Python 3.6+ envrionment
Step 1: Install OpenAI Baselines System Packages OpenAI Instruction
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install cmake libopenmpi-dev python3-dev zlib1g-dev
Installation of system packages on Mac requires Homebrew. With Homebrew installed, run the following:
brew install cmake openmpi
Clone the repository to folder /DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading:
git clone
cd DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading
Under folder /DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading, create a virtual environment
pip install virtualenv
Virtualenvs are essentially folders that have copies of python executable and all python packages. Create a virtualenv called venv under folder /DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading/venv
virtualenv -p python3 venv
To activate a virtualenv:
source venv/bin/activate
The master branch supports Tensorflow from version 1.4 to 1.14. For Tensorflow 2.0 support, please use tf2 branch. Refer to TensorFlow installation guide for more details.
- Install gym and tensorflow packages:
pip install gym pip install gym[atari] pip install tensorflow==1.14
- Other packages that might be missing:
pip install filelock pip install matplotlib pip install pandas
Clone the baseline repository to folder DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading/baselines:
git clone cd baselines
Install baselines package
pip install -e .
Run all unit tests in baselines:
pip install pytest
A result like '94 passed, 49 skipped, 72 warnings in 355.29s' is expected. Check the OpenAI baselines Issues or stackoverflow if fixes on failed tests are needed.
python -m --alg=ppo2 --env=PongNoFrameskip-v4 --num_timesteps=1e4 --load_path=~/models/pong_20M_ppo2 --play
A mean reward per episode around 20 is expected.
Register the RLStock-v0 environment in folder /DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading/venv: From
Copy following:
into the venv gym environment:
- Copy folder
into the venv gym environment folder:
- Open
change the import data path in these two files (cd into the rlstock folder and pwd to check the folder path).
Go to folder
Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
Go to the baseline folder
To train the model, run this
python -m --alg=ddpg --env=RLStock-v0 --network=mlp --num_timesteps=1e4
To see the testing/trading result, run this
python -m --alg=ddpg --env=RLStock-v0 --network=mlp --num_timesteps=2e4 --play
The result images are under folder /DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading/baselines.
(You can tune the hyperparameter num_timesteps to better train the model, note that if this number is too high, then you will face an overfitting problem, if it's too low, then you will face an underfitting problem.)
Compare to our result:
pip3 install opencv-python
pip3 install lockfile
pip3 install -U numpy
pip3 install mujoco-py==0.5.7
Xiong, Z., Liu, X.Y., Zhong, S., Yang, H. and Walid, A., 2018. Practical deep reinforcement learning approach for stock trading, NeurIPS 2018 AI in Finance Workshop.