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Anton Meier edited this page Dec 19, 2019 · 5 revisions

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API Documentation

The flic2lib.framework for iOS contains 2 interfaces, FLICManager and FLICButton. Each interface has one delegate protocol that must be implemented, FLICManagerDelegate and FLICButtonDelegate, respectively.

For enum declarations, please scroll to the bottom.


An instance of this class represents a physical Flic 2 button.


@property(readonly, nonatomic, strong, nonnull) NSUUID *identifier;

    This identifier is guaranteed to be the same for each Flic paired to a particular iOS device. Thus it can be used to identify a Flic within an app. However, If you need to identify Flics cross different apps on different iOS devices, then you should have look at the either uuid, serialNumber, or bluetoothAddress.

@property(weak, nonatomic, nullable) id<FLICButtonDelegate> delegate;

    The delegate that will receive events related to this particular Flic. You can either set this delegate manually for each button, or let the manager do so automatically using the buttonDelegate as default.

@property(nonatomic, readonly, strong, nullable) NSString *name;

    The bluetooth advertisement name of the Flic. This will be the same name that is shown by iOS it its bluetooth settings.

@property(nonatomic, readwrite, strong, nullable) NSString *nickname;

    With this property you can read out the display name that the user may change in for example the Flic app. This value can also be changed from third party apps integrating this framework. The purpose of this is to provide more human readable name that the user can use to identify its Flic's across apps. For example "Kitchen Flic" or "Bedroom Lights".

@property(nonatomic, readonly, strong, nonnull) NSString *bluetoothAddress;

    The bluetooth address of the Flic. This will be a string representation of a 49 bit long address. Example: "00:80:e4:da:12:34:56"

@property(nonatomic, readonly, strong, nonnull) NSString *uuid;

    This is a unique identifier string that best used to identify a Flic. This is for example used to identify Flics on all our API endpoints.

@property(nonatomic, readonly, strong, nonnull) NSString *serialNumber;

    The serial number is a production identifier that is printed on the backside of the Flic inside the battery hatch. This serves no other purpose than allowing a user to identify a button by manually looking at it. Can be useful in some cases.

@property(nonatomic, readwrite) FLICButtonTriggerMode triggerMode;

    Use this property to let the flic2lib know what type of click events you are interested it. By default you will get Click, Double Click and Hold events. However, if you for example are only interested in Click events then you can set this property to FLICButtonTriggerModeClick. Doing so will allow the flic2lib to deliver the events quicker since it can now ignore Double Click and Hold.

@property(nonatomic, readonly) FLICButtonState state;

    Lets you know if the Flic is Connected, Disconnected, Connecting, or Disconnecting.

@property(nonatomic, readonly) uint32_t pressCount;

    The number of times the Flic has been clicked since last time it booted.

@property(nonatomic, readonly) uint32_t firmwareRevision;

    The revision of the firmware currently running on the Flic.

@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isReady;

    When a Flic connects it will go through a quick cryptographic verification to ensure that it is both a genuine Flic and that it is the correct Flic. Once this is completed this property will be set to YES and it is not until after that that you will start receiving click events (if any). As soon as the button disconnects this will be set to NO again.

@property(nonatomic, readonly) uint32_t batterylevel;

    This will be the last know battery sample taken on the Flic. To convert this sample into voltage you can use the following formula: float voltage = ((batterylevel * 3.6) / 1024);

    It is a good idea to consider changing the battery once the voltage goes below 2.65V.

@property(nonatomic, readonly) BOOL isUnpaired;

    If this property is YES, then it means that this app's pairing with this specific Flic is no longer valid. This can for example occur if the Flic has been factory reset, or if the maximum number of pairings have been reached. In this case you will need to delete the button from the manager and then scan for it again.


- (void)connect;

    Attempts to connect the Flic. If the Flic is not available, due to either being out of range or not advertising, then it will be connected once it becomes available as this call does not time out. This is often called a pending connection. It can be canceled by calling disconnect.

- (void)disconnect;

    Disconnect a currently connected Flic or cancel a pending connection.


The delegate of a FLICButton instance must adopt the FLICButtonDelegate protocol.

Required Methods

- (void)buttonDidConnect:(FLICButton *)button;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.

