Rogena added code that copies any omk-constraints.json
file from a ODK Media directory to the constraints directory. This allows ODK the ability to provide constraints for a given form automatically. See #156 and #157 .
Bug Fix: Select One Tag Value Dialog Does not Crash with POIs
A bug observed at the UC Davis Center for Spatial Sciences. Select one tag dialog was crashing when adding POIs. Simple fix. 954fddc
OpenMapKit Android v1.1
The big release is here!!! There's once again a lot more new functionality, and we've finally gotten to the point where we can call it feature complete. Further releases on Version 1.* will be bug fixes and tweaks.
The latest sprint focused on constraint functionality. Basically, via JSON configuration files, you can add special functionality to the tagging UX of OSM data. The options include:
Multiple Values Per Key
- Ability to declar the tag UI between radio buttons and checkboxes, putting the tag interface in Select One and Select Multiple modes respectively.
Required Tags Force User To Answer
- Puts a Required label on a tag swipe view and requires the user to answer the required tags.
Implicit Tag Recorded Wihtout UI
- No tag UI is presented, the implicit tag key / value is recorded without any user intervention.
Default Value for a Tag
- A default value is pre-selected in the UI.
Typeahead Based off of Tag Index
- As the user begins typing in a TextArea, tag value suggestions are made.
Skip Logic
constraints can be applied to a tag, showing or hiding based on a condition of a key / value of another tag.
Numeric Input
- The numeric keypad can pop up by default.
Enable / Disable Custom Value Input
- You can declare if you want to allow a custom select one / select multiple value.
Constraints JSON
- A simple JSON schema declares the constraints.
Additional Features
In addition, we have:
Show Field Paper GeoJSON File in Deployment Details
OpenMapKit Android v0.20
This release is inching very close to 1.0! A lot has been added since v0.19.
Our development is focused on integrating with the POSM workflow. Take a look at the Complete Deployment Walkthrough Guide.
Field Papers Integration
We have added field papers integration. Details about most of that work can be found here:
Deployments and Field Paper Checkout
You can now scan QR codes in field papers to get to the right deployment. This will bring you to the right deployment to download and checkout.
Details about this work can be found at:
![]() |
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We also fixed 'random' POI selected when clicking on background map layer.
OpenMapKit Android v0.19
OpenMapKit Android v0.18
This is a standard release.
A deployments UI has been implemented, allowing the user to select a staged deployment of OSM XML & MBTiles data in OpenMapKit Server. Though not fully feature complete, the basic functionality of being able to select a deployment and download the data to the phone has been implemented. Details about this feature are tracked in issue #122.
To use this feature, Add a folder with the name of your deployment, the applicable OSM and MBTiles files, and a manifest.json
file in your OpenMapKit Server. See an example here.
OSM SHA1 Checksums
We are now naming the OSM files saved to ODK Collect by the checksum of the OSM data contained within. This is used by OpenMapKit Server and OpenMapKit iD to determine the identity of OSM elements. Because new elements have negative IDs, those IDs are reassigned by OSM when they are finally submitted. We solve this problem by uniquely identifying elements by creating a checksum composed of the internal tags, references, and lat / longs.
You will notice that the OSM files saved on the device have a name that now looks like:
Legacy ODK Collect Compatibility
For a while, we were having issues with OpenRosa headers and OpenMapKit Server. OSM files were not being correctly submitted to the server. This problem has been resolved, and you can now use the standard ODK Collect found in the Play Store with this app.
MBTiles HTTP Server
A great deal of R&D has gone into searching for a replacement to the legacy Mapbox Android SDK used to render maps. Because our alternatives do not read MBTiles, we have implemented a lightweight HTTP Server in the app that will serve tiles from MBTiles files. This feature is currently disabled, because we have not yet switched to a new renderer. This can, however, be easily re-enabled.
OpenMapKit Android v0.17 - Multiple Tag Value Edition
OpenMapKit Android v0.16
This is a standard release that continues using radio buttons for tag value selection. If you want checkboxes, use v0.15. The UI is in the code, but it is not enabled, because usually radio buttons are what is appropriate.
New Features
- Multiple Choice / String Combo Questions
- Allows user to input custom tag values with an edit text radio button widget
OpenMapKit Android v0.15 - Multiple Tag Value Edition
This release is for the Humanitarian Open Street Map Team (HOT). For all multiple choice OSM tag questions, the checkbox UI is enabled, allowing the user to select multiple values for a given OSM tag.
New Features
- Multiple Choice / String Combo Questions
- Allows user to input custom tag values with an edit text radio button widget
- Multiple Values Per Key
- Allows user to use checkbox UI to select more than one tag value for a key, delimited with ';'
cc/ @PaulUithol
OpenMapKit Android v0.14
- Writes up to date timestamps on JOSM OSM Edits
- Asks user for OpenStreetMap user name via an input dialog
- User name is written to JSOM OSM Edit to allow filtering by user name on OpenMapKit Server
- Closes #102
- Closes #98
- Closes #92
- Closes #112
- Closes #101
This release should be used with the latest ODK Collect. Download an up-to-date ODK Collect APK. We have merged a small change into master of ODK Collect.