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This README describes how to use plugins. See the README in the root of the repo for a description of what plugins can do.

  1. Default plugins
  2. Compiling a plugin
  3. Hot-reloading plugins
  4. Creating a plugin
  5. Docker

Default plugins

Various plugins are loaded by default when using the bot, stored in the DefaultPlugins variable in bot/config.go.

You can configure the plugins that are loaded by modifying the config/plugins.json file, as described in the main README.

You are also able to change the directory that the bot looks for plugins in, which is -pluginDir="bin" by default. Changing this flag will not compile your plugins for you, the Makefile will check plugins/ for compiling, and output them to bin/.

Compiling a plugin

Running make on its own will compile the bot along with the plugins, by default. This is the code that make calls for compiling all plugins:

for d in ./plugins/*/; do
  echo "building $$d"
  go build -o "bin/" -buildmode=plugin "$$d"

You can compile a single plugin on your own using

go build -o "bin/" -buildmode=plugin "plugins/my-plugin/"

If you want your plugin to be loaded, you must add it to the DefaultPlugins list in bot/config.go, or the config/plugins.json file.

Hot-reloading plugins

Currently, hot-reloading is technically possible but there are no commands to do so from the user-end. This README will be updated as issue #8 is updated.

Creating a plugin

All a plugin has to do is

  • Have a plugin-name.go with a package main which declares a func InitPlugin(_ *plugins.PluginInit) *plugins.Plugin.
  • Be inside the plugins/ (or other) directory in a directory under its own name, for example, plugins/base/base.go or plugins/base-extra/base-extra.go

The actual plugins.go code is heavily documented and explains the technical process of how plugins are loaded and work.

An example plugin's example.go can be found in the plugins folder.


You can modify the plugins to be loaded via Docker with the config/plugins.json file, as described in the main README.