These are some instructions to help a new morphologica user out. As a
header-only library, morphologica is not difficult to incorporate into
your own code. This document describes some of the main classes in
morphologica and also includes sections describing what libraries you
will need to link to (for example, if you use morph::HdfData
will need the HDF5 library).
First off is a Helloworld example.
Here's a "Helloworld" example that writes some text on a window.
#include <morph/Visual.h>
int main()
morph::Visual v(600, 400, "Hello World!");
v.addLabel ("Hello World!", {0,0,0});
return 0;
This makes use of morph::Visual
and creates a window with the
title "Hello World!" within which is written "Hello World!". It's an
empty Visual scene with a text label and nothing else. However, try
pressing 'c' in the window, and you'll see the 3D coordinate system
arrows appear. Press 'x' to exit.
This program is in morphologica's examples, so you can compile and run it with:
cd morphologica
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make helloworld
The easiest way to hack on a simple example is to copy one of the example programs, and add a new entry to examples/CMakeLists.txt so that your new example will compile.
I can compile the helloworld program with a single g++ call on my Ubuntu machine...
cd /home/seb/models/morphologica/examples
/usr/bin/g++ \
-I/home/seb/models/morphologica \ # Include dirs
-I/home/seb/models/morphologica/include \
-isystem /usr/include/jsoncpp \
-isystem /usr/include/freetype2 \
-D__GLN__ -DGL3_PROTOTYPES -DGL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES \ # Important flags to set
-DMORPH_FONTS_DIR="\"/home/seb/models/morphologica/fonts\"" \
-Wall -g -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas \ # Almost all warnings
-O3 -fopenmp -std=gnu++17 \ # More compiler flags
-o helloworld helloworld.cpp \ # Input code file and name for output
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \ # Links to shared libraries
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ \
...but as you can see, there are quite a few includes and links to keep track of, and so I find it easier to use cmake! (It's always nice to see the single compile command, though).
Let's get straight into using the modern OpenGL visualisation code that's probably the reason you're reading this document. The class that makes all this possible is morph::Visual. morph::Visual was designed to be a 'game engine for visualisation' that would provide an environment into which you can place 'VisualModel objects'. Each morph::Visual is related to one window within your desktop environment and the VisualModels are the objects that appear in the window (each object has to derive from morph::VisualModel.
morph::Visual contains all the difficult-to-write OpenGL code. It allows the user to pan and zoom the environment to view 3D visualisations from any angle. It bundles fonts and text-handling code to allow you to render anti-aliased text in your models. It provides shaders that give you lighting and alpha-blend effects. It also provides the facilities to save an image of the scene, or save the graphical portions of the scene into a glTF file (so that you could open them in Blender). If you want to make a custom visualisation for a simulation, the only job you have to do is to describe what shapes will make up the graphical model. And because it's modern OpenGL, the graphics rendering is really fast, so you can visualise your simulations in realtime.
A basic program will create a morph::Visual
instance, set some
of its parameters, add some VisualModels and then call the
method each time the screen should be updated.
Here's an example of the code used to create a Visual instance.
// Create a 1024 pixel by 768 pixel morph::Visual window titled "Example"
morph::Visual v(1024, 768, "Example");
// Choose a black background
// Switch on a mix of diffuse/ambient lighting
Now that the Visual instance exists, you can add VisualModels. You'll
see a lot of morph::vec<float, 3>
objects. These are very much like
(and in fact are derived from) std::array<>
from the standard library.
