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File metadata and controls

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#RxJava and RxAndroid

#Reactive Programming ##a.k.a. asynchronous data streams programming

  • stream of asynchronous events, that can be observed
  • streams can be used as an inputs to other streams
  • wide range of operators on streams, graphically represented with marble diagrams.

#Marble diagrams inline

#Streams (a.k.a. Observables)

  • sequence of ongoing event ordered in time

  • 3 type of events:

    • values
    • error
    • completed
  • when subscribing to a stream, some functions can be scheduled to be executed when a new event is received, asynchronously


  • streams are immutable
  • operators on a stream return a new stream based on the first one, without changing its signals


#RxJava basics

  • Observable, entity emitting any number of signals (including zero), then terminating either by successfully completing, or due to an error
  • Subscriber, entity consuming signals

Just like standard observer pattern, except that often Observables don't start emitting signal until some subscriber starts observing:

  • a cold Observable only emits signals when it has a subscriber
  • a hot Observable emits signals all the time

#Hello, world!

  • Observable with just one value
Observable<String> myObservable = Observable.just("Hello, world!");
  • Observable.subscribe() can handle one, two or three Action parameters (onNext(), onError(), and onComplete())
myObservable.subscribe(onNextAction, onErrorAction, onCompleteAction);
  • With Java 8 lambdas
Observable.just("Hello, world!").subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));

#Creating Observables

  • just( ) — convert an object or several objects into an Observable that emits that object or those objects
  • from( ) — convert an Iterable, a Future, or an Array into an Observable
  • empty( )— create an Observable that emits nothing and then completes
  • error( ) — create an Observable that emits nothing and then signals an error

  • never( ) — create an Observable that emits nothing at all
  • create( ) — create an Observable from scratch by means of a function
  • defer( ) — do not create the Observable until a Subscriber subscribes; create a fresh Observable on each subscription
  • ...


  • allows doing anything to the stream of data
  • allows the setup of complex logic using nothing but chains of simple operators
  • promote encapsulation


// Returns a List of website URLs based on a text search
Observable<List<String>> query(String text);

// Returns the title of a website, or null if 404
Observable<String> getTitle(String URL);

query("Hello, world!")                    // -> Observable<List<String>>
  .flatMap(urls -> Observable.from(urls)) // -> Observable<String>
  .flatMap(url -> getTitle(url))          // -> Observable<String>
  .filter(title -> title != null)
  .doOnNext(title -> saveTitle(title))    // extra behavior
  .map(title -> new Pair<Integer, String>(0, title)) // -> Observable<Pair<Integer, String>>
  .scan((sum, item) -> new Pair<Integer, Word>(sum.first + 1, item.second))
  .subscribe(indexItemPair ->
      System.out.println("Pos: " + indexItemPair.first + ": title:" + indexItemPair.second ));











#Error Handling

Observable.just("Hello, world!")
  .map(s -> potentialException(s))
  .map(s -> anotherPotentialException(s))
  .subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
      public void onNext(String s) { System.out.println(s); }

      public void onCompleted() { System.out.println("Completed!"); }

      public void onError(Throwable e) { System.out.println("Ouch!"); }

Every Observable ends with either a single call to onCompleted() or onError().

#Error Handling

  • onError() is called if an Exception is thrown at any time
  • the operators don't have to handle exceptions
  • exceptions are propagated to the Subscriber, which has to manage all the error handling


allows to specify in which thread:

  • an Observable has to run, with subscribeOn( )
  • a Subscriber has to run, with observeOn( )
  • subscribeOn( ) and observeOn( ) are operators, just like others


  • immediate( ), that executes work immediately on the current thread
  • newThread( ), that creates a new Thread for each job
  • computation( ), that can be used for event-loops, processing callbacks and other computational work
  • io( ), that is intended for IO-bound work, based on an Executor thread-pool that will grow as needed
  • ...


  .subscribe(bitmap -> processImage(bitmap));


  • abstraction that represent the link between an Observable and a Subscriber
  • unsubscribe( ) can be used to stop the chain, terminating wherever it is currently executing code
Subscription subscription = Observable.just("Hello, World!")
.subscribe(s -> System.out.println(s));



#CompositeSubscription algebra

  • add(Subscription s), adds a new Subscription to the CompositeSubscription; if the this is unsubscribed, will explicitly unsubscribing the new Subscription as well
  • remove(Subscription s), removes a Subscription from the CompositeSubscription, and unsubscribes the Subscription
  • unsubscribe(), unsubscribes to all subscriptions in the CompositeSubscription

NB: unsubscribing inner subscriptions has no effect on the container


#Android schedulers

AndroidSchedulers package provides schedulers for Android threading system.

.subscribe(bitmap -> myImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap));
  • AndroidSchedulers.mainThread( ), that will execute an action on the main Android UI thread
  • AndroidSchedulers.handlerThread(Handler handler), that uses the provided Handler to execute an action

#ViewObservable Add some bindings for android Views.

