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1178 lines (807 loc) · 41.4 KB

Available Trusted Scriptlets

⚡️ trusted-click-element

Added in v1.7.3.

Clicks selected elements in a strict sequence, ordered by selectors passed, and waiting for them to render in the DOM first. Deactivates after all elements have been clicked or by 10s timeout.

Syntax'trusted-click-element', selectors[, extraMatch[, delay[, reload]]])
  • selectors — required, string with query selectors delimited by comma. The scriptlet supports >>> combinator to select elements inside open shadow DOM. For usage, see example below.
  • extraMatch — optional, extra condition to check on a page; allows to match cookie, localStorage and specified text; can be set as name:key[=value] where value is optional. If cookie/localStorage starts with ! then the element will only be clicked if specified cookie/localStorage item does not exist. Multiple conditions are allowed inside one extraMatch but they should be delimited by comma and each of them should match the syntax. Possible names:
    • cookie — test string or regex against cookies on a page
    • localStorage — check if localStorage item is present
    • containsText — check if clicked element contains specified text
  • delay — optional, time in ms to delay scriptlet execution, defaults to instant execution. Must be a number less than 10000 ms (10s)
  • reload — optional, string with reloadAfterClick marker and optional value. Possible values:
    • reloadAfterClick - reloads the page after all elements have been clicked, with default delay — 500ms
    • colon-separated pair reloadAfterClick:value where
      • value — time delay in milliseconds before reloading the page, after all elements have been clicked. Must be a number less than 10000 ms (10s)


  1. Click single element by selector'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"]')
  2. Delay click execution by 500ms'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"]', '', '500')
  3. Click multiple elements by selector with a delay'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"], button[name="check"], input[type="submit"][value="akkoord"]', '', '500')
  4. Match cookies by keys using regex and string'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"]', 'cookie:userConsentCommunity, cookie:/cmpconsent|cmp/')
  5. Match by cookie key=value pairs using regex and string'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"]', 'cookie:userConsentCommunity=true, cookie:/cmpconsent|cmp/=/[a-z]{1,5}/')
  6. Match by localStorage item 'promo' key'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"]', 'localStorage:promo')
  7. Click multiple elements with delay and matching by both cookie string and localStorage item'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"], input[type="submit"][value="akkoord"]', 'cookie:cmpconsent, localStorage:promo', '250')
  8. Click element only if clicked element contains text Accept cookie'trusted-click-element', 'button', 'containsText:Accept cookie')
  9. Click element only if cookie with name cmpconsent does not exist'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"]', '!cookie:cmpconsent')
  10. Click element only if specified cookie string and localStorage item does not exist'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"]', '!cookie:consent, !localStorage:promo')
  11. Click element inside open shadow DOM, which could be selected by div > button, but is inside shadow host element with host element selected by article .container'trusted-click-element', 'article .container > div#host >>> div > button')
  12. Click elements after 1000ms delay and reload page after all elements have been clicked with 200ms delay'trusted-click-element', 'button[name="agree"], button[name="check"], input[type="submit"][value="akkoord"]', '', '1000', 'reloadAfterClick:200')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-create-element

Added in v1.10.1.

Creates an element with specified attributes and text content, and appends it to the specified parent element.

Syntax'trusted-create-element', parentSelector, tagName[, attributePairs[, textContent[, cleanupDelayMs]]])
  • parentSelector — required, CSS selector of the parent element to append the created element to.
  • tagName — required, tag name of the created element.
  • attributePairs — optional, space-separated list of attribute name and value pairs separated by =. Value can be omitted. If value is set, it should be wrapped in quotes. If quotes are needed inside value, they should be escaped with backslash. Defaults to no attributes.
  • textContent — optional, text content of the created element. Defaults to empty string.
  • cleanupDelayMs — optional, delay in milliseconds before the created element is removed from the DOM. Defaults to no cleanup.