// Each VisualModel is given an 'offset within the Visual
// environment'. Use this offset to control the relative locations of
// all your VisualModel objects.
morph::vec<float, 3> offset = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
// Here, I'm using a very simple morph::TriangleVisual to draw a
// triangle on the screen. I have to specify three corners. These
// coordinates are in 'VisualModel space'
morph::vec<float, 3> c1 = { 0, 0, 0 };
morph::vec<float, 3> c2 = { 0.25, 0, 0 };
morph::vec<float, 3> c3 = { 0.0, 0.3, 0 };
// The last piece of information that the TriangleVisual will
// require is a colour. This is an RGB triplet, so this triangle will
// be red.
morph::vec<float, 3> colour1 = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
// Now create the VisualModel as a std::unique_ptr<morph::TriangleVisual>
auto tv = std::make_unique<morph::TriangleVisual> (offset, c1, c2, c3, colour1);
// You have to call this bindmodel function for any VisualModel-derived object.
// It registers your morph::Visual as the parent of your model and sets some callbacks
// so that the model can access the shader programs.
v.bindmodel (tv);
// You'll pass ownership of 'tv' to the visual scene like this:
v.addVisualModel (tv);
Now your morph::Visual
contains one VisualModel
, which has all
the information required to specify how it should look. To actually
render it on the screen, you call morph::Visual::render()
This draws the scene once. In order to have a responsive scene that
you can drag and move with the mouse, you have to process window
events and update the scene with v.render()
at a suitable frequency. That happens like this:
while (v.readyToFinish == false) {
glfwWaitEventsTimeout (0.018);
glfwWaitEventsTimeout (0.018);
waits for mouse and keyboard events for
0.018 seconds, then v.render()
is called. This continues for as long
as the window should remain open. When the user presses the 'x' key,
the attribute Visual::readyToFinish
is set to true and this loop will
be exited.
The example code in the introduction is adapted from examples/tri.cpp. The program window looks like this:
There are a number of ready-made VisualModel-derived classes that you can use to create your visualisations. It is expected that you will use existing VisualModels like GraphVisual and also create your own specialised classes that derive from VisualModel (see for example, netvisual).
Let's look at a simple one first; the morph::TriangleVisual class that we just encountered:
class TriangleVisual : public VisualModel
TriangleVisual() { this->mv_offset = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; }
//! Initialise with offset, three coordinates and a single colour.
TriangleVisual(const vec<float, 3> _offset,
const vec<float, 3> _coord1, const vec<float, 3> _coord2, const vec<float, 3> _coord3,
const std::array<float, 3> _col)
this->init (_offset, _coord1, _coord2, _coord3, _col);
derives from VisualModel
and has
two constructors. The second constructor takes an argument morph::gl::shaderprogs sp
which is a struct containing the 'shader program' ids. You'll see this in all
VisualModels; this shader program (and a corresponding text shader
program id) is a handle that has to be passed down from the
morph::Visual (which manages the OpenGL context) to all VisualModels.
I've collected all the initialisation into a method called
. Although this isn't strictly necessary, it follows a
convention in other VisualModel-based classes in which I attempt to
minimise the number of arguments passed to the constructor.
void init (const vec<float, 3> _offset,
const vec<float, 3> _coord1, const vec<float, 3> _coord2, const vec<float, 3> _coord3,
const std::array<float, 3> _col)
// Keep a copy of the offset of this Visual model within the scene - common to all VisualModels
this->mv_offset = _offset;
// Set this offset into the VisualModel's viewmatrix - common to all VisualModels
this->viewmatrix.translate (this->mv_offset);
// Copy the three triangle vertex coordinates and the colour. This is TriangleVisual-specific code
this->coord1 = _coord1;
this->coord2 = _coord2;
this->coord3 = _coord3;
this->col = _col;
// Initialize the vertices that will represent the object. All VisualModels have initializeVertices().
// postVertexInit() is VisualModel code that sets up the OpenGL buffers from the vertices that were just initialized.