    This method is called every time the Flic establishes a new bluetooth connection. Keep in mind that you also have to wait for the buttonIsReady: before the Flic is ready to be used.

- (void)buttonIsReady:(FLICButton *)button;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.

    This method is called after each connection once the Flic has been cryptographically verified. You will not receive any click events before this is called.

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didDisconnectWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;

button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from. error     This error lets you know the reason for the disconnect. An error does not necessarily mean that something went wrong.

    This method is called every time the bluetooth link with the Flic is lost. This can occur for several different reasons. The most common would be that the iOS device and the Flic is no longer within range of each other.

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didFailToConnectWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.
  • error     This error lets you know why the connection attempt failed.

    This method is called when a connection attempt to a button fails. This indicates that something has gone wrong and that the pending connection will not be reset.

Optional Methods

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didReceiveButtonDown:(BOOL)queued age:(NSInteger)age;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.
  • queued     Whether the event is a queued event that happened before the Flic connected or if it is a real time event.
  • age     If the event was queued, then this will let you know the age of the event rounded to the nearest second.

    The Flic registered a button down event.

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didReceiveButtonUp:(BOOL)queued age:(NSInteger)age;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.
  • queued     Whether the event is a queued event that happened before the Flic connected or if it is a real time event.
  • age     If the event was queued, then this will let you know the age of the event rounded to the nearest second.

    The Flic registered a button up event.

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didReceiveButtonClick:(BOOL)queued age:(NSInteger)age;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.
  • queued     Whether the event is a queued event that happened before the Flic connected or if it is a real time event.
  • age     If the event was queued, then this will let you know the age of the event rounded to the nearest second.

    The Flic registered a click event.

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didReceiveButtonDoubleClick:(BOOL)queued age:(NSInteger)age;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.
  • queued     Whether the event is a queued event that happened before the Flic connected or if it is a real time event.
  • age     If the event was queued, then this will let you know the age of the event rounded to the nearest second.

    The Flic registered a double click event.

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didReceiveButtonHold:(BOOL)queued age:(NSInteger)age;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.
  • queued     Whether the event is a queued event that happened before the Flic connected or if it is a real time event.
  • age     If the event was queued, then this will let you know the age of the event rounded to the nearest second.

    The Flic registered a hold event.

- (void)button:(FLICButton *)button didUnpairWithError:(NSError * _Nullable)error;
  • button     The FLICButton instance that the event originated from.
  • error     This will always be nil at this time.

    The app no longer has a valid pairing with the Flic button. The isUnpaired property will now be YES and all connection attempts made will immediately fail. To fix this you need to delete the button from the manager and then re-scan it again.


This interface is intended to be used as a singleton. It keeps track of all the buttons that have been paired with this particular app and restores them on each application launch.


@property(weak, nonatomic, nullable) id<FLICManagerDelegate> delegate;

    The delegate that all the FLICManagerDelegate events will be sent to. Usually this is configured only once when the application is first launched, using the configureWithDelegate:buttonDelegate:background: method.

@property(weak, nonatomic, nullable) id<FLICButtonDelegate> buttonDelegate;

    Once set, this delegate will automatically be set to every button instance on each application launch. This will also be assigned to new buttons that are discovered using the scanForButtonsWithStateChangeHandler:completionHandler: method. Using this delegate also ensures that the click events are delivered as fast as possible when an application is restored in the background.

@property(readonly) CBManagerState cbState;

    This is the manager state of Apple's CoreBluetooth framework. You will only be able to communicate with Flic buttons while the manager is in the CBManagerStatePoweredOn state.


+ (instancetype _Nullable)sharedManager;

    This class method return the singleton manager, assuming that it has been configured first using the configureWithDelegate:buttonDelegate:background: method first, otherwise nil is returned.

+ (instancetype _Nullable)configureWithDelegate:(id<FLICManagerDelegate> _Nullable)delegate
                                 buttonDelegate:(id<FLICButtonDelegate> _Nullable)buttonDelegate
  • delegate     The delegate to be used with the manager singleton.
  • buttonDelegate     The delegate to be automatically assigned to each FLICButton instance.
  • background     Whether or not you intend to use this application in the background.

    This configuration method must be called before the manager can be used. It is recommended that this is done as soon as possible after your application has launched in order to minimize the delay of any pending click events.

