Plugin for replacing white spaces after single letter characters with non-breking space.
In some languages there are special chracters such as § or ¶
or even single letter words like a
These characters should not stay by the end of the lines, by the languge typographic rules,
therefore we replace them with non-breking space, to force them appear on a new line.
$ yarn add -D @lokse/plugin-non-breaking-spaces
Add it into plugins section of lokse config
"plugins": [
"name": "@lokse/plugin-non-breaking-spaces"
This plugin is using regex patterns to find whitespaces before single-letter and other characters.
Patterns names are matching languages defined in your google sheet. Keys are being lowercased by the plugin so even if you provide language cs-CZ
it will result in cs-cs
We currently provide these patterns as default:
(Feel free to contribute with more)
cs: /(\s|^)(a|i|k|o|s|u|v|z)(\s+)/gim,
"cs-cz": /(\s|^)(a|i|k|o|s|u|v|z)(\s+)/gim,
— Replacese adds HTML entity for non-breking space instead regular non-breaking white space
— Adds the possibility to extend the default patterns with custom language patterns, please notice you dont have to pass space matching (\\s|^)
and (\\s+)
as it is included in the plugin by default.
"plugins": [
"name": "@lokse/plugin-non-breaking-spaces",
// options are optional )))
"options": {
useNbsp: true;
customPatterns: {
// provide custom regex patter without flags
// default flag is gim
// use the language code as key (has to be the same as your lang in the spreadsheet)
"ad-HD": "(a|i|k|o|s|u|v|z)"
Lokse is licensed under the MIT License. Documentation is licensed under Creative Commons License. Created with ♥ by @horaklukas and all the great contributors.