To make your own VisualModel-based classes, you'll write most of your
code for the initializeVertices
method. Its task is to populate
four vectors: vertexPositions
, vertexNormals
and indices
. In OpenGL, graphical models are
built up by specifying a mesh of triangles. vertexPositions
holds the vertices of all the triangles that form the model. In the
case of this TriangleVisual, there will be exactly 3 coordinates in
; each coordinate has 3 dimensions, and so
(which is of type std::vector<float>
) will
contain 9 floats. vertexNormals
holds the normal vectors for
each vertex in the model (these determine how light is scattered, for
one thing) and vertexColors
contains an RGB colour value for
each vertex. In this class, all the 3 vertices have the same
colour. indices
gives the sequence in which the vertices should
be turned into triangles. In general, there will likely be more
entries in indices
than there are coordinates in
because adjacent triangles in a model will share
vertex positions. However, in this simple VisualModel, there is only a
single triangle and so there are exactly three entries in
. By populating these four vectors, you define a model
which can be rendered in 3D by OpenGL.
At the end of init()
, postVertexInit
is called. This does the magic of
'binding' the four vectors of indices, vertex positions, normals and
colours to OpenGL buffers. Now, when VisualModel::render()
is called,
a call to glDrawElements
triggers a render of the data in the
OpenGL buffers via the shader program. However, the idea behind
morph::Visual is that you shouldn't have to know about the OpenGL
internals. All you should have to learn about is how to populate
and friends.
In TriangleVisual, initializeVertices looks like this:
//! Initialize vertex buffer objects and vertex array object.
void initializeVertices (void)
// First empty out vertexPositions, etc:
// this->idx is the indices index. Passed by reference to 'drawing' functions like computeTriangle here.
// Draw a triangle. That's it.
this->computeTriangle (this->idx, this->coord1, this->coord2, this->coord3, this->col);
std::cout << "this->idx now has value: " << this->idx << std::endl;
std::cout << "vertexPositions has size " << this->vertexPositions.size()<< std::endl;
The 'drawing primitive' here is computeTriangle()
, which takes as
arguments the 'indices index', the corners of the triangle and its
//! Compute a triangle from 3 arbitrary corners
void computeTriangle (VBOint& idx,
vec<float> c1, vec<float> c2, vec<float> c3,
std::array<float, 3> colr)
// v is the face normal
vec<float> u1 = c1-c2;
vec<float> u2 = c2-c3;
vec<float> v = u1.cross(u2);
// Push corner vertices
this->vertex_push (c1, this->vertexPositions);
this->vertex_push (c2, this->vertexPositions);
this->vertex_push (c3, this->vertexPositions);
// Push colours/normals
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
this->vertex_push (colr, this->vertexColors);
this->vertex_push (v, this->vertexNormals);
// Push indices
this->indices.push_back (idx++);
this->indices.push_back (idx++);
this->indices.push_back (idx++);
Here, vec<float>
is a morph::vec<float,3>
and note that I can
do vector arithmetic with vecs. The code adds each corner to
, using the convenience function VisualModel::vertex_push()
(which adds all 3 elements of one coordinate to
vertexPositions/Colors/Normals in one call). It computes the
normal vector of the triangle's face, v
, and places this in vertexNormals
three times. It also places the single colour for the triangle into
three times. Lastly, it adds three indices to
. At the end of the function, the argument idx
have been incremented by 3. This would be important were
to be called a second time to draw another triangle
within this VisualModel.
That completes the code to draw a triangle within the
framework of morph::Visual
and morph::VisualModel
To create a VisualModel, you have to decide what triangle mesh will
represent the model and then painstakingly work out the location of
each vertex. This is quite an involved job. However, if you want to
build a VisualModel containing simple objects such as spheres, discs,
tubes, cones and lines, then most of the hard work might have already
been done. VisualModel provides a number of 'drawing primitive'
functions that can be used in the initializeVertices
function of
your newly derived class. The netvisual
class from the
'SimpsonGoodhill' example does this:
template <typename Flt>
class NetVisual : public morph::VisualModel
void initializeVertices()
VBOint idx = 0;
// Spheres at the net vertices
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->locations->p.size(); ++i) {
// This is VisualModel::computeSphere()
this->computeSphere (idx, this->locations->p[i], this->locations->clr[i], this->radiusFixed, 14, 12);
// Connections
for (auto c : this->locations->c) {
morph::vec<Flt, 3> c1 = this->locations->p[c[0]];
morph::vec<Flt, 3> c2 = this->locations->p[c[1]];
std::array<float, 3> clr1 = this->locations->clr[c[0]];
std::array<float, 3> clr2 = this->locations->clr[c[1]];
// This is VisualModel::computeLine()
this->computeLine (idx, c1, c2, this->uz, clr1, clr2, this->linewidth, this->linewidth/Flt{4});
This is a visualisation of a fishnet plot, which consists of a number
of spheres, joined up by lines to make a mesh. The two drawing
primitive functions computeSphere()
and computeLine()
found in morph::VisualModel
. Other drawing primitives include
, computeFlatPoly()
, computeRing()
To describe how to add text to your VisualModel.
