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Fragscapy -- Configuration files examples

This directory contains various configuration files that can be used with FragScapy. They are not intendended to be revelant, they are just here to show the possibilities. Though most of the configuration files are valid.

For more relevant, i.e. applicable to real testing, configuration files, see config_common directory.

List of configuration files

Name Valid Description
00_template.json Describes all the fields that can appear in a config file
01_ping_no_mod.json Start a simple ping but does not apply any modification to the packets
02_ping_duplicate.json Ping a host but duplicate each packet sent out
03_http_fragment6.json Wget on a server. All IPv6 packets sent out are fragmented with a size that vary from 50 to 10000 with a step of 50
04_http_proxy.json Creates a TCP-port proxy from 8080 to 80. The packets sent to 8080 are modified to be sent to 80 and packets received from 80 are modified to be received from 8080
05_complete_mess.json Does not make a lot of sense. It just apply most of the modifications (with non-relevant parameters) onto a wget command. Mosts of the tests should not pass because the resulting packets makes no sense at all
06_tcp_segmentation.json Wget command on a server but tcp packets are segmented with a size that vary from 4 to 200 with a step of 1