simple blog is a web application enable you to view categories and its posts and have admin panel where you can crud over posts and categories made by technologies:
- Laravel 5.6 as backend.
- Adminlte dashboard.
- Bootstrap 3.3.
- Javascript and Jquery-3.2.1.
- Backend and frontend validations.
- unit tests.
- Colorlib 404 v1 template for error.
- startbootstrap-coming-soon template for welcome page.
SIMPLE USER INTERFACE a simple user interface that shows group of posts and when I click on post it will take me to another page that shows the post details.
menu navbar that shows the blog categories.
In the home page, it show me every post title, category, description, and a button that go to the post details page so you can see the whole post content.
In the post details page, it show you a post title, category and the whole post content.
ADMIN DASHBOARD an admin dashboard that helps to manage the whole content in the blog.
Create categories section that shows all the categories. Also links that helps you to add, edit, delete category.
Create posts section that shows all posts. Also add links that helps you to add, edit, delete posts.
When you add new post, you can add post title, description, content, and assign a category for this post.
- post title: required, unique, min length: 3 characters and max length: 70 characters.
- post description: required, min length: 35 characters and max length: 100 characters.
- post content: required, min length: 100 characters.
- post category: required, must exist before.
- when delete a post it will be hard deleted.
- to see posts you have to be logged in.
- post name: required, unique and min length: 3 characters.
- when delete a category it will be hard deleted. with all its posts.
- the user with id = 1 will be the admin and it generated from seed with email: [email protected] and password: admin so the system has only one admin in this release.
- Apache Web Server
- PHP >= 7.1
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- open terminal and copy this
and paste it then press enter and do all the steps with the same terminal. - then copy and paste the following commands
cd blog-task
composer install
php artisan key:generate
cp .env.example .env
set up the database info
make new database with name for example (blog_task) then set up
DB_USERNAME=your username
DB_PASSWORD=your password
in .env file
then copy and paste the following commands
php artisan config:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan migrate
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
php artisan serve
then open the url: http://localhost:8000 and here we go.
the website deployed in Heroku connected with postgres database Simple Blog Demo
If you discover a security vulnerability within Simple blog, please send an e-mail to Ahmed Helal via [email protected].
The simple blog is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.