The DataGridBundle has moved from the S0RIEN repository to the Abhoryo repository and his organisation APY. Therefore you should change the namespace of this bundle in your AppKernel.php:
Before: new Sorien\DataGridBundle\SorienDataGridBundle()
After: new APY\DataGridBundle\APYDataGridBundle()
And in autoload.php
Before: 'Sorien' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
After: 'APY' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
Then in your files change all your APY
use statements to APY
Change your include block template.
Before: SorienDataGridBundle::blocks.html.twig
After: 'APYDataGridBundle::blocks.html.twig
Before: use Sorien\DataGridBundle\Grid\Source\Entity;
After: use APY\DataGridBundle\Grid\Source\Entity;
You call safely replace all Sorien
occurences by APY
The version 1.0 desn't know the type of the data for the select, sourceselect and range columns. In 2.0, these columns don't exist because they are not types of data, but types of filter.
Before: @Grid\Column(type="select", values={"type1"="Type 1", "type2"="Type 2"})
After: @Grid\Column(type="text", filter="select", selectFrom="values", values={"type1"="Type 1", "type2"="Type 2"})
See annotation type attribute for others types.
Before: @Grid\Column(type="sourceselect")
After: @Grid\Column(type="text", filter="select", selectFrom="source")
OR @Grid\Column(type="text", filter="select", selectFrom="query")
In 2.0, you don't have to declare a repository method findDistinctByField($field)
to get your values for the selector.
means that the selectors of the select filter will be populated by the values found in the current search. If no result is found, they will be populated with all values found in the source. -
means that the selectors of the select filter will be populated by all values found in the source.
In 2.0, a operator selector is available. When you select one of the between operators, a new field appears.
A second input field appears if you have define input
in the filter
Before: @Grid\Column(type="range")
After: @Grid\Column(type="text", filter="input")
OR @Grid\Column(type="text", filter="select")
Before: @Grid\Column(type="datetimerange")
After: @Grid\Column(type="datetime", filter="input")
OR @Grid\Column(type="datetime", filter="select")
Before: @Grid\Column(type="daterange")
After: @Grid\Column(type="date", filter="input")
OR @Grid\Column(type="date", filter="select")
Range works for the type number
@Grid\Column(type="number", filter="input")
OR @Grid\Column(type="number", filter="filter")
Source::setCallBack rename to manipulateRow and manipulateQuery
$source->setCallBack($source::EVENT_PREPARE_ROW, function ($row) {}); $source->setCallBack($source::EVENT_PREPARE_QUERY, function ($row) {});
$source->manipulateRow(function ($row) {}); $source->manipulateQuery(function ($row) {});
Column::setCallBack rename to manipulateRenderCell
$column->manipulateRenderCell(function ($value, $row, $router) {});
After:$column->manipulateRenderCell(function ($value, $row, $router) {});
Grid::initFilter rename to setDefaultFilters
Grid::initOrder rename to setDefaultOrder
$grid->initOrder($columnId, $order);
After:$grid->setDefaultOrder($columnId, $order);
Grid::gridResponse rename to Grid::getGridResponse
GridManager::gridManagerResponse rename to GridManager::getGridManagerResponse
Before: $grid->setData($array);
After: $source->setData($array);
Before: {{ hash }}
After: {{ grid.hash }}
And Clear your cache!