Simple two-site DMRG. No support for quantum number conservation.
Tested with Julia 1.3.
pkg> add
In order to run the example scripts in examples/
, you will also need to
pkg> add ArgParse
If you're working with a clone of this repository, you can use the basic application project in examples/
, which already has both LatticeSweeper
and ArgParse
as dependencies.
From the repository root, run
julia --project=examples
and then
pkg> dev .
to create examples/Manifest.toml
with a development version of LatticeSweeper
To run the following examples, you should set the project (e.g. using --project
) to a Julia project that has the prerequisites installed.
julia examples/tfim.jl --help
julia --color=yes examples/tfim.jl -g 1.0 -L 512 --max-sweeps 16
julia examples/dipole_chain.jl --help
julia --color=yes examples/dipole_chain.jl -R 1.0 -N 6 --l-max 2 --max-sweeps 8
The DMRG implementation is based largely on Schollwöck's 2011 review "The density-matrix renormalization group in the age of matrix product states" (preprint).
Provided under the terms of the MIT license.
for more information.