Here is a table of currently supported themes.
If you have a cool new theme in mind, or want to add one for yourself and others, please see #45.
Name |
Preview |
github |
github_dark |
github_dark_green |
github_dark_red |
react |
vue |
angular |
node |
one_dark |
dracula |
monokai |
material |
night_owl |
ayu |
radical |
merko |
tokyonight |
darcula |
gotham |
| |
blood |
blood_dark |
hacker |
windows |
halloween |
christmas |
catppuccin_latte |
catppuccin_frappe |
catppuccin_macchiato |
catppuccin_mocha |
vs |
bearded |
rainglow |
levike |
0l1v3rr |
android |
discord |
gruvbox |
nord |
facebook |
2077 |
solarized |
solarized_dark |
cyberpunk |
tailwindcss |
jetbrains_new_dark |
dark_minimalist |
slack |
Postman |