  1. Create a div element with a single attribute'trusted-create-element', 'body', 'div', 'data-cur="1"')
  2. Create a div element with text content'trusted-create-element', 'body', 'div', '', 'Hello world!')
  3. Create a button element with multiple attributes, including attribute without value, and text content'trusted-create-element', 'body', 'button', 'disabled aria-hidden="true" style="width: 0px"', 'Press here')
  4. Create a button element with an attribute whose value contains quotes'trusted-create-element', 'body', 'button', 'data="a\\"quote"')
  5. Create a paragraph element with text content and remove it after 5 seconds'trusted-create-element', '.container > article', 'p', '', 'Hello world!', '5000')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-dispatch-event

Added in v1.11.1.

Dispatches a custom event on a specified target.

Syntax'trusted-dispatch-event', event[, target])
  • event — required, name of the event to dispatch
  • target — optional, target on which event will be invoked. Possible values:
    • CSS selector — dispatch event on the element with the specified selector
    • window — dispatch event on the window object
    • if not set, then "document" is used — it's default value


  1. Dispatches a custom event "click" on the document.'trusted-dispatch-event', 'click')
  2. Dispatches a custom event "submit" on the element with the class "test".'trusted-dispatch-event', 'submit', '.test')
  3. Dispatches a custom event "load" on the window object.'trusted-dispatch-event', 'load', 'window')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-prune-inbound-object

Added in v1.9.91.

Removes listed properties from the result of calling specific function (if payload contains Object) and returns to the caller.

Related UBO scriptlet:

Syntax'trusted-prune-inbound-object', functionName[, propsToRemove [, obligatoryProps [, stack]]])
  • functionName — required, the name of the function to trap, it must have an object as an argument
  • propsToRemove — optional, string of space-separated properties to remove
  • obligatoryProps — optional, string of space-separated properties which must be all present for the pruning to occur
  • stack — optional, string or regular expression that must match the current function call stack trace; if regular expression is invalid it will be skipped

Note please that you can use wildcard * for chain property name, e.g. ad.*.src instead of ad.0.src ad.1.src ad.2.src.


  1. Removes property example from the payload of the Object.getOwnPropertyNames call'trusted-prune-inbound-object', 'Object.getOwnPropertyNames', 'example')

    For instance, the following call will return ['one']

    Object.getOwnPropertyNames({ one: 1, example: true })
  2. Removes property ads from the payload of the Object.keys call'trusted-prune-inbound-object', 'Object.keys', 'ads')

    For instance, the following call will return ['one', 'two']

    Object.keys({ one: 1, two: 2, ads: true })
  3. Removes property from the payload of the JSON.stringify call'trusted-prune-inbound-object', 'JSON.stringify', '')

    For instance, the following call will return '{"foo":{"a":2},"b":3}'

    JSON.stringify({ foo: { bar: 1, a: 2 }, b: 3 })
  4. Removes property from the payload of the JSON.stringify call if its error stack trace contains test.js'trusted-prune-inbound-object', 'JSON.stringify', '', '', 'test.js')
  5. Call with only first and third argument will log the current hostname and matched payload at the console'trusted-prune-inbound-object', 'JSON.stringify', '', 'bar', '')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-replace-fetch-response

Added in v1.7.3.

Replaces response text content of fetch requests if all given parameters match.

Syntax'trusted-replace-fetch-response'[, pattern, replacement[, propsToMatch]])
  • pattern — optional, argument for matching contents of responseText that should be replaced. If set, replacement is required. Possible values:
    • * to match all text content
    • non-empty string
    • regular expression
  • replacement — optional, should be set if pattern is set. String to replace the response text content matched by pattern. Empty string to remove content. Defaults to empty string.
  • propsToMatch — optional, string of space-separated properties to match; possible props:
    • string or regular expression for matching the URL passed to fetch call; empty string, wildcard * or invalid regular expression will match all fetch calls
    • colon-separated pairs name:value where
      • name is init option name
      • value is string or regular expression for matching the value of the option passed to fetch call; invalid regular expression will cause any value matching
  • verbose — optional, boolean, if set to 'true' will log original and modified text content of fetch responses.

verbose may be useful for debugging but it is not allowed for prod versions of filter lists.

Usage with no arguments will log fetch calls to browser console; it may be useful for debugging but it is not allowed for prod versions of filter lists.

