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3. Lecture - Solana programming model I

Table of Contents

Anchor Framework

High-level Overview

An Anchor program consists of three parts. The program module, the Accounts structs which are marked with #[derive(Accounts)], and the declare_id macro. The program module is where you write your business logic. The Accounts structs is where you validate accounts. The declare_id macro creates an ID field that stores the address of your program. Anchor uses this hardcoded ID for security checks and it also allows other crates to access your program's address.

When you start up a new Anchor project, you'll see the following:

// use this import to gain access to common anchor features
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

// declare an id for your program

// write your business logic here
mod hello_anchor {
    use super::*;
    pub fn initialize(_ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {

// validate incoming accounts here
pub struct Initialize {}

We'll go into more detail in the next sections but for now, note that the way an endpoint is connected to its corresponding Accounts struct is the ctx argument in the endpoint. The argument is of type Context which is generic over an Accounts struct, i.e. this is where you put the name of your account validation struct. In this example, it's Initialize.

The Accounts Struct

The Accounts struct is where you define which accounts your instruction expects and which constraints these accounts should adhere to. You do this via two constructs: Types and constraints.


Account Types Reference

Each type has a specific use case. Detailed explanations for the types can be found in the Account Types Reference above. We will briefly explain the most important type here, the Account type.

The Account Type

Account Reference

The Account type is used when an instruction is interested in the deserialized data of the account. Consider the following example where we set some data in an account:

// use this import to gain access to common anchor features
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

// declare an id for your program

// write your business logic here
mod hello_anchor {
    use super::*;
    pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: u64) -> Result<()> { = data;

// define data you want to store, here
pub struct MyAccount {
    data: u64

// validate incoming accounts here
pub struct SetData<'info> {
    pub my_account: Account<'info, MyAccount>

Account is generic over T. This T is a type you can create yourself to store data. In this example, we have created a struct MyAccount with a single data field to store a u64. Account requires T to implement certain functions (e.g. functions that (de)serialize T). Most of the time, you can use the #[account] attribute to add these functions to your data, as is done in the example.

Most importantly, the #[account] attribute sets the owner of that data to the ID (the one we created earlier with declare_id) of the crate #[account] is used in. The Account type can then check for you that the AccountInfo passed into your instruction has its owner field set to the correct program. In this example, MyAccount is declared in our own crate so Account will verify that the owner of my_account equals the address we declared with declare_id.


Constraints reference

Account type can do a lot of work for you but it is not dynamic enough to handle all the security checks a secure program requires.

Add constraints to an account with the following format:

pub account: AccountType

Some constraints support custom Errors (we will explore errors later):

#[account(...,<constraint> @ MyError::MyErrorVariant, ...)]
pub account: AccountType

For example, in the examples below, we used the mut constraint to indicate that my_account should be mutable. We used has_one to check that token_account.owner == owner.key(). And finally we used constraint to check an arbitrary expression; in this case, whether the incoming TokenAccount belongs to the

// Defines the context for the `set_data` function.
pub struct SetData<'info> {
    // Mutable account of type `MyAccount`.
    pub my_account: Account<'info, MyAccount>,

    // Validates that `my_account` and `token_account` share the same mint and links to `owner`.
        constraint = ==, // Checks mint equality.
        has_one = owner // Links to the owner's signature.
    pub token_account: Account<'info, TokenAccount>,

    // Signer of the transaction, confirming authorization.
    pub owner: Signer<'info>

Safety checks

Two of the Anchor account types, AccountInfo and UncheckedAccount do not implement any checks on the account being passed. Anchor implements safety checks that encourage additional documentation describing why additional checks are not necesssary.

Attempting to build a program containing the following except with anchor build:

pub struct Initialize<'info> {
    pub potentially_dangerous: UncheckedAccount<'info>

will result in an error similar to the following:

        Struct field "potentially_dangerous" is unsafe, but is not documented.
        Please add a `/// CHECK:` doc comment explaining why no checks through types are necessary.
        See for more information.

