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Paddle2ONNX supports the conversion of PaddlePaddle model format to ONNX model format. Through ONNX, it is possible to deploy Paddle models to various inference engines, including TensorRT/OpenVINO/MNN/TNN/NCNN, as well as other inference engines or hardware that support the ONNX open-source format.
Paddle2ONNX depends on paddle3.0, we recommend using Paddle2ONNX in the following environments:
- PaddlePaddle == 3.0.0b2
- onnxruntime >= 1.10.0
If you only want to install Paddle2ONNX without the need for secondary development, you can quickly install Paddle2ONNX by executing the following code.
pip install paddle2onnx
If you wish to conduct secondary development on Paddle2ONNX, please follow the GitHub Source Code Installation Method to compile Paddle2ONNX.
When Paddle2ONNX exports the model, it needs to pass in the deployment model format, including two files
: Indicates the model structuremodel_name.pdiparams
: Indicates model parameters
If adjustments to the input and output of Paddle models are needed, you can visit the Paddle related tools for tutorials.
You can convert Paddle models to ONNX models using the command line with the following command:
paddle2onnx --model_dir model_dir \
--model_filename model.json \
--params_filename model.pdiparams \
--save_file model.onnx
The adjustable conversion parameters are listed in the following table:
Parameter | Parameter Description |
--model_dir | Configure directory path containing Paddle models |
--model_filename | [Optional] Configure the filename to store the network structure under --model_dir |
--params_filename | [Optional] Configure the name of the file to store model parameters under --model_dir |
--save_file | Specify the converted model save directory path |
--opset_version | [Optional] Configure the OpSet version converted to ONNX, currently supports multiple versions such as 7~19, the default is 9 |
--enable_onnx_checker | [Optional] Configure whether to check the correctness of the exported ONNX model, it is recommended to turn on this switch, the default is True |
--enable_auto_update_opset | [Optional] Whether to enable the opset version automatic upgrade function, when the lower version of the opset cannot be converted, automatically select the higher version of the opset for conversion, the default is True |
--deploy_backend | [Optional] Inference engine for quantitative model deployment, supports onnxruntime/rknn/tensorrt, the default is onnxruntime |
--save_calibration_file | [Optional] TensorRT 8.X version deploys the cache file that needs to be read to save the path of the quantitative model, the default is calibration.cache |
--version | [Optional] View paddle2onnx version |
--external_filename | [Optional] When the exported ONNX model is larger than 2G, you need to set the storage path of external data, the recommended setting is: external_data |
--export_fp16_model | [Optional] Whether to convert the exported ONNX model to FP16 format, and use ONNXRuntime-GPU to accelerate inference, the default is False |
--custom_ops | [Optional] Export Paddle OP as ONNX's Custom OP, for example: --custom_ops '{"paddle_op":"onnx_op"}, default is {} |
If you need to adjust ONNX models, please refer to ONNX related tools
If you have optimization needs for the exported ONNX model, we recommend using onnx-simplifier
. You can also optimize the model using the following command.
pip install onnxslim
onnxslim model.onnx slim.onnx
A thriving ecosystem requires everyone's collaborative efforts. Developers can refer to the Paddle2ONNX Contribution Guide to contribute code to Paddle2ONNX.
Provided under the Apache-2.0 license.
- Thanks to the PaddlePaddle team for providing server support for the CI infrastructure of Paddle2ONNX.
- Thanks to community users chenwhql, luotao1, goocody, jeff41404, jzhang553, ZhengBicheng for donating a total of 10,000 RMB to the Paddle2ONNX PMC on March 28, 2024, for the development of Paddle2ONNX.