In case you wanted to revoke the SSL certificates/keys for some reason (e.g. using a domain that has been already used for one Cloudbox server on another server), here are the commands to do so. Run these as user (not sudo).
Note: This is not required if you are simply [[Migrating Cloudbox]] to another server via Backup/Restore.
Revoking keys for the domain:
Run the following script:
to delete the cert(s)"------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Would you like to delete the cert(s) you just revoked? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Y)es (recommended)/(N)o:
Before re-running Cloudbox with your new settings (e.g. domain name changes), it is advised to remove all the docker containers before hand. [1] [2]
docker stop $(docker ps -aq) docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
1 Cloudbox install will try to remove all the docker containers before installing, but it's better to remove them manually, beforehand.
2 If you need to keep other non-Cloudbox containers, you may just remove the nginx-proxy container, instead, before re-running Cloudbox.