Component | Copyright | License |
Cortex-M CMSIS | ARM Limited | Apache License 2.0 |
STM32C0xx CMSIS | ARM Limited, STMicroelectronics | Apache License 2.0 |
STM32C0xx HAL/LL | STMicroelectronics | BSD 3-Clause |
BSP STM32C0316-DK | STMicroelectronics | BSD 3-Clause |
BSP STM32C0116-DK | STMicroelectronics | BSD 3-Clause |
BSP STM32C0xx NUCLEO | STMicroelectronics | BSD 3-Clause |
BSP Components | STMicroelectronics | BSD 3-Clause |
Azure RTOS ThreadX | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft Software License for Azure RTOS |
Azure RTOS FileX | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft Software License for Azure RTOS |
Azure RTOS LeveLX | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft Software License for Azure RTOS |
Azure RTOS USBX | Microsoft Corporation | Microsoft Software License for Azure RTOS |
CMSIS RTOS Threadx wrapper | STMicroelectronics | SLA0044 |
OpenBootloader | STMicroelectronics | SLA0044 |
mcuboot | Linaro Limited, Arm Limited (or its affiliates), JUUL Labs, Nordic Semiconductor ASA, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, Runtime Inc, Open Source Foundries Limited, Intel Corporation, Wind River Systems, Inc., The Linux Foundation and its contributors, the fiat-crypto authors, Chris Morrison, Kenneth MacKay | Apache License 2.0 |
mbed-crypto | Arm Limited (or its affiliates) | Apache License 2.0 |
Utilities | STMicroelectronics | BSD 3-Clause |
Applications projects | STMicroelectronics | SLA0044 |
Example Projects | STMicroelectronics | SLA0044 |
Templates Projects | STMicroelectronics | SLA0044 |