Provides access to the core features of Alfresco Governance Services.
- Last Build date: 2018-11-05T11:25:35.010Z
All URIs are relative to https://localhost/alfresco/api/-default-/public/gs/versions/1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
.FilePlansApi | createFilePlanCategories | POST /file-plans/{filePlanId}/categories | Create record categories for a file plan |
.FilePlansApi | getFilePlan | GET /file-plans/{filePlanId} | Get a file plan |
.FilePlansApi | getFilePlanCategories | GET /file-plans/{filePlanId}/categories | List file plans's children |
.FilePlansApi | updateFilePlan | PUT /file-plans/{filePlanId} | Update a file plan |
.FilesApi | declareRecord | POST /files/{fileId}/declare | Declare as record |
.GssitesApi | createRMSite | POST /gs-sites | Create the Records Management (RM) site |
.GssitesApi | deleteRMSite | DELETE /gs-sites/rm | Delete the Records Management (RM) site |
.GssitesApi | getRMSite | GET /gs-sites/rm | Get the Records Management (RM) site |
.GssitesApi | updateRMSite | PUT /gs-sites/rm | Update the Records Management (RM) site |
.RecordCategoriesApi | createRecordCategoryChild | POST /record-categories/{recordCategoryId}/children | Create a record category or a record folder |
.RecordCategoriesApi | deleteRecordCategory | DELETE /record-categories/{recordCategoryId} | Delete a record category |
.RecordCategoriesApi | getRecordCategory | GET /record-categories/{recordCategoryId} | Get a record category |
.RecordCategoriesApi | listRecordCategoryChildren | GET /record-categories/{recordCategoryId}/children | List record category's children |
.RecordCategoriesApi | updateRecordCategory | PUT /record-categories/{recordCategoryId} | Update a record category |
.RecordFoldersApi | createRecordFolderChild | POST /record-folders/{recordFolderId}/records | Create a record |
.RecordFoldersApi | deleteRecordFolder | DELETE /record-folders/{recordFolderId} | Delete a record folder |
.RecordFoldersApi | getRecordFolder | GET /record-folders/{recordFolderId} | Get a record folder |
.RecordFoldersApi | listRecordFolderChildren | GET /record-folders/{recordFolderId}/records | List records |
.RecordFoldersApi | updateRecordFolder | PUT /record-folders/{recordFolderId} | Update a record folder |
.RecordsApi | completeRecord | POST /records/{recordId}/complete | Complete a record |
.RecordsApi | deleteRecord | DELETE /records/{recordId} | Delete a record |
.RecordsApi | fileRecord | POST /records/{recordId}/file | File a record |
.RecordsApi | getRecord | GET /records/{recordId} | Get a record |
.RecordsApi | getRecordContent | GET /records/{recordId}/content | Get record content |
.RecordsApi | updateRecord | PUT /records/{recordId} | Update record |
.TransferContainersApi | getTransferContainer | GET /transfer-containers/{transferContainerId} | Get a transfer container |
.TransferContainersApi | listTransfers | GET /transfer-containers/{transferContainerId}/transfers | List transfer container's children |
.TransferContainersApi | updateTransferContainer | PUT /transfer-containers/{transferContainerId} | Update transfer container |
.TransfersApi | getTransfer | GET /transfers/{transferId} | Get a transfer |
.TransfersApi | listTransfersChildren | GET /transfers/{transferId}/children | List transfer's children |
.UnfiledContainersApi | createUnfiledContainerChildren | POST /unfiled-containers/{unfiledContainerId}/children | Create a record or an unfiled record folder |
.UnfiledContainersApi | getUnfiledContainer | GET /unfiled-containers/{unfiledContainerId} | Get the unfiled records container |
.UnfiledContainersApi | listUnfiledContainerChildren | GET /unfiled-containers/{unfiledContainerId}/children | List unfiled record container's children |
.UnfiledContainersApi | updateUnfiledContainer | PUT /unfiled-containers/{unfiledContainerId} | Update an unfiled record container |
.UnfiledRecordFoldersApi | createUnfiledRecordFolderChildren | POST /unfiled-record-folders/{unfiledRecordFolderId}/children | Create a record or an unfiled record folder |
.UnfiledRecordFoldersApi | deleteUnfiledRecordFolder | DELETE /unfiled-record-folders/{unfiledRecordFolderId} | Delete an unfiled record folder. Deleted file plan components cannot be recovered, they are deleted permanently. |
.UnfiledRecordFoldersApi | getUnfiledRecordFolder | GET /unfiled-record-folders/{unfiledRecordFolderId} | Get the unfiled record folder |
.UnfiledRecordFoldersApi | listUnfiledRecordFolderChildren | GET /unfiled-record-folders/{unfiledRecordFolderId}/children | List unfiled record folder's children |
.UnfiledRecordFoldersApi | updateUnfiledRecordFolder | PUT /unfiled-record-folders/{unfiledRecordFolderId} | Update an unfiled record folder |
- ChildAssociationInfo
- ContentInfo
- ErrorError
- FilePlan
- FilePlanBodyUpdate
- FilePlanComponentBodyUpdate
- FilePlanEntry
- ModelError
- Pagination
- PathElement
- PathInfo
- RMNodeBodyCreate
- RMNodeBodyCreateWithRelativePath
- RMSite
- RMSiteBodyCreate
- RMSiteBodyUpdate
- RMSiteEntry
- Record
- RecordCategory
- RecordCategoryChild
- RecordCategoryChildEntry
- RecordCategoryChildPaging
- RecordCategoryChildPagingList
- RecordCategoryEntry
- RecordCategoryPaging
- RecordCategoryPagingList
- RecordEntry
- RecordFolder
- RecordFolderAssociationPaging
- RecordFolderAssociationPagingList
- RecordFolderChildAssociationEntry
- RecordFolderEntry
- RequestBodyFile
- RootCategoryBodyCreate
- Transfer
- TransferAssociationPaging
- TransferAssociationPagingList
- TransferChild
- TransferChildAssociationEntry
- TransferContainer
- TransferContainerAssociationPaging
- TransferContainerAssociationPagingList
- TransferContainerBodyUpdate
- TransferContainerChild
- TransferContainerChildAssociationEntry
- TransferContainerEntry
- TransferEntry
- UnfiledContainer
- UnfiledContainerAssociationPaging
- UnfiledContainerAssociationPagingList
- UnfiledContainerChild
- UnfiledContainerChildAssociationEntry
- UnfiledContainerEntry
- UnfiledRecordContainerBodyUpdate
- UnfiledRecordFolder
- UnfiledRecordFolderAssociationPaging
- UnfiledRecordFolderAssociationPagingList
- UnfiledRecordFolderBodyUpdate
- UnfiledRecordFolderChild
- UnfiledRecordFolderChildAssociationEntry
- UnfiledRecordFolderEntry
- UserInfo
- RecordFolderChildAssociation
- TransferChildAssociation
- TransferContainerChildAssociation
- UnfiledContainerChildAssociation
- UnfiledRecordFolderChildAssociation