Scriptlet does nothing if response body can't be converted to text.


  1. Log all fetch calls'trusted-replace-fetch-response')
  2. Replace response text content of fetch requests with specific url'trusted-replace-fetch-response', 'adb_detect:true', 'adb_detect:false', '')'trusted-replace-fetch-response', '/#EXT-X-VMAP-AD-BREAK[\s\S]*?/', '#EXT-X-ENDLIST', '')
  3. Remove all text content of fetch responses with specific request method'trusted-replace-fetch-response', '*', '', 'method:GET')
  4. Replace response text content of fetch requests matching by URL regex and request methods'trusted-replace-fetch-response', '/#EXT-X-VMAP-AD-BREAK[\s\S]*?/', '#EXT-X-ENDLIST', '/\.m3u8/ method:/GET|HEAD/')
  5. Remove text content of all fetch responses for'trusted-replace-fetch-response', '*', '', '')
  6. Replace "foo" text content with "bar" of all fetch responses for and log original and modified text content'trusted-replace-fetch-response', 'foo', 'bar', '', 'true')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-replace-node-text

Added in v1.9.37.

Replaces text in text content of matched DOM nodes.

Syntax'trusted-replace-node-text', nodeName, textMatch, pattern, replacement)
  • nodeName — required, string or RegExp, specifies DOM node name from which the text will be removed. Must target lowercased node names, e.g div instead of DIV.
  • textMatch — required, string or RegExp to match against node's text content. If matched, the pattern will be replaced by the replacement. Case sensitive.
  • pattern — required, string or regexp for matching contents of node.textContent that should be replaced.
  • replacement — required, string to replace text content matched by pattern.
  • ...extraArgs — optional, string, if includes 'verbose' will log original and modified text content.

verbose may be useful for debugging but it is not allowed for prod versions of filter lists.


  1. Replace node's text content:'trusted-replace-node-text', 'div', 'some', 'text', 'other text')
    <!-- before -->
    <div>some text</div>
    <span>some text</span>
    <!-- after -->
    <div>some other text</div>
    <span>some text</span>
  2. Replace node's text content, matching both node name, text and pattern by RegExp:'trusted-replace-node-text', '/[a-z]*[0-9]/', '/s\dme/', '/t\dxt/', 'other text')
    <!-- before -->
    <qrce3>s0me t3xt</qrce3> // this node is going to be matched by both node name and text
    <qrce3>text</qrce3> // this node won't be matched by text content nor text content
    <span>some text</span>
    <!-- after -->
    <qrce3>s0me other text</qrce3> // text content has changed
    <span>some text</span>
  3. Replace node's text content and log original and modified text content:'trusted-replace-node-text', 'div', 'some', 'text', 'other text', 'verbose')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-replace-outbound-text

Added in v1.11.1.

Replace the text in the outbound function call.

Related UBO scriptlet:

Syntax'trusted-replace-outbound-text', methodPath[, textToReplace[, replacement[, decodeMethod[, stack[, logContent]]]]])
  • methodPath — required, the name of the function to trap, it must have an object as an argument. Call with only methodPath as an argument will log all text content of the specified function to console, but only if function call returns a string, otherwise it will log information that content is not a string.
  • textToReplace — optional, string or regular expression which should be replaced. By default it's set to ''. If it's not set to other value and logContent is set, it will log the original content.
  • replacement — optional, string which replace the matched text. By default it's set to '', so matched content will removed.
  • decodeMethod — optional, string which specifies the method used to decode the content. For now supported value is 'base64'. By default it's set to '' and no decoding is performed. If it's set and logContent is also set and textToReplace and replacement are not set, then it will log the decoded content.
  • stack — optional, string or regular expression that must match the current function call stack trace. If regular expression is invalid it will be skipped.
  • logContent — optional, if set to any value, the original and modified content will be logged. By default it's set to '' and no content will be logged.

Logging content may be useful for debugging but it is not allowed for prod versions of filter lists.


