GET users/:user_id/galleries/:id
Returns the details of the requested gallery
can be one of the following:
- gallery id
- gallery path
- gallery token
Gallery id and path can be used to access any publicly-shared galleries, while knowing a gallery's secret token allows access to the corresponding private galler (regardless of ownership). The gallery id can be used to access any gallery owned by the current user (public or private).
- A valid Consumer Key must be provided in consumer_key parameter.
- Alternatively, a valid OAuth request with an authorized Access Token will be accepted.
- cover_size — The cover photo size to be returned. Defaults to 4.
The requested Gallery object in full format.
All known errors cause the resource to return HTTP error code header together with a JSON array containing at least 'status' and 'error' keys describing the source of error.
- 404 Not Found — The gallery you are requesting does not exist, or is private (and you are not its owner)