- (NSArray<FLICButton *> *)buttons;

    This array will contain every button that is currently paired with this application. Each button will be added to the list after a call to scanForButtonsWithStateChangeHandler:completionHandler: has completed without error. It is important to know that you may not try to access this list until after the managerDidRestoreState: method has been sent to the manager delegate.

- (void)forgetButton:(FLICButton *)button completion:(void (^)(NSUUID *uuid, NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
  • button     The button that you wish to delete from the manager.
  • completion     This returns the identifier of the button instance that was just removed along with an error, if needed.

    This will delete this button from the manager. After a successful call to this method you will no longer be able to communicate with the associated Flic button unless you pair it again using the scanForButtonsWithStateChangeHandler:completionHandler:. On completion, the button will no longer be included in the manager's buttons array.

- (void)scanForButtonsWithStateChangeHandler:(void (^)(FLICButtonScannerStatusEvent event))stateHandler
                                  completion:(void (^)(FLICButton *button, NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
  • stateHandler     This handler returns status events that lets you know what the scanner is currently doing. The purpose of this handler is to provide a predefined states where you may update your application UI.
  • completion     The completion handler will always run and if successful it will return a new FLICButton instance, otherwise it will provide you with an error.

This method lets you add new Flic buttons to the manager. The scan flow is automated and the stateHandler will let you know what information you should provide to your application end user.

- (void)stopScan;

    Cancel an ongoing button scan. This will result in a scan completion with an error.


The delegate of a FLICManager instance must adopt the FLICManagerDelegate protocol.

Required Methods

- (void)managerDidRestoreState:(FLICManager *)manager;
  • manager     The manager instance that the event originates from. Since this is intended to be used as a singleton, there should only ever be one manager instance.

    This is called once the manager has been restored. This means that all the FLICButton instances from your previous session are restored as well. After this method has been called you may start using the manager and communicate with the Flic buttons. This method will only be called once on each application launch.

- (void)manager:(FLICManager *)manager didUpdateBluetoothState:(CBManagerState)state;
  • manager     The manager instance that the event originates from. Since this is intended to be used as a singleton, there should only ever be one manager instance.
  • state     The bluetooth state of Apple's CoreBluetooth framework.

    Each time the bluetooth state changes on the iOS device, this method will be called. It will also be called at least one time after the manager has been configured.


  • FLICErrorDomain


  • FLICButtonScannerErrorDomain




Represents the different error codes that can be generated while scanning and pairing new Flics.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeUnknown

    The scan was unsuccessful due to an unknown reason.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeBluetoothNotActivated

    The scan could not be started since bluetooth was not in the powered on state.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeNoPublicButtonDiscovered

    No button was advertising in public mode within proximity.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeBLEPairingFailedPreviousPairingAlreadyExisting

    The bluetooth pairing failed since the user already has paired this button before with this device. This is solved by removing the pairing from the iOS bluetooth pairing settings screen.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeBLEPairingFailedUserCanceled

    The bluetooth pairing failed since the user pressed cancel on the pairing dialog.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeBLEPairingFailedUnknownReason

    The bluetooth pairing failed since iOS decided to decline the request. It is unknown why or if this can happen.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeAppCredentialsDontMatch

    Indicates that the button cannot be unlocked since it belongs to a different brand.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeUserCanceled

    The scan was manually canceled using the stopScan method.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeInvalidBluetoothAddress

    The Flic's certificate belongs to a different bluetooth address.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeGenuineCheckFailed

    The framework was unable to pair with the Flic since it did not pass the authenticity check.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeAlreadyConnectedToAnotherDevice

    The discovered Flic cannot be connected since it is currently connected to a different device.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeTooManyApps

    The discovered Flic cannot be connected since the maximum number of simultaneous app connections has been reached.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeCouldNotSetBluetoothNotify

    A bluetooth specific error. The framework was unable to establish a connection to the Flic peripheral.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeCouldNotDiscoverBluetoothServices

    A bluetooth specific error. The framework was unable to establish a connection to the Flic peripheral.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeButtonDisconnectedDuringVerification

    The bluetooth connection was dropped during the verification process.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeConnectionTimeout

    The Flic peripheral did not connect in time.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeFailedToEstablish

    The bluetooth connection failed.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeConnectionLimitReached

    The iOS device reached the maximum number of allowed bluetooth peripherals.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeInvalidVerifier

    The signature generated by the Flic button could not be verified.