  1. Replace foo with 'bar' from the payload of the atob call:'trusted-replace-outbound-text', 'atob', 'foo', 'bar')

    For instance, the following call will return bar

    const text = btoa('foo');
  2. Replace disable_ads:false with 'disable_ads:true' from the payload of the Array.prototype.join if content is encoded in base64:'trusted-replace-outbound-text', 'Array.prototype.join', 'disable_ads:false', 'disable_ads:true', 'base64')

    For instance, the following call will return ZGlzYWJsZV9hZHM6dHJ1ZQ== which is 'disable_ads:true' after decoding

    const arrayBase64 = ['ZGlzYWJsZV9h','ZHM6ZmFsc2U=']; // `ZGlzYWJsZV9hZHM6ZmFsc2U=` after decoding is `disable_ads:false`
  3. Replace "loadAds":true with "loadAds":false from the payload of the JSON.stringify if the stack trace contains testStackFunction:'trusted-replace-outbound-text', 'JSON.stringify', '"loadAds":true', '"loadAds":false', '', 'testStackFunction')

    For instance, the following call will return '{"loadAds":false,"content":"bar"}'

    const testStackFunction = () => JSON.stringify({ loadAds: true, content: 'bar' });
  4. Call with decodeMethod and logContent arguments will log original and decoded text content of the specified function:'trusted-replace-outbound-text', 'Array.prototype.join', '', '', 'base64', '', 'true')
  5. Call with only first argument will log text content of the specified function:'trusted-replace-outbound-text', 'atob')
  6. Call with logContent argument will log original and modified text content of the specified function:'trusted-replace-outbound-text', 'atob', 'foo', 'bar', '', '', 'true')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-replace-xhr-response

Added in v1.7.3.

Replaces response content of xhr requests if all given parameters match.

Syntax'trusted-replace-xhr-response'[, pattern, replacement[, propsToMatch]])
  • pattern — optional, argument for matching contents of responseText that should be replaced. If set, replacement is required. Possible values:
    • * to match all text content
    • non-empty string
    • regular expression
  • replacement — optional, should be set if pattern is set. String to replace matched content with. Empty string to remove content.
  • propsToMatch — optional, string of space-separated properties to match for extra condition; possible props:
    • string or regular expression for matching the URL passed to call;
    • colon-separated pairs name:value where
      • name — string or regular expression for matching XMLHttpRequest property name
      • value — string or regular expression for matching the value of the option passed to call
  • verbose — optional, boolean, if set to 'true' will log original and modified text content of XMLHttpRequests.

verbose may be useful for debugging but it is not allowed for prod versions of filter lists.

Usage with no arguments will log XMLHttpRequest objects to browser console; it may be useful for debugging but it is not allowed for prod versions of filter lists.


  1. Log all XMLHttpRequests'trusted-replace-xhr-response')
  2. Replace text content of XMLHttpRequests with specific url'trusted-replace-xhr-response', 'adb_detect:true', 'adb_detect:false', '')'trusted-replace-xhr-response', '/#EXT-X-VMAP-AD-BREAK[\s\S]*?/', '#EXT-X-ENDLIST', '')
  3. Remove all text content of XMLHttpRequests with specific request method'trusted-replace-xhr-response', '*', '', 'method:GET')
  4. Replace text content of XMLHttpRequests matching by URL regex and request methods'trusted-replace-xhr-response', '/#EXT-X-VMAP-AD-BREAK[\s\S]*?/', '#EXT-X-ENDLIST', '/\.m3u8/ method:/GET|HEAD/')
  5. Remove all text content of all XMLHttpRequests for'trusted-replace-xhr-response', '*', '', '')
  6. Replace "foo" text content with "bar" of all XMLHttpRequests for and log original and modified text content'trusted-replace-xhr-response', 'foo', 'bar', '', 'true')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-set-attr

Added in v1.10.1.

Sets attribute with arbitrary value on the specified elements. This scriptlet runs once when the page loads and after that on DOM tree changes.

Syntax'trusted-set-attr', selector, attr[, value])
  • selector — required, CSS selector, specifies DOM nodes to set attributes on
  • attr — required, attribute to be set
  • value — optional, the value to assign to the attribute, defaults to ''.