To fix this, write a doc comment describing the potential security implications, e.g.:

pub struct Initialize<'info> {
    /// CHECK: This is not dangerous because we don't read or write from this account
    pub potentially_dangerous: UncheckedAccount<'info>

The Program Module

The program module is where you define your business logic. You do so by writing functions which can be called by clients or other programs. You've already seen one example of such a function, the set_data function from the previous section.

mod hello_anchor {
    use super::*;
    pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: u64) -> Result<()> {
        // Check if `token_account` has more than 0 tokens before proceeding.
        if ctx.accounts.token_account.amount > 0 {
            // If the condition is met, assign the provided `data` to ``.
   = data;
        // Return success regardless of whether data was set or not.


Context Reference

Each endpoint function takes a Context type as its first argument. Through this context argument it can access the accounts (ctx.accounts), the program id (ctx.program_id) of the executing program, and the remaining accounts (ctx.remaining_accounts). remaining_accounts is a vector that contains all accounts that were passed into the instruction but are not declared in the Accounts struct. This is useful when you want your function to handle a variable amount of accounts, e.g. when initializing a game with a variable number of players.

Instruction Data

If your function requires instruction data, you can add it by adding arguments to the function after the context argument. Anchor will then automatically deserialize the instruction data into the arguments. You can have as many as you like. You can even pass in your own types as long as you use #[derive(AnchorDeserialize)] on them or implement AnchorDeserialize for them yourself. Here's an example with a custom type used as an instruction data argument:

mod hello_anchor {
    use super::*;

     // Updates `data` and `age` fields in `my_account` based on the provided `Data`.
    pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: Data) -> Result<()> {
        // Set `data` in `my_account` from the input `data` struct. =;
        // Set `age` in `my_account` from the input `data` struct.
        ctx.accounts.my_account.age = data.age;

pub struct MyAccount {
    pub data: u64,
    pub age: u8

// Data struct used as an input for instructions, serializable and deserializable.
#[derive(AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Data {
    pub data: u64,
    pub age: u8

Conveniently, #[account] implements Anchor(De)Serialize for MyAccount, so the example above can be simplified.

mod hello_anchor {
    use super::*;
    pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: MyAccount) -> Result<()> {
        // Replace the inner state of `my_account` with the provided `data`.

pub struct MyAccount {
    pub data: u64,
    pub age: u8


There are two types of errors in anchor programs. AnchorErrors and non-anchor errors. AnchorErrors can be divided into Anchor Internal Errors that the framework returns from inside its own code or Custom errors which the user (you!) can return.

  • AnchorErrors
    • Anchor Internal Errors
    • Custom Errors
  • Non-anchor errors.

Anchor Intrernal Errors

Anchor Internal Error Code Reference

Anchor has many different internal error codes. These are not meant to be used by users, but it's useful to study the reference to learn about the mappings between codes and their causes. They are, for example, thrown when a constraint has been violated, e.g. when an account is marked with mut but its is_writable property is false.

Custom Errors

You can add errors that are unique to your program by using the error_code attribute.

Simply add it to an enum with a name of your choice. You can then use the variants of the enum as errors in your program. Additionally, you can add a message attribute to the individual variants. Clients will then display this error message if the error occurs. Custom Error code numbers start at the custom error offset.

To actually throw an error use the err! or the error! macro. These add file and line information to the error that is then logged by anchor.

mod hello_anchor {
    use super::*;
    pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: MyAccount) -> Result<()> {
        // Validate that `data` is less than 100, returning an error if it's not.
        if >= 100 {
            return err!(MyError::DataTooLarge);

// Defines custom errors.
pub enum MyError {
    // Error when data exceeds the allowed maximum value.
    #[msg("MyAccount may only hold data below 100")]


You can use the require! macro to simplify writing errors. The code above can be simplified to this (Note that the >= flips to <):

mod hello_anchor {
    use super::*;
    pub fn set_data(ctx: Context<SetData>, data: MyAccount) -> Result<()> {
        // Ensures `data` is below 100, triggers an error if not.
        require!( < 100, MyError::DataTooLarge);

// Defines custom errors
pub enum MyError {
    // Error when data exceeds the allowed maximum value.
    #[msg("MyAccount may only hold data below 100")]

There are a couple of require! macros to choose from (search for require in the docs). When comparing public keys, it's important to use the keys variants of the require statements like require_keys_eq instead of require_eq because comparing public keys with require_eq is very expensive.

Need help?

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