  • FLICButtonScannerErrorCodeNotInPublicMode

    The Flic button was no longer in public mode when the verification process ran.


While the scanner is running, it will send a status events to let you know what it is doing. These enums represents those events.

  • FLICButtonScannerStatusEventDiscovered

    A public Flic has been discovered and a connection attempt will now be made.

  • FLICButtonScannerStatusEventConnected

    The Flic was successfully bluetooth connected.

  • FLICButtonScannerStatusEventVerified

    The Flic has been verified and unlocked for this app. The Flic will soon be delivered in the assigned completion handler.

  • FLICButtonScannerStatusEventVerificationFailed

    The Flic could not be verified. The completion handler will soon run to let you know what the error was.


These enums represents the different error codes that can be sent from flic2lib, excluding the button scanner which has its own set of error codes.

  • FLICErrorUnknown

    An unknown error has occurred.

  • FLICErrorNotConfigured

    You are trying to use the manager while it has not been configured yet.

  • FLICErrorCouldNotDiscoverBluetoothServices

    A bluetooth specific error code. This means that something went wrong while the phone tried to establish a connection with the Flic peripheral.

  • FLICErrorVerificationSignatureMismatch

    The framework was unable to verify the cryptographic signature from the Flic while setting up a session.

  • FLICErrorInvalidUuid

    The UUID of a button is not correct.

  • FLICErrorGenuineCheckFailed

    While establishing a connection with the Flic the framework was unable to verify the authenticity of the button.

  • FLICErrorTooManyApps

    The app was unable to establish a connection with the Flic button because it already had a connection with too many apps on this particular phone.

  • FLICErrorUnpaired

    The pairing on the Flic button has been lost so the app's pairing data is no longer valid. This typically happens if the Flic is factory reset.


The different states that a Flic can be in at any given time.

  • FLICButtonStateDisconnected

    The Flic is currently disconnected and a pending connection is not set. The Flic will not connect again unless you manually call the connect method.

  • FLICButtonStateConnecting

    The Flic is currently disconnected, but a pending connection is set. The Flic will automatically connect again as soon as it becomes available.

  • FLICButtonStateConnected

    The Flic currently has a bluetooth connection with the phone. This does not necessarily mean that it has been verified. Please listen for the isReady event, or read the isReady property, for that information.

  • FLICButtonStateDisconnecting

    The Flic is currently connected, but is attempting to disconnect. Typically this state will only occur for very short periods of time before either switching to the connecting or disconnected state again.


The different trigger modes that you can configure the Flic button to use.

  • FLICButtonTriggerModeClickAndHold

     Used to distinguish between only click and hold.
     Click will be fired when the button is released if it was pressed for maximum 1 second. Otherwise, hold will be fired 1 second after the button was pressed. Click will then not be fired upon release.
     Since this option will only distinguish between click and hold it does not have to take double click into consideration.
     This means that the click event can be sent immediately on button release rather than to wait for a possible double click.
     Note: this will be the default behavior.
  • FLICButtonTriggerModeClickAndDoubleClick

     Used to distinguish between only single click and double click.
     Double click will be registered if the time between two button down events was at most 0.5 seconds.
     The double click event will then be fired upon button release.
     If the time was more than 0.5 seconds, a single click event will be fired; either directly upon button release if the button was down for more than 0.5 seconds, or after 0.5 seconds if the button was down for less than 0.5 seconds.
  • FLICButtonTriggerModeClickAndDoubleClickAndHold

     Used to distinguish between single click, double click and hold.
     If the time between the first button down and button up event was more than 1 second, a hold event will be fired.
     Else, double click will be fired if the time between two button down events was at most 0.5 seconds.
     The double click event will then be fired upon button release.
     If the time was more than 0.5 seconds, a single click event will be fired; either directly upon button release if the button was down for more than 0.5 seconds, or after 0.5 seconds if the button was down for less than 0.5 seconds.
     Note: Three fast consecutive clicks means one double click and then one single click. Four fast consecutive clicks means two double clicks.
  • FLICButtonTriggerModeClick

     This mode will only send click and the event will be sent directly on buttonDown.
     This will be the same as listening for buttonDown.
     Note: This is optimal if your application requires the lowest latency possible.

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