How to draw 2D graphs with the morph::GraphVisual
class and 3D
graphs with the aid of morph::TriaxesVisual
How to go about updating a model to reflect new data computed by your simulation.
morph::Config reads and writes parameter configuration data in JSON format. JSON is very easy to work with (certainly compared with XML files). The idea is that you will write your parameters by hand (or with a script) into a JSON file, then these are conveniently accessible in your program. Here's an example from our Schnakenberg reaction-diffusion example, schanakenberg.json:
"Section_Simulation" : "Simulation settings",
"steps" : 125000,
"logevery" : 5000,
"logpath" : "logs/",
"saveplots" : false,
"dt" : 0.000005,
"Section_Parameters" : "Schnakenberg model parameters",
"D_A" : 0.5,
"D_B" : 0.6,
"k1" : 3,
"k2" : 1,
"k3" : 2,
"k4" : 2
The code to read this is easy to use:
#include <morph/Config.h>
morph::Config conf("./params.json");
if (!conf.ready) { /* handle error */ }
// The length of one timestep. If dt does not exist in the JSON
// file, then the default value 0.00001 is written into the variable dt.
const double dt = conf.getDouble ("dt", 0.00001);
// Each type has a named method for access. Here's unsigned int:
const unsigned int logevery = conf.getUInt ("logevery", 1000);
// And a string:
std::string logpath = conf.getString ("logpath", "fromfilename");
At the end of your program, it's a good idea to write out a copy of the params.json file into your log directory, along with some information about the simulation run:
// Add information into the existing morph::Config object:
conf.set ("float_width", (unsigned int)sizeof(FLT)); // FLT is a template param
std::string tnow = morph::Tools::timeNow();
conf.set ("sim_ran_at_time", tnow);
if (argc > 0) { conf.set("argv0", argv[0]); }
if (argc > 1) { conf.set("argv1", argv[1]); }
conf.insertGitInfo ("sim/"); // checks 'sim' dir for any post-commit changes
const std::string paramsCopy = logpath + "/params.json";
conf.write (paramsCopy);
if (conf.ready == false) { /* handle error */ }
morph::Config provides methods to access simple paramters in a JSON file, like these:
"param1" : 1,
"param2" : 100
Often that's all you need, but sooner or later, you'll find that you need to place an array of value or some kind of dictionary in your JSON config. Perhaps something like this:
"params" : [ { "x": 1, "y": 2, "p": 3 }, { "x": 1, "y": 3, "p": 4 } ]
Rather than wrapping all the possible ways you might need to interact with containers of parameter values, at this point, we just say "use the underlying JSON type to access your parameters". morph::Config
uses nlohmann::json
to provide a JSON datatype. When you call morph::Config::get(thingname)
you are simply returned an object of type nlohmann::json
that matches the name you passed in. You can then iterate and access that object as described on the nlohmann::json Github page.
