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0x14. C - Bit manipulation



  • Below are some notes on ~, >> and << bitwise operators.

  • NOT operator ~

    • Result is 0 when bit is 1 and 1 when bit is 0
  • Right Shift >>

    • leftOperand >> rightOperand
      • leftOperand: whose bits get right shifted
      • rightOperand: Decides number of places to shift the bits
      • Example: 0x02 >> 1 = 0x01
    • When bits are shifted right the leading positions are filled with zeros
    • It is equivalent to division by 2rightOperand
      • Example: 0x02 >> 1 == 0x02 / 21
  • Left Shift <<

    • leftOperand << rightOperand
      • leftOperand: whose bits get right shifted
      • rightOperand: Decides number of places to shift the bits
      • Example: 0x01 << 1 = 0x02
    • When bits are shifted left the trailing positions are filled with zeros
    • It is equivalent to multiplication by 2rightOperand
      • Example: 0x01 << 1 == 0x01 / 21


  • All *-main.c are in the main directory.

  1. 0 : A function that converts a binary number to an unsigned int.
    • Prototype: unsigned int binary_to_uint(const char *b);
    • Where b is pointing to a string of 0 and 1 chars.
    • Return: the converted number, or 0 if
      • there is one or more chars in the string b that is not 0 or 1
      • b is NULL
    • To enable debug mode that will print statements of what is happening add this -D DEBUG at the end of the compile line.
    • Compile the code this way: gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/0-main.c 0-binary_to_uint.c -o a
  2. 1 : A function that prints the binary representation of a number.
    • Prototype: void print_binary(unsigned long int n);
    • Format: see below.
       julien@ubuntu:~/0x14. Binary$ ./b 
       julien@ubuntu:~/0x14. Binary$
    • You are not allowed to use arrays.
    • You are not allowed to use malloc
    • You are not allowed to use the % or / operators.
    • If you are here for a solution for ALX, checker version.
    • To enable debug mode that will print statements of what is happening add this -D DEBUG at the end of the compile line.
    • Compile the code this way: gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/1-main.c 1-print_binary.c _putchar.c -o b
  3. 10 : A function that returns the value of a bit at a given index.
    • Prototype: int get_bit(unsigned long int n, unsigned int index);
    • Where index is the index, starting from 0 of the bit you want to get.
    • Returns: the value of the bit at index index or -1 if an eror occured.
    • To enable debug mode that will print statements of what is happening add this -D DEBUG at the end of the compile line.
    • Compile the code this way: gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/2-main.c 2-get_bit.c -o c
  4. 11 : A function that sets the value of a bit to 1 at a given index.
    • Prototype: int set_bit(unsigned long int *n, unsigned int index);
    • where index is the index, starting from 0 of the bit you want to set.
    • Returns: 1 if it worked, or -1 if an error occurred.
    • To enable debug mode that will print statements of what is happening add this -D DEBUG at the end of the compile line.
    • Compile the code this way: gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/3-main.c 3-set_bit.c -o d
  5. 100 : A function that sets the value of a bit to 0 at a given index.
    • Prototype: int clear_bit(unsigned long int *n, unsigned int index);
    • Where index is the index, starting from 0 of the bit you want to set.
    • Returns: 1 if it worked, or -1 if an error occured.
    • To enable debug mode that will print statements of what is happening add this -D DEBUG at the end of the compile line.
    • Compile the code this way: gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/4-main.c 4-clear_bit.c -o e
  6. 101 : A function that returns the number of bits you would need to flip to get from one number to another.
    • Prototype: unsigned int flip_bits(unsigned long int n, unsigned long int m);
    • You are not allowed to use the % or / operators.
    • If you are here for a solution for ALX, checker version.
    • To enable debug mode that will print statements of what is happening add this -D DEBUG at the end of the compile line.
    • Compile the code this way: gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/5-main.c 5-flip_bits.c -o f
  7. Endianness : A function that checks the endianness.
    • Prototype: int get_endianness(void);
    • Returns: 0 if big endian, 1 if little endian.
    • Read more about it here.
    • Confirm your architecture version:
       julien@ubuntu:~/0x14. Binary$ lscpu | head
       Architecture:          x86_64
       CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
       Byte Order:            Little Endian
       CPU(s):                1
       On-line CPU(s) list:   0
       Thread(s) per core:    1
       Core(s) per socket:    1
       Socket(s):             1
       NUMA node(s):          1
       Vendor ID:             GenuineIntel
       julien@ubuntu:~/0x14. Binary$
    • Compile the code this way: gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -std=gnu89 main/100-main.c 100-get_endianness.c -o h
  8. Crackme3 : Find the password for this program.
    • Get the file this way: curl -fsSL -o crackme3
    • Will revisit this challenge and explain how to solve it.