GET users/:id/followers
Returns a list of users who follow the specified user.
- A valid Consumer Key must be provided in consumer_key parameter.
- Alternatively, a valid OAuth request with an authorized Access Token will be accepted.
- id (required) — ID of the user.
- page — Return the specified page of the resource. Page numbering is 1-based.
- rpp — Results Per Page, default 20, max 100.
A JSON array with keys:
- followers_count — Total number of followers.
- followers_pages — The total number of pages available in this resource.
- page — Number of the page currently being returned.
- followers — An indexed array of User objects in short format.
All known errors cause the resource to return HTTP error code header together with a JSON array containing at least 'status' and 'error' keys describing the source of error.
- 403 Forbidden — The user requested has been disabled.
- 404 Not Found — User does not exist in our database.
GET v1/users/173/followers
Return shortened for example purpose
"followers_count": 7,
"followers_pages": 1,
"page": 1,
"followers": [
"id": 457180,
"username": "mgcirillo",
"firstname": "Mike",
"lastname": "Cirillo",
"city": "Toronto",
"country": "Canada",
"fullname": "Mike Cirillo",
"userpic_url": "",
"upgrade_status": 2
"id": 12150,
"username": "MaksimPo",
"firstname": "Maksim",
"lastname": "p.",
"city": "tallinn",
"country": "estonia",
"fullname": "Maksim p.",
"userpic_url": "",
"upgrade_status": 0
"id": 2,
"username": "oleggutsol",
"firstname": "Oleg",
"lastname": "Gutsol",
"city": "Toronto",
"country": "Canada",
"fullname": "Oleg Gutsol",
"userpic_url": "",
"upgrade_status": 2