For example:
std::vector<std::string> params;
nlohmann::json params_array = sconf->get("params"); // sconf is a morph::Config*
for (auto p : params_array) { params.push_back (p.get<std::string>()); }
When developing a numerical model, it is often useful to sweep through many different values of one parameter, to find out how it affects the model's behaviour. Often, this means writing a script to launch a number of simulations, each with slightly different parameter settings. In this case, it would be tiresome to create a new JSON file for each individual simulation run; it is much easier to write a single JSON file with all the common parameters, and then be able to override one parameter with a new value for each run. Here's how you can do this:
When you have created your morph::Config
object, you pass your main function's argc and
argv to morph::Config::process_args(argc, argv)
. This records any
'overrides' that you've placed into the command line of your
#include <morph/Config.h>
int main (int argc, char** argv)
morph::Config conf("./params.json");
if (!conf.ready) { /* handle error */ }
// This line is all you have to add to your setup to be able to override a parameter
conf.process_args (argc, argv);
// Now, when you call conf.getDouble for the parameter 'A', then you'll
// get the one from JSON, unless the command line has an override for A.
const double dt = conf.getDouble ("A", 1);
You do have to use a fixed format for the overrides on your command line. So, in an example program where you want to update the parameter 'A' in your config, you'd run like this:
myprog -co:A=4.5
The '-co:'
is the token that Config::process_args
uses to recognise
that you're overriding the value of A that is given in your existing
Config ('co' stands for Config Override).
You can then run several programs:
myprog -co:A=4.6
myprog -co:A=4.7
and so on.
You can also use multiple instances, and specify texts and booleans, like this:
myprog -co:A=4 -co:B=5 -co:C=text -co:D=false
Finally, you can add any of your other usual command line args, as long as they don't match '-co:'
myprog ./path/to/myconf.json -p -s -co:A=4 -co:z=true
morph::HdfData is a C++ wrapper around the HDF5 C API. There are other wrappers available, but I wanted a relatively simple one, and this is it.
With HdfData
, you can write out individual numbers and containers of
numbers into the HDF5 file. Mostly, that will be arrays of numbers,
such as std::vector<double>
. To save some arrays like this into
a file is very simple:
#include <morph/HdfData.h>
#include <vector>
int main()
// Two vectors of doubles:
std::vector<double> vd1 = { 10.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0 };
std::vector<double> vd2 = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 };
morph::HdfData data("test.h5", morph::FileAccess::TruncateWrite);
data.add_contained_vals ("/vd1", vd1);
data.add_contained_vals ("/vd2", vd2);
} // data closes when out of scope
return 0;
You just create an object of type morph::HdfData
and say whether you
want write to the file (as I've done here with
the morph::FileAccess::TruncateWrite
argument) or whether you want to
read it (morph::FileAccess::ReadOnly
Note how I've used the scope identifier brackets {
and }
to place the HdfData
object in its own scope. When the HdfData object goes out of scope,
the deconstructor is called and the file is closed. After than you can
safely open the file in another program.
Writing data is just a couple of calls of HdfData::add_contained_vals
You can use HdfData::add_contained_vals
to write quite a few
combinations of container and contained type. Here are some that will
work just fine:
std::vector<float> d1;
std::list<int> d2;
std::deque<unsigned int> d3;
std::vector<std::array<float, 3>> d4;
morph::vvec<morph::vec<float>> d5;
If you want to write just a single value into your h5 file, then the
function to use is called HdfData::add_val
double d = 5;
morph::HdfData data("test.h5", morph::FileAccess::TruncateWrite);
data.add_val ("/a_number", d);
Reading from your HDF5 file is mostly as easy as writing to it. If you
write with add_contained_vals
, then the corresonding read function is
. Here's an example:
std::vector<double> vdread;
morph::HdfData data("test.h5", morph::FileAccess::ReadOnly);
data.read_contained_vals ("/vd1", vdread);
To read a single value that you saved with HdfData::add_val
, you use HdfData::read_val
double d = 0.0;
morph::HdfData data("test.h5", morph::FileAccess::ReadOnly);
data.read_val ("/a_number", d);
So you created an HDF5 file, filled it with data and closed it. Now you want to add some more data to the file.