  1. Set attribute by selector'trusted-set-attr', 'div.class > a.class', 'test-attribute', '[true, true]')
    <!-- before -->
        <a>Another text</a>
        <a class="class">Some text</a>
    <!-- after -->
        <a>Another text</a>
        <a class="class" test-attribute="[true, true]">Some text</a>
  2. Set attribute without value'trusted-set-attr', 'a.class', 'test-attribute')
    <!-- before -->
    <a class="class">Some text</div>
    <!-- after -->
    <a class="class" test-attribute>Some text</div>
  3. Set attribute value to MTIzNTY='trusted-set-attr', 'a.class', 'test-attribute', 'MTIzNTY=')
    <!-- before -->
    <a class="class">Some text</div>
    <!-- after -->
    <a class="class" test-attribute="MTIzNTY=">Some text</div>
  4. Set attribute value to { playback: false }'trusted-set-attr', 'a.class', 'test-attribute', '{ playback: false }')
    <!-- before -->
    <a class="class">Some text</div>
    <!-- after -->
    <a class="class" test-attribute="{ playback: false }">Some text</div>

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-set-constant

Added in v1.8.2.

Creates a constant property and assigns it a specified value.

Actually, it's not a constant. Please note, that it can be rewritten with a value of a different type.

If empty object is present in chain it will be trapped until chain leftovers appear.

Use set-constant to set predefined values and functions.

Syntax'trusted-set-constant', property, value[, stack])
  • property — required, path to a property (joined with . if needed). The property must be attached to window.
  • value — required, an arbitrary value to be set; value type is being inferred from the argument, e.g '500' will be set as number; to set string type value wrap argument into another pair of quotes: '"500"';
  • stack — optional, string or regular expression that must match the current function call stack trace; if regular expression is invalid it will be skipped


  1. Set property values of different types

    ! Set string value wrapping argument into another pair of quotes'trusted-set-constant', 'click_r', '"null"')
    ✔ window.click_r === 'null'
    ✔ typeof window.click_r === 'string'
    ! Set inferred null value'trusted-set-constant', 'click_r', 'null')
    ✔ window.click_r === null
    ✔ typeof window.click_r === 'object'
    ! Set number type value'trusted-set-constant', 'click_r', '48')
    ✔ window.click_r === 48
    ✔ typeof window.click_r === 'number'
    ! Set array or object as property value, argument should be a JSON string'trusted-set-constant', 'click_r', '[1,"string"]')'trusted-set-constant', 'click_r', '{"aaa":123,"bbb":{"ccc":"string"}}')
  2. Use script stack matching to set value

    ! `document.first` will return `1` if the method is related to `checking.js`'trusted-set-constant', 'document.first', '1', 'checking.js')
    ✔ document.first === 1  // if the condition described above is met

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-set-cookie-reload

Added in v1.7.10.

Sets a cookie with arbitrary name and value, and with optional ability to offset cookie attribute 'expires', set path and set domain. Also reloads the current page after the cookie setting. If reloading option is not needed, use the trusted-set-cookie scriptlet.

Syntax'trusted-set-cookie-reload', name, value[, offsetExpiresSec[, path[, domain]]])
  • name — required, cookie name to be set
  • value — required, cookie value. Possible values:
    • arbitrary value
    • empty string for no value
    • $now$ keyword for setting current time in ms, e.g 1667915146503
    • $currentDate$ keyword for setting current time as string, e.g 'Tue Nov 08 2022 13:53:19 GMT+0300'
    • $currentISODate$ keyword for setting current date in the date time string format, e.g '2022-11-08T13:53:19.650Z'
  • offsetExpiresSec — optional, offset from current time in seconds, after which cookie should expire; defaults to no offset. Possible values:
    • positive integer in seconds
    • 1year keyword for setting expiration date to one year
    • 1day keyword for setting expiration date to one day
  • path — optional, argument for setting cookie path, defaults to /; possible values:
    • / — root path
    • none — to set no path at all
  • domain — optional, cookie domain, if not set origin will be set as domain, if the domain does not match the origin, the cookie will not be set

Note that the scriptlet does not encode cookie names and values. As a result, if a cookie's name or value includes ;, the scriptlet will not set the cookie since this may cause the cookie to break.