  • clicks( ), that emits a new item each time a View is clicked
  • text( ), that emits a new item each time a TextView's text content is changed
  • input( ), same as above, for CompoundButtons
  • itemClicks( ), same as above, for AdapterViews

#AndroidObservable Even more facilities to abstract Android lifecycle management away

##AndroidObservable.bindActivity( ) and AndroidObservable.bindFragment( )

  • automagically use AndroidSchedulers.mainThread() for observing
  • will stop emitting signals when activity/framgment did finish

#AndroidObservable, an example

AndroidObservable.bindActivity(this, myService.getImage(url))
  .subscribe(bitmap -> myImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap);



  • offers an abstraction over BroadcastReceiver, to create a new Observable
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION);
AndroidObservable.fromBroadcast(context, filter)
.subscribe(intent -> handleConnectivityChange(intent));

#RxJava and RxAndroid, in action

#Network calls with Retrofit lib

  • APIs that allows to perform REST calls that returns an Observable.
  • Easy to combine multiple calls into one.
Observable<Photo> getUserPhoto(@Path("id") int id);

Observable<PhotoMetadata> getPhotoMetadata(@Path("id") int id);
  (photo, metadata) -> createPhotoWithData(photo, metadata))
  .subscribe(photoWithData -> showPhoto(photoWithData));


##Continuing a Subscription during a configuration change (e.g. rotation)

  • solved by caching in RxJava
// caching a request, so it only happens once,
// the request must be stored outside the lifecycle (e.g. a singleton..)
Observable<Photo> request = service.getUserPhoto(id).cache();

// ...When the activity in running...
Subscription sub = request.subscribe(photo -> handleUserPhoto(photo));

// ...When the Activity is being recreated...

// ...Once the Activity is recreated, reusing the same cached request
request.subscribe(photo -> handleUserPhoto(photo));


##Subscribe and unsubscribe to Observable in accordance with the Activity/Fragment lifecycle

  • use of CompositeSubscription helps keeping the code clean
private CompositeSubscription mCompositeSubscription = new CompositeSubscription();

private void doSomething() {
  mCompositeSubscription.add(...); mCompositeSubscription.add(...);

protected void onDestroy() {

#Lambda expression with Retrolambda

Backport of Java 8 lambda expressions to Java 7, 6 and 5!

  • save us from insanity
  • only lambda expressions, not Java 8 APIs
  • From the repo: May break if a future JDK 8 build stops generating a new class for each invokedynamic call. Retrolambda works so that it captures the bytecode that java.lang.invoke.LambdaMetafactory generates dynamically, so optimizations to that mechanism may break Retrolambda.

#A concrete example ##Paroloni Android app

100% inline

100% left

#An approach

  • dumb Fragments (observe and update)
  • service all exposed as Observable<T>
  • operators doing the magic
  • reactive components (adapters..)


public interface ParoloniApi {


    public Observable<WordsResponse> getWords(
      @Path("month") int monthStartingByZero,
      @Path("year") int year,
      @Path("lang") String locale,
      @Query("auth") String authToken,
      @Query("userId") long userId);



public void onResume() {

    // bind this fragment to word list observable
    wordListObservable = AndroidObservable.bindFragment(this,
      apiManager.getApi().getWords(month, year, getContentCodLocale, token, userId)
          .subscribeOn( // network stuff in io scheduler
          .flatMap(wordsResponse -> Observable.from(wordsResponse.getWords())) // Observable<WordResponse> -> Observable<Word>
          .toSortedList((l, r) -> { ... sort elements... }) // Observable<Word> -> Observable<List<Word>>
          .flatMap(list -> Observable.from(list)) // Observable<List<Word>> -> Observable<Word>

          // build an Observable<Pair<Integer, Word>> (the integer value is the index)
          .map(word -> new Pair<Integer, Word>(0, word))
          .scan((sum, item) -> new Pair<Integer, Word>(sum.first + 1, item.second))

          .map(indexItemPair -> { // build list adapter, highlighting the first element
            WordListAdapter.WordListItem item = new WordListAdapter.WordListItem(indexItemPair.second);
            item.setHighlighted((indexItemPair.first == 0)); // highlight current day item
            return item;



      // UI side effects
          .toList()  // converting to list, since the adapter need a list
            wordItemList -> {
                // set list adapter
                setListAdapter(new WordListAdapter(wordListActivity, wordItemList));
            throwable -> {
              ... // do something with the error

#BroadcastReceiver to Observable

// if the user changed content language
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
AndroidObservable.fromBroadcast(context, intentFilter)
  .subscribe(intent -> {
      Log.d(TAG, "User changed content language..");

#BroadcastReceiver to Observable

// if the user logged out, finish this activity
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
AndroidObservable.fromBroadcast(context, intentFilter)
    .subscribe(intent -> {
          Log.d(TAG, "User logged out..");

#Old slow code

Using defer(), the Observable returned won't call slowBlockingMethod() until you subscribe to it

private Object slowBlockingMethod() { ... }

public Observable<Object> newMethod() {
    return Observable.defer(() -> Observable.just(slowBlockingMethod()));


Most of the images are from RxJava's docs. Some code example from Grokking RxJava posts by Dan Lew.