Sounds like it should be easy, but it turns out that to do this requires quite a lot more effort working with the HDF5 internals.
You have to tell the API ahead of time that your data arrays might get larger and that there might be new arrays added in the future.
This is all such a headache, that I've not implemented it in HdfData.
Don't let the existence of the flag morph::FileAccess::ReadWrite
mislead you;
I haven't implemented appending so if you need it, you'll either have to access the HDF5 API directly, or use one of the more comprehensive C++ wrappers.
One other pair of HdfData functions that you might find useful are HdfData::add_string
and HdfData::read_string
morph::HdfData data("test.h5", morph::FileAccess::TruncateWrite);
data.add_string ("/a_string", "Hello world");
std::string str("");
morph::HdfData data("test.h5", morph::FileAccess::ReadOnly);
data.read_string ("/a_string", str);
For more example code, you can look at examples/hdfdata.cpp and tests/testhdfdata1.cpp (and testhdfdata2.cpp and testhdfdata3.cpp)
A class to manage simulations carried out on hexagonal grids with arbitrary boundaries.
A class for data scaling, with autoscaling features.
This is an extension of std::array to make a class for mathematical vector manipulation in N dimensions.
While you can just store your vectors in std::array, here are 15 things that you can do with morph::vec<> (a mathematical vector class) that require much more code with plain std::array:
#include <morph/vec.h>
using morph::vec;
// 1 Access by named components:
vec<float, 3> v = {1,2,3};
cout << "x: " << v.x() << endl;
cout << "y: " << v.y() << endl;
cout << "z: " << v.z() << endl;
// 2 Send to cout:
cout << "This vector is: " << v << endl;
// 3 Renormalize the vector to length 1:
// 4 Check if it's a unit vector:
cout << "is it unit? " << v.checkunit() << endl;
// 5 Randomize the vector's components:
// 6 Get its vector length:
cout << "Length: " << v.length() << endl;
// 7 Negate the vector
vec<int, 2> vi = {1,2,3};
vec<int, 2> vi3 = -vi;
// 8 Compute the cross product (3D only)
vec<double, 3> a = {1,0,0};
vec<double, 3> b = {0,1,0};
vec<double, 3> c = a * b;
cout << a << "*" << b << "=" << c << endl;
// 9 Compute the dot product
vec<int, 2> vv1 = {1,1};
vec<int, 2> vv2 = {2,2};
int dp = (vv2);
// 10-13 Scalar multiply, divide, add, subtract
vv2 *= 2UL;
vv2 = vv2 / 5;
vec<int, 2> vv;
vv = vv1 + 7;
vv = vv1 - 9;
// 14 vector addition
vec<double, 3> e = a+b;
cout << "a + b = " << e << endl;
// 15 vector subtraction
vec<double, 3> f = a-b;
cout << "a - b = " << f << endl;
There's even more that you can do with a morph::vec, take a look in the header.
Classes to create Bezier curves.
All of the morphologica classes are header-only, which means there is no 'libmorphologica' to link to your program. However, some of the classes need to link to 3rd party dependencies. Some of the main dependencies are:
- morph::HdfData: Link to
. If you want to save/load OpenCV data structures then you need to link to OpenCV, too (and#define BUILD_HDFDATA_WITH_OPENCV
before#include <morph/HdfData.h>
). - morph::Visual: This uses 3D graphics, so it needs to link to OpenGL, GLFW3 and Freetype.
- morph::BezCurve: Link to
. Used for matrix algebra. - morph::HexGrid and morph::CartGrid: These use BezCurves, so need
Some morphologica classes use no third party code. morph::vec
, for example is very much standalone.
This is the only real headache of working with morphologica: working out the right compiler line to call to compile a morphologica program.
I use cmake to coordinate includes and links. cmake examples are given in the top level readme to show how to set up the includes, compiler flags and links using that system.
To include a description of writing your own CMakeLists.txt file.