  1. Set cookie and reload the page after it'trusted-set-cookie-reload', 'cmpconsent', 'accept')
  2. Set cookie with new Date().getTime() value and reload the page after it'trusted-set-cookie-reload', 'cmpconsent', '$now$')
  3. Set cookie which will expire in 3 days and reload the page after it'trusted-set-cookie-reload', 'cmpconsent', 'accept', '259200')
  4. Set cookie which will expire in one year and reload the page after it'trusted-set-cookie-reload', 'cmpconsent', 'accept', '1year')
  5. Set cookie with no 'expire' and no path, reload the page after it'trusted-set-cookie-reload', 'cmpconsent', 'decline', '', 'none')
  6. Set cookie with domain'trusted-set-cookie-reload', 'cmpconsent', 'decline', '', 'none', '')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-set-cookie

Added in v1.7.3.

Sets a cookie with arbitrary name and value, and with optional ability to offset cookie attribute 'expires', set path and set domain.

Syntax'trusted-set-cookie', name, value[, offsetExpiresSec[, path[, domain]]])
  • name — required, cookie name to be set
  • value — required, cookie value. Possible values:
    • arbitrary value
    • empty string for no value
    • $now$ keyword for setting current time in ms, e.g 1667915146503
    • $currentDate$ keyword for setting current time as string, e.g 'Tue Nov 08 2022 13:53:19 GMT+0300'
    • $currentISODate$ keyword for setting current date in the date time string format, e.g '2022-11-08T13:53:19.650Z'
  • offsetExpiresSec — optional, offset from current time in seconds, after which cookie should expire; defaults to no offset. Possible values:
    • positive integer in seconds
    • 1year keyword for setting expiration date to one year
    • 1day keyword for setting expiration date to one day
  • path — optional, argument for setting cookie path, defaults to /; possible values:
    • / — root path
    • none — to set no path at all
  • domain — optional, cookie domain, if not set origin will be set as domain, if the domain does not match the origin, the cookie will not be set

Note that the scriptlet does not encode cookie names and values. As a result, if a cookie's name or value includes ;, the scriptlet will not set the cookie since this may cause the cookie to break.


  1. Set cookie'trusted-set-cookie', 'cmpconsent', 'accept')'trusted-set-cookie', 'cmpconsent', '1-accept_1')
  2. Set cookie with new Date().getTime() value'trusted-set-cookie', 'cmpconsent', '$now$')
  3. Set cookie which will expire in 3 days'trusted-set-cookie', 'cmpconsent', 'accept', '259200')
  4. Set cookie which will expire in one year'trusted-set-cookie', 'cmpconsent', 'accept', '1year')
  5. Set cookie with no path'trusted-set-cookie', 'cmpconsent', 'decline', '', 'none')
  6. Set cookie with domain'trusted-set-cookie', 'cmpconsent', 'decline', '', 'none', '')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-set-local-storage-item

Added in v1.7.3.

Adds item with arbitrary key and value to localStorage object, or updates the value of the key if it already exists. Scriptlet won't set item if storage is full.

Syntax'trusted-set-local-storage-item', 'key', 'value')
  • key — required, key name to be set.
  • value — required, key value; possible values:
    • arbitrary value
    • $now$ keyword for setting current time in ms, corresponds to and (new Date).getTime() calls
    • $currentDate$ keyword for setting string representation of the current date and time, corresponds to Date() and (new Date).toString() calls
    • $currentISODate$ keyword for setting current date in the date time string format, corresponds to (new Date).toISOString() call, e.g '2022-11-08T13:53:19.650Z'


  1. Set local storage item'trusted-set-local-storage-item', '', 'false')'trusted-set-local-storage-item', 'COOKIE_CONSENTS', '{"preferences":3,"flag":false}')'trusted-set-local-storage-item', 'providers', '[16364,88364]')'trusted-set-local-storage-item', 'providers', '{"providers":[123,456],"consent":"all"}')
  2. Set item with current time since unix epoch in ms'trusted-set-local-storage-item', '', '$now$')
  3. Set item with current date, e.g 'Tue Nov 08 2022 13:53:19 GMT+0300''trusted-set-local-storage-item', '', '$currentDate$')
  4. Set item without value'trusted-set-local-storage-item', 'ppu_main_none', '')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-set-session-storage-item

Added in v1.11.16.

