##Plugin API
Step by step to use beauty plugin:
1: const engine = new AgoraRtcEngine()
2: const libPath = isMac ?
path.resolve(__static, 'bytedance/libByteDancePlugin.dylib')
: path.resolve(__static, 'bytedance/ByteDancePlugin.dll')
id: 'bytedance',
path: libPath
3: plugin.setParameter(....)
4: const plugin = getRtcEngine().getPlugins().find(plugin => plugin.id === 'bytedance')
if(plugin) {
5: if(plugin) {
6: engine.releasePluginManager()
- It will init plugin manager moudle for rtcEngine.
- @note
- You need to call it after you initialize the rtcEngine.
- You need to call releasePluginManager() to release the memory when you do not want to use this manager anymore.
- @return
- 0: call api success;
- < 0: call api fail;
const engine = new AgoraRtcEngine()
- It will help you to release the plugin manager,you can not call any api of plugin after you call releasePluginManager()
- @return
- 0: call api success;
- < 0: call api fail;
You can registe a plugin into the rtcEngine.
You need to call initializePluginManager() first and then call this api.
PluginInfo {
id: string;
path: string;
id:It is the unique ID of this plugin,you can get this plugin by this id.
path: The lib path of this plugin.
0: call api success
<0: call api fail
const libPath = isMac ?
path.resolve(__static, 'bytedance/libByteDancePlugin.dylib')
: path.resolve(__static, 'bytedance/ByteDancePlugin.dll')
id: 'bytedance',
path: libPath
- You can unregiste a plugin by this api.
- @parameter
- pluginId: The unique ID of this plugin which you set by registerPlugin() before.
- @return
- 0: call api success
- <0: call api fail
- You can get all plugin info which you registe by registerPlugin(info: PluginInfo).
- @return
- Plugin[]: Return a list which contain all of the Plugin Object which you registe before.
- You can set beauty authdata and beauty by this api.
- @note
- You must call setParameter(param: string) to set authdata and beauty parameters.
- @return
- 0: call api success
- <0: call api fail
"plugin.bytedance.licensePath": path.join(__static, "bytedance/resource/license.licbag")
- You can enable this plugin by this api, because the default settings is disable when you registe this Plugin.
- @note
- You need to call setParameter(param: string) to set the beauty param fisrt.
- @return
- 0: call api success
- <0: call api fail
const plugin = getRtcEngine().getPlugins().find(plugin => plugin.id === 'bytedance')
if(plugin) {
- You can pause this plugin by this api and you can resume it by enable();
- @return
- 0: call api success
- <0: call api fail
const plugin = getRtcEngine().getPlugins().find(plugin => plugin.id === 'bytedance')
if(plugin) {