The Most Configurable, Testable, Non-Magical Rails Admin Framework
The Rails admin framework you'll want to lick
- Minimal setup
- You already know how to customize it – we don't need no stinkin' DSL
- It's hecka responsive up in here
# Gemfile
gem 'lollipop'
# config/routes.rb
mount Lollipop::Engine => '/admin', :as => 'lollipop'
For every resource you want to admin, create a controller.
# app/controllers/admin/comments_controller.rb
Admin::CommentsController < Lollipop::BaseController
Admin::CommentsController < ApplicationController
Lollipop is up and running.
We already have a DSL to describe our views. They're called templating languages. You probably already know some.
Just create the custom views like you already do. Use lollipop's helpers. Or don't! Fuck lollipop. It's your app.
Use your favorite templating language. Lollipop don't care.
# app/views/admin/comments/index.html.haml
= collection_table do
= column :id
= column :author
= column :created_at
# app/views/admin/comments/show.html.haml
= attributes_table do
= row :id
= row :author, :label => 'Who?'
= row :body do @comment.body
%th Date
%td= @comment.created_at.to_s(:long)
It's straight up formtastic, yo.
# app/views/admin/comments/_form.html.haml
= form do |f|
= f.input :author
= f.input :body
= f.input :created_at
# config/initializers/lollipop.rb
Lollipop.setup do |config|
config.layout = 'my_layout_is_better'
Want to start with lollipop's default layout and have your way with it? No problem.
$ rails generate lollipop:layout
# generates app/views/layouts/lollipop.html.haml
# app/views/admin/comments/_filter_fields.html.haml
= filter :id
= filter :author
Uses ransack.
Yeah, test the shit out your customizations.
Guess what? You already know how. Just add your run of the mill controller spec.
# spec/controllers/admin/comments_controller_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe Admin::CommentsController do
it "does awesome stuff"
- inherited_resources / responders?
- formtastic
- meta_search / ransack
- cancan
- bootstrap
Copyright (c) 2012 Kasima Tharnpipitchai. See LICENSE.txt for further details.