Adds item with arbitrary key and value to sessionStorage object, or updates the value of the key if it already exists. Scriptlet won't set item if storage is full.

Syntax'trusted-set-session-storage-item', 'key', 'value')
  • key — required, key name to be set.
  • value — required, key value; possible values:
    • arbitrary value
    • $now$ keyword for setting current time in ms, corresponds to and (new Date).getTime() calls
    • $currentDate$ keyword for setting string representation of the current date and time, corresponds to Date() and (new Date).toString() calls
    • $currentISODate$ keyword for setting current date in the date time string format, corresponds to (new Date).toISOString() call, e.g '2022-11-08T13:53:19.650Z'


  1. Set session storage item'trusted-set-session-storage-item', '', 'false')'trusted-set-session-storage-item', 'COOKIE_CONSENTS', '{"preferences":3,"flag":false}')'trusted-set-session-storage-item', 'providers', '[16364,88364]')'trusted-set-session-storage-item', 'providers', '{"providers":[123,456],"consent":"all"}')
  2. Set item with current time since unix epoch in ms'trusted-set-session-storage-item', '', '$now$')
  3. Set item with current date, e.g 'Tue Nov 08 2022 13:53:19 GMT+0300''trusted-set-session-storage-item', '', '$currentDate$')
  4. Set item without value'trusted-set-session-storage-item', 'ppu_main_none', '')

Scriptlet source

⚡️ trusted-suppress-native-method

Added in v1.10.25.

Prevents a call of a given native method, matching the call by incoming arguments.

Syntax'trusted-suppress-native-method', methodPath, signatureStr[, how[, stack]])
  • methodPath – required, string path to a native method (joined with . if needed). The property must be attached to window.

  • signatureStr – required, string of |-separated argument matchers. Supported value types with corresponding matchers:

    • string – exact string, part of the string or regexp pattern. Empty string "" to match an empty string. Regexp patterns inside object matchers are not supported.

    • number, boolean, null, undefined – exact value,

    • object – partial of the object with the values as mentioned above, i.e by another object, that includes property names and values to be matched,

    • array – partial of the array with the values to be included in the incoming array, without considering the order of values.

To ignore specific argument, explicitly use whitespace as a matcher, e.g ' | |{"prop":"val"}' to skip matching first and second arguments.

  • how – optional, string, one of the following:
    • abort – default, aborts the call by throwing an error,
    • prevent – replaces the method call with the call of an empty function.
  • stack — optional, string or regular expression that must match the current function call stack trace.


  1. Prevent localStorage.setItem('test-key', 'test-value') call matching first argument by regexp pattern and the second one by substring:'trusted-suppress-native-method', 'localStorage.setItem', '/key/|"value"', 'prevent')
  2. Abort obj.hasOwnProperty('test') call matching the first argument:'trusted-suppress-native-method', 'Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty', '"test"')
  3. Prevent Node.prototype.appendChild call on element with the id test-id by object matcher:'trusted-suppress-native-method', 'Node.prototype.appendChild', '{"id":"str"}', 'prevent')
  4. Abort all document.querySelectorAll calls with div as the first argument:'trusted-suppress-native-method', 'Document.prototype.querySelectorAll', '"div"')
  5. Abort Array.prototype.concat([1, 'str', true, null]) calls by matching array argument contents:'trusted-suppress-native-method', 'Array.prototype.concat', '[1, "str", true]')
  6. Use stack argument to match by the call, while also matching the second argument:'trusted-suppress-native-method', 'sessionStorage.setItem', ' |"item-value"', 'abort', 'someFuncName')

Scriptlet source