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Entities & Relationships

Adam Liechty edited this page Jun 1, 2013 · 4 revisions

Entities & Relationships


A tuple containing:

  1. Subject: Entity (full or URI). Can be blank if this is a first-person statement (i.e. the Author is the Subject)
  2. Verb: Relationship
  3. Object: Entity (full or URI)
  4. Data: Optional additional data
  5. Time: Stated UTC time at which the statement is made
  6. Author: Public key of the identity making this statement
  7. Signature: The above elements, signed with the author's private key


Any of the following, or a custom type.

  1. Identity - a private/public key pair. Each device has a unique identity
  2. User - an alleged natural person with Name, Photo, etc.
  3. Statement


Any of the following, or a custom type.

  1. Is (Identity, User) - Used in the first statement made by an Identity, to begin establishing a connection between the machine-generated Identity and a User. Multiple Identities can exist claiming to be a single User. E.g. an Identity on a laptop and an Identity on a phone can both claim to be the same User.

  2. Believes (Identity, Statement) - First-person only - Signifies that an Identity lends credence to a Statement. Note that recursive belief statements (e.g A Believes (B Believes X)) are unnecessary, because Believes statements are first-person-only and can be verified by a signature.

    The Data for such a statement can have a certainty (1.0 = definitely true; 0.0 = definitely false). This is only a statement of belief by an Identity, not necessarily actuality.

    The Data for a Believes statement can also have a reason, which is a list of other Statements supporting this belief.


    1. Identity Believes (Identity Is User)
      1. Used by a User that controls multiple Identities to link a new Identity. Order of Statements:
        1. A Is U
        2. B Is U
        3. A Believes (B Is U) { certainty: 1.0 }
      2. Used by another User to support someone else's Is claim.
        1. A Is U
        2. B Is V
        3. (B makes statements that lead A/U to believe B's claim to be V at a probability of 75%)
        4. A Believes (B Is V) { certainty: 0.75 }
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