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Replacement for encoding/json, providing an intermediate layer of abstraction between the encoded data and the typed data.


In the built in encoding/json library, everything gets converted between []byte and specific types.

This means that when customization is needed, you end up implementing json.Unmarshaler or json.RawMessage.

This likely requires multiple scans to the data, and/or writing convoluted code.

Using an intermediate layer, which maps JSON to some intermediate types, allows for a single parsing of the []byte data in. After that, using and managing the intermediate types is easier, and less computational intensive.

A positive side effect, is that we no longer use a generic json.RawMessage which is opaque, but instead we can use the generic enc.Node (which can be type-switch-ed) or a specific one like enc.Map if we want a generic object, but not a primitive or an array.

One way to look at it is that you could use any or map[string]any, and they would work similarly, but having custom names help with readability, and also provide options for enc.Pairs which keeps the order of the entries, and enc.Digit which is arbitrary precision.

type Frame struct {
  Type string `json:"type"`
  Data enc.Node `json:"data"` // generic payload, change based on Type

type Op struct {
  Op string `json:"op"`
  Args enc.Map `json:"args"` // pairs

func handle(n enc.Node) error {
  var f Frame
  err := enc.Unmarshal(c, n, &f)
  if err != nil {
    return err
  switch f.Type {
    case "error":
      var emsg string
      err := enc.Unmarshal(f.Data, &emsg) // unmarshal into a string
      if err != nil {
        return err
      return errors.New(emsg) // we got an error

    case "op":
      var op Op
      err := enc.Unmarshal(f.Data, &op) // unmarshal into Op
      if err != nil {
        return err
      return op.Exec()

Marshal vs Encode

To simplify the documentation, we will use marshal when transforming an object into the interstitial types, and encoding when converting the intermediate to a JSON []byte.

Similarly, we say decoding when parsing the JSON []byte and unmarshalling when coercing the interstitial into an object type

More details can be found in the distinct types.



This is the generic interface, all interstitial types implements it and can be used as a replacement for json.RawMessage.

The following struct will only unmarshal a enc.Map or enc.Pairs:

  // {
  //   "type": "my-type",
  //   "data": { … },
  //   "cmd": ["x", "y"],
  // }

  type Frame struct {
    Type string   `json:"type"` // Coerced into string
    Data enc.Node `json:"data"` // left as-is (enc.Map)
    Path []string `json:"cmd"`  // Unmarshalled further

Note: if the receiving pointer is an enc.Node or any other of the other types that implements it, or contains any of them, then the data is just shallow copied instead of unmarshalling. Another way to say it is that you can use enc.Node instead of json.RawMessage if you want to delay the unmarshalling of the data, or you can use enc.Map to delegate while forcing a json object, and so forth for enc.List and the other types.

enc.Numeric interface and enc.Integer, enc.Float and enc.Digits

When decoding a JSON number, a enc.Digits is created, which preserve exactly the same data received (this means you can decide later if you want float32, or int64, or uint16 and so on.

If then further unmarshalled, then appropriate conversions will take place, based on the target type:

  • If the target is float, int or uint (with any precision), then the digits are parsed accordingly or an error is generated

  • If the target is any, then a float64 is used (to keep compatibility with encoding/json)

When encoding, if the input is int or uint then enc.Integer is used; for float the enc.Float is used.


  s := enc.String("foo")


  b := enc.Bool(true)


  l := enc.List{


Used for generic object types, the order of the field is not kept.

  m := enc.Map{
    "type": enc.String("my-type"),
    "data": enc.Map{},
    "count": enc.Integer(42),
  for k, v := range m {
    // type, data, count...


This is a special type that can Marshal itself as a JSON object, but is implemented as a list of pairs, which then guarantee the order.

To keep the usability of this library high, we opted to avoid Ordered-Maps which are clumsy to use, and instead allow you to choose between the fast enc.Map, or the ordered enc.Pairs.

Custom enc.Marshaler, enc.Unmarshaler vs json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler

This library is compatible with json.Marshaler and json.Unmarshaler, but those interfaces requires to re-encode and re-decoded []byte.

It is hence more efficient to use the new enc.Marshaler and enc.Unmarshaler.

Here an example object:

type X struct {
	Type string
	Path []string

func (this X) String() string {
	s := this.Type
	sep := ":"
	for _, p := range this.Path {
		s += sep + url.QueryEscape(p)
		sep = "/"
	return s

var xRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^([a-z]+):([a-z]+(?:\/[a-z]+)*)$`)

func (this *X) Parse(c ctx.C, s string) error {
	out := xRE.FindStringSubmatch(s)
	if len(out) == 0 {
		return ctx.NewErrorf(c, "invalid X: %q", s)
	log.Warnf(c, "out: %#v", out)
	this.Type = out[1]
	this.Path = []string{}
	for _, p := range strings.Split(out[2], "/") {
		this.Path = append(this.Path, url.QueryEscape(p))
	return nil

To make it use String() and Parse() when generating enc.Node:

var _ enc.Marshaler = X{} // make sure we can marshal structs, not just pointers
var _ enc.Unmarshaler = &X{} // only pointers can be used for unmarshalling, tho

func (this X) MarshalNode(c ctx.C) (enc.Node, error) {
	return enc.String(this.String()), nil

func (this *X) UnmarshalNode(c ctx.C, n enc.Node) error {
	switch n := n.(type) {
	case enc.String:
		return this.Parse(c, string(n))
		return ctx.NewErrorf(c, "expected string, got %T", n)

As you can see, it simply returns and enc.String to marshal, and only accept it back when unmarshalling.

To keep compatibility with encoding/json you might want to implement the relative versions of those methods too.

enc.Time WIP

there is an ongoing discussion if we should ad a time-like type to simplify handling of type, and enforcing RFC3339


One of the many reasons to implement and/or use this library is the integration with context.Context (or ctx.C)

Why this is so important can be debatable, but I often used Context as a way to inject specific logic into a generic framework.

It could be configuration at the top level, or request specific settings.

If those settings are needed in any of the UnmarshalNode or MarshalNode, to protect some data or create metrics, or automate subscriptions, you can now use a pattern like the following:

type ctxKey = struct{}

func SetupCallback(c ctx.C, fn func(x X) error) ctx.C {
  return ctx.WithValue(c, ctxKey{}, fn)

func NotifyCallback(c ctx.C, x X) error {
  fn := c.Value(c, ctxKey{})
  switch fn := fn.(type) {
  case nil:
    return nil
  case func(X) error:
    return fn(x)
    return ctx.NewErrorf(c, "unexpected %T: %v", fn, fn)

Which can then be used on setup:

  c = SetupCallback(c, func(x X) error {
    if x.Type == blacklist {
      return ctx.NewErrorf(c, "invalid type: %q", x.Type)
    return nil

Where blacklist might depends on the language of the user, for example.

It can then be triggered while unmarshalling the requests:

func (this *X) UnmarshalNode(c ctx.C, n enc.Node) error {
  switch n := n.(type) {
  case enc.String():
    err := this.Parse(n)  
    if err != nil {
      return err
    return NotifyCallback(c, *this) // if there is a callback, and returns an errors, unmarshalling is aborted
    return ctx.NewErrorf(c, "expected string, got %T", n)

Which means that now any API you have will fail if they contains a type X which has a .Type which is blacklisted, and that blacklist might change per request, based on the user settings or permissions or so.

Another advantage of having access to the ctx.C is that you can properly use ctx/log and still retains tags which might